enhance(ux): WIP interaction for the dropdown property editor

charlie 2024-08-20 19:27:38 +08:00
parent ac2417a9fb
commit 9d62813fbc
4 changed files with 117 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -434,7 +434,8 @@
:on-click (fn [^js e]
(when-not disabled?
(shui/popup-show! (.-target e) content-fn
{:content-props {:class "ls-icon-picker"
{:id :ls-icon-picker
:content-props {:class "ls-icon-picker"
:onEscapeKeyDown #(.preventDefault %)}})))}
(if has-icon?
[:span {:style {:color (or (:color icon-value) "inherit")}}

View File

@ -667,7 +667,8 @@
(shui/popup-show! (.-target e)
(fn [{:keys [id]}]
(property-v2/dropdown-editor id property))
{:content-props {:class "ls-property-dropdown-editor"}
{:class "ls-property-dropdown-editor as-root"}
:align "start"
:as-dropdown? true}))
:on-click (fn [^js e]

View File

@ -333,3 +333,31 @@ a.control-link {
.ls-property-name-edit-pane {
@apply px-2 pt-2 pb-1;
> .input-wrap {
@apply gap-1.5;
> .ui__button:first-child {
@apply border;
> span {
@apply flex items-center;
> .ui__input:last-child {
@apply !h-[29px];
.ls-property-choices-sub-pane {
@apply px-2 pt-2 pb-1;
.ls-property-ui-position-sub-pane {
@apply w-[240px] p-0;

View File

@ -1,43 +1,107 @@
(ns frontend.components.property-v2
(:require [frontend.components.icon :as icon-component]
[frontend.handler.db-based.property :as db-property-handler]
[frontend.db :as db]
[frontend.util :as util]
[logseq.shui.ui :as shui]
[logseq.shui.popup.core :as popup-core]
[promesa.core :as p]
[goog.dom :as gdom]
[rum.core :as rum]))
(rum/defc dropdown-editor-menuitem
[{:keys [icon title desc submenu-content item-props disabled? toggle-checked? on-toggle-checked-change]}]
(rum/defc name-edit-pane
(let [title (:block/title property)
icon (:logseq.property/icon property)
*input-ref (rum/use-ref nil)]
(let [toggle? (boolean? toggle-checked?)
id (str "dem-" icon)
(fn []
(js/console.log "==>>>> name editor SET-UP!", property)
#(js/console.log "==>>>> name editor BYE!"))
(icon-component/icon-picker icon {:on-chosen (fn [_e icon]
(:db/ident property)
(:block/schema property)
{:properties {:logseq.property/icon icon}}))})
(shui/input {:ref *input-ref :size "sm" :default-value title})]
[:div.pt-2 (shui/textarea {:placeholder "description"})]
(shui/button {:size "sm" :disabled true
:variant :secondary} "Save")]]))
(defn restore-root-highlight-item!
#(some-> (gdom/getElement id) (.focus)) 32))
(rum/defc dropdown-editor-menuitem
[{:keys [id icon title desc submenu-content item-props sub-content-props disabled? toggle-checked? on-toggle-checked-change]}]
(let [[sub-open? set-sub-open!] (rum/use-state false)
toggle? (boolean? toggle-checked?)
id1 (str "d1-" (or id icon))
id2 (str "d2-" id1)
or-close-menu-sub! (fn []
(when-not (popup-core/get-popup :ls-icon-picker)
(set-sub-open! false)
(restore-root-highlight-item! id1)))
wrap-menuitem (if submenu-content
(shui/dropdown-menu-sub-trigger (merge {} item-props) %)
{:open sub-open?
:on-open-change (fn [v] (if v (set-sub-open! true) (or-close-menu-sub!)))}
(shui/dropdown-menu-sub-trigger (merge {:id id1} item-props) %)
(merge {:hideWhenDetached true
:onEscapeKeyDown or-close-menu-sub!} sub-content-props)
(if (fn? submenu-content)
(submenu-content) submenu-content)))
(submenu-content {:set-sub-open! set-sub-open! :id id1}) submenu-content))))
(merge {:on-select (fn []
(when toggle?
(some-> (gdom/getElement id) (.click))))}
(some-> (gdom/getElement id2) (.click))))
:id id1}
item-props) %))]
{:class (util/classnames [{:disabled disabled?}])}
(shui/tabler-icon (name icon))
(some-> icon (name) (shui/tabler-icon))
[:span title]]
(if (fn? desc) (desc)
(if (boolean? toggle-checked?)
(shui/switch {:id id :size "sm" :default-checked toggle-checked?
(shui/switch {:id id2 :size "sm" :default-checked toggle-checked?
:disabled disabled? :on-click #(util/stop-propagation %)
:on-checked-change (or on-toggle-checked-change identity)})]
[:small [:span desc]
(when disabled? (shui/tabler-icon "forbid-2" {:size 15}))]))])))
(rum/defc dropdown-editor
(rum/defc choices-sub-pane
(dropdown-editor-menuitem {})])
(rum/defc ui-position-sub-pane
[_property {:keys [id set-sub-open!]}]
(let [handle-select! (fn [^js e]
(shui/toast! (.-innerText (.-target e)))
(set-sub-open! false)
(restore-root-highlight-item! id))
item-props {:on-select handle-select!}]
(dropdown-editor-menuitem {:icon :layout-distribute-horizontal :title "Block properties" :item-props item-props})
(dropdown-editor-menuitem {:icon :layout-align-right :title "Beginning of the block" :item-props item-props})
(dropdown-editor-menuitem {:icon :layout-align-left :title "End of the block" :item-props item-props})
(dropdown-editor-menuitem {:icon :layout-align-top :title "Below of the block" :item-props item-props})]))
(rum/defc dropdown-editor-impl
"popup-id: dropdown popup id
property: block entity"
[popup-id property]
@ -46,16 +110,17 @@
icon (when icon (icon-component/icon icon {:size 15}))]
(dropdown-editor-menuitem {:icon :edit :title "Property name" :desc [:span.flex.items-center.gap-1 icon title]
:submenu-content (fn [] [:p.p-3 [:strong "edit name pane???"]])})
:submenu-content (fn [] (name-edit-pane property))})
(dropdown-editor-menuitem {:icon :hash :title "Schema type" :desc "Date" :disabled? true})
(dropdown-editor-menuitem {:icon :list :title "Available choices" :desc "4 choices"
:submenu-content (fn [] [:p.p-3 [:strong "choices pane???"]])})
:submenu-content (fn [] (choices-sub-pane property))})
(dropdown-editor-menuitem {:icon :checks :title "Multiple values" :toggle-checked? true :disabled? true
:on-toggle-checked-change (fn [v] (shui/toast! (str title ": " v)))})
(dropdown-editor-menuitem {:icon :float-left :title "UI position" :desc "beginning of the block"
:submenu-content (fn [] [:p.p-3 [:strong "position???"]])})
:item-props {:class "ui__position-trigger-item"}
:submenu-content (fn [ops] (ui-position-sub-pane property ops))})
(dropdown-editor-menuitem {:icon :eye-off :title "Hide by default" :toggle-checked? false
:on-toggle-checked-change (fn [v] (shui/toast! (str title ": " v)))})
@ -67,3 +132,8 @@
(util/stop e)
(-> (shui/dialog-confirm! "remove?")
(p/then (fn [] (shui/popup-hide! popup-id)))))}})]))
(rum/defc dropdown-editor < rum/reactive
[popup-id property]
(let [property1 (db/sub-block (:db/id property))]
(dropdown-editor-impl popup-id property1)))