fix: <! can't be used without go

Tienson Qin 2022-11-30 00:34:48 +08:00
parent 4167c7b5cb
commit 9b41de8ad9
1 changed files with 6 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -779,7 +779,7 @@
(declare <rsapi-cancel-all-requests)
(defn- build-local-file-metadatas
[this graph-uuid result]
[this graph-uuid result read-chan!]
(loop [[[path metadata] & others] (js->clj result)
result #{}]
(if-not (and path metadata)
@ -787,7 +787,7 @@
(let [normalized-path (path-normalize path)
encryptedFname (if (not= path normalized-path)
(first (<! (<encrypt-fnames this graph-uuid [normalized-path])))
(first (read-chan! (<encrypt-fnames this graph-uuid [normalized-path])))
(get metadata "encryptedFname"))]
(recur others
(conj result
@ -816,12 +816,12 @@
(let [r (<! (<retry-rsapi #(p->c (ipc/ipc "get-local-all-files-meta" graph-uuid base-path))))]
(if (instance? ExceptionInfo r)
(build-local-file-metadatas this graph-uuid r)))))
(build-local-file-metadatas this graph-uuid r <!)))))
(<get-local-files-meta [this graph-uuid base-path filepaths]
(let [r (<! (<retry-rsapi #(p->c (ipc/ipc "get-local-files-meta" graph-uuid base-path filepaths))))]
(assert (not (instance? ExceptionInfo r)) "get-local-files-meta shouldn't return exception")
(build-local-file-metadatas this graph-uuid r))))
(build-local-file-metadatas this graph-uuid r <!))))
(<rename-local-file [_ graph-uuid base-path from to]
(<retry-rsapi #(p->c (ipc/ipc "rename-local-file" graph-uuid base-path
(path-normalize from)
@ -900,7 +900,7 @@
:basePath base-path}))))]
(if (instance? ExceptionInfo r)
(build-local-file-metadatas this graph-uuid (.-result r))))))
(build-local-file-metadatas this graph-uuid (.-result r) <!)))))
(<get-local-files-meta [this graph-uuid base-path filepaths]
@ -909,7 +909,7 @@
:basePath base-path
:filePaths filepaths}))))]
(assert (not (instance? ExceptionInfo r)) "get-local-files-meta shouldn't return exception")
(build-local-file-metadatas this graph-uuid (.-result r)))))
(build-local-file-metadatas this graph-uuid (.-result r) <!))))
(<rename-local-file [_ graph-uuid base-path from to]
(p->c (.renameLocalFile mobile-util/file-sync