add 'card-query' macro

rcmerci 2021-07-12 23:45:05 +08:00 committed by Tienson Qin
parent 57af1823a7
commit 99bcc8a944
2 changed files with 71 additions and 41 deletions

View File

@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
{:key "Preview Card"
:on-click #(srs/preview [(db/pull [:block/uuid block-id])])}
"Preview Card"))
{:key "Copy as JSON"

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
[frontend.components.svg :as svg]
[frontend.ui :as ui]
[cljs-time.core :as t]
[cljs-time.local :as tl]
[cljs-time.coerce :as tc]
[clojure.string :as string]
[rum.core :as rum]
@ -75,22 +76,19 @@
(defn- save-block-card-properties!
[repo block props]
repo (:block/uuid block)
(property/insert-properties (:block/format block) (:block/content block) props)))
[block props]
(property/insert-properties (:block/format block) (:block/content block) props)
{:force? true}))
(defn- reset-block-card-properties!
[repo block]
(let [f (fn [key content] (property/remove-property (:block/format block) (name key) content false))]
(f card-last-interval-property (:block/content block))
(f card-repeats-property)
(f card-last-easiness-factor)
(f card-last-reviewed-property)
(f card-next-schedule-property)
(#(do (println %) (identity %)))
(editor-handler/save-block! repo (:block/uuid block)))))
(save-block-card-properties! block {card-last-interval-property -1
card-repeats-property 0
card-last-easiness-factor 2.5
card-last-reviewed-property "nil"
card-next-schedule-property "nil"}))
;;; used by other ns
@ -166,6 +164,7 @@
;; `show-phase-2' shows cards with all contents
(show-phase-2 [this])
;; show-phase-1-config & show-phase-2-config control display styles of cards at different phases
(show-phase-1-config [this])
(show-phase-2-config [this]))
@ -227,17 +226,20 @@
(defn- query-scheduled
"Return blocks scheduled to 'time' or before"
[repo query-string time]
(when-let [blocks @(query repo query-string)]
(flatten blocks)
(filterv (fn [b]
(let [props (:block/properties b)
next-sched (get props card-next-schedule-property)
repeats (get props card-repeats-property)]
(or (nil? repeats)
(< repeats 1)
(nil? next-sched)
(t/before? (tc/from-string next-sched) time))))))))
(when-let [*blocks (query repo query-string)]
(when-let [blocks @*blocks]
(flatten blocks)
(filterv (fn [b]
(let [props (:block/properties b)
next-sched (get props card-next-schedule-property)
next-sched* (tc/from-string next-sched)
repeats (get props card-repeats-property)]
(or (nil? repeats)
(< repeats 1)
(nil? next-sched)
(nil? next-sched*)
(t/before? next-sched* time)))))))))
@ -256,8 +258,8 @@
(let [[next-interval next-repeats next-ef of-matrix*]
(next-interval last-interval repeats last-ef score @of-matrix)
next-interval* (if (< next-interval 0) 0 next-interval)
next-schedule (tc/to-string (t/plus (t/now) (t/hours (* 24 next-interval*))))
now (tc/to-string (t/now))]
next-schedule (tc/to-string (t/plus (tl/local-now) (t/hours (* 24 next-interval*))))
now (tc/to-string (tl/local-now))]
{:next-of-matrix of-matrix*
card-last-interval-property next-interval
card-repeats-property next-repeats
@ -273,8 +275,7 @@
result (get-next-interval card score)
next-of-matrix (:next-of-matrix result)]
(reset! of-matrix next-of-matrix)
(save-block-card-properties! (state/get-current-repo)
(db/get-block-by-uuid (:block/uuid block))
(save-block-card-properties! (db/pull [:block/uuid (:block/uuid block)])
(select-keys result
@ -286,8 +287,7 @@
{:pre [(satisfies? ICard card)]}
(let [block (.-block card)]
(reset-block-card-properties! (state/get-current-repo)
(db/get-block-by-uuid (:block/uuid block)))))
(reset-block-card-properties! (db/pull [:block/uuid (:block/uuid block)]))))
;;; ================================================================
@ -316,7 +316,7 @@
< rum/reactive
(rum/local 1 ::phase)
(rum/local 0 ::card-index)
[state cards {read-only :read-only}]
[state cards {read-only :read-only cb :callback}]
(let [card-index (::card-index state)
card (nth cards @card-index)
phase (::phase state)
@ -327,10 +327,10 @@
score-and-next-card-fn (fn [score]
(operation-score! card score)
(if (>= (inc @card-index) (count cards))
(swap! card-index inc)
(reset! phase 1))))]
(do (state/close-modal!)
(and cb (cb)))
(do (swap! card-index inc)
(reset! phase 1))))]
@ -345,7 +345,10 @@
(ui/button (if (= 1 @phase) "Show Answers" "Hide Answers")
:class "w-32 mr-8"
:on-click #(swap! phase (fn [o] (if (= 1 o) 2 1))))]
:on-click #(swap! phase (fn [o] (if (= 1 o) 2 1))))
(ui/button "Reset"
:class "mr-8"
:on-click #(operation-reset! card))]
(when (and (not read-only) (= 2 @phase))
(let [interval-days-score-3 (get (get-next-interval card 3) card-last-interval-property)
interval-days-score-4 (get (get-next-interval card 4) card-last-interval-property)
@ -361,17 +364,20 @@
(Math/round interval-days-score-4)
(Math/round interval-days-score-5))
(ui/button "skip" :on-click #(if (>= (inc @card-index) (count cards))
(do (state/close-modal!)
(and cb (cb)))
(swap! card-index inc)
(reset! phase 1))))]))))]))
(defn preview
(def aaa blocks)
(state/set-modal! #(view (mapv ->card blocks) {:read-only true})))
;;; ================================================================
;;; register some external vars & related UI
;;; register cloze macro
(defn cloze-macro-show
[config options]
@ -384,8 +390,32 @@
(component-macro/register cloze-macro-name cloze-macro-show)
;;; register builtin properties
;;; register card-query macro
(rum/defcs card-query-show
< rum/reactive
(rum/local false ::need-requery)
[state config options]
(let [query (string/join ", " (:arguments options))
sched-blocks (query-scheduled (state/get-current-repo) query (tl/local-now))]
[:code.p-1 (str "Card-Query: " query)]]
{:on-click (fn [_]
(let [sched-blocks* (query-scheduled (state/get-current-repo) query (tl/local-now))]
(when (> (count sched-blocks*) 0)
(state/set-modal! #(view (mapv ->card sched-blocks)
{:callback (fn [] (swap! (::need-requery state) (fn [o] (not o))))})))))}
{:title "click to refresh count"
:on-click #(swap! (::need-requery state) (fn [o] (not o)))}
(count sched-blocks)]]]))
(component-macro/register query-macro-name card-query-show)
;;; register builtin properties
(property/register-built-in-properties #{card-last-interval-property