fix: show bullet when hovering a block on the document mode

related to #5615
Tienson Qin 2022-06-08 15:50:01 +08:00
parent 8cc4b357a4
commit 9b82162038
1 changed files with 6 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -1560,7 +1560,9 @@
(if collapsed?
(editor-handler/expand-block! uuid)
(editor-handler/collapse-block! uuid))))}
[:span {:class (if control-show? "control-show cursor-pointer" "control-hide")}
[:span {:class (if (or collapsed?
(and control-show?
(editor-handler/collapsable? uuid {:semantic? true}))) "control-show cursor-pointer" "control-hide")}
(ui/rotating-arrow collapsed?)]]
(let [bullet [:a {:on-click (fn [event]
(bullet-on-click event block uuid))}
@ -2309,10 +2311,7 @@
[uuid e *control-show? block-id doc-mode?]
(when-not @*dragging?
(util/stop e)
(when (or
(model/block-collapsed? uuid)
(editor-handler/collapsable? uuid {:semantic? true}))
(reset! *control-show? true))
(reset! *control-show? true)
(when-let [parent (gdom/getElement block-id)]
(let [node (.querySelector parent ".bullet-container")]
(when doc-mode?
@ -2791,12 +2790,12 @@
(str (count transformed-query-result) " results")]]
;;insert an "edit" button in the query view
{:on-mouse-down (fn [e]
(util/stop e)
(editor-handler/edit-block! current-block :max (:block/uuid current-block)))}
(fn []
(when (and current-block (not view-f) (nil? table-view?))