enhance(toggle): fix `t o` doesn't collapse all blocks && add `Exppand all` and `Collapse all` menu item for toggling block && auto expand children of the top block if collapse(fix #3222) && basic support for toggling by clicking the left bar of the block (see https://discuss.logseq.com/t/collapse-all-child-bullets-by-clicking-the-alignment-line/1937/3)

shidenggui 2021-12-23 20:04:50 +08:00 committed by Tienson Qin
parent b6af68189f
commit 9e117d2618
3 changed files with 77 additions and 33 deletions

View File

@ -1336,6 +1336,8 @@
(defn- bullet-on-click
[e block uuid]
(if (-> block :block/properties :collapsed)
(editor-handler/expand-all! uuid (:block/level block)))
(if (gobj/get e "shiftKey")
@ -1346,6 +1348,14 @@
(util/stop e))
(route-handler/redirect-to-page! uuid)))
(defn- block-left-border-on-click
[e children]
(if (< (.-offsetX (.-nativeEvent e)) 10)
(let [block-ids (map :block/uuid children)]
(if (some editor-handler/collapsable? block-ids)
(dorun (map editor-handler/collapse-block! block-ids))
(dorun (map editor-handler/expand-block! block-ids))))))
(rum/defc block-children < rum/reactive
[config children collapsed? *ref-collapsed?]
(let [ref? (:ref? config)
@ -1355,12 +1365,13 @@
(seq children)
(not collapsed?))
(let [doc-mode? (state/sub :document/mode?)]
[:div.block-children {:style {:margin-left (if doc-mode? 18
(if (or (mobile-util/native-android?)
:display (if collapsed? "none" "")}}
[:div.block-children {:style {:margin-left (if doc-mode? 18
(if (or (mobile-util/native-android?)
:display (if collapsed? "none" "")}
:on-click (fn [event] (block-left-border-on-click event children))}
(for [child children]
(when (map? child)
(let [child (dissoc child :block/meta)

View File

@ -234,6 +234,18 @@
(editor-handler/cut-block! block-id))}
{:key "Expand all"
:on-click (fn [_e]
(editor-handler/expand-all! block-id))}
"Expand all")
{:key "Collapse all"
:on-click (fn [_e]
(editor-handler/collapse-all! block-id))}
"Collapse all")
(when (state/sub [:plugin/simple-commands])
(when-let [cmds (state/get-plugins-commands-with-type :block-context-menu-item)]
(for [[_ {:keys [key label] :as cmd} action pid] cmds]

View File

@ -3305,8 +3305,20 @@
(util/forward-kill-word input)
(state/set-edit-content! (state/get-edit-input-id) (.-value input))))
(defn collapsable? [block-id]
(if-let [block (db-model/query-block-by-uuid block-id)]
(let [block (block/parse-title-and-body block)]
(nil? (-> block :block/properties :collapsed))
(or (not-empty (:block/body block))
(db-model/has-children? block-id))))
(defn all-blocks-with-level
"Return all blocks associated with correct level
if :root-block is not nil, only return root block with its children
if :max-level is not nil, only return blocks that level <= :max-level
if :expanded? true, return expanded children
if :collapse? true, return without any collapsed children
for example:
- a
@ -3319,7 +3331,7 @@
[{:block a :level 1}
{:block b :level 2}
{:block e :level 2}]"
[{:keys [collapse?] :or {collapse? false}}]
[{:keys [collapse? expanded? root-block max-level] :or {collapse? false expanded? false root-block nil max-level nil}}]
(when-let [page (or (state/get-current-page)
@ -3327,24 +3339,27 @@
(tree/blocks->vec-tree page))
(#(if collapse?
(fn [x]
(if (and (map? x) (-> x :block/properties :collapsed))
(assoc x :block/children []) x)) %) %))
(#(cond->> %
root-block (map (fn find [root]
(if (= root-block (:block/uuid root))
(first (filter find (:block/children root []))))))))
(#(cond->> %
collapse? (w/postwalk
(fn [x]
(if (and (map? x) (-> x :block/properties :collapsed))
(assoc x :block/children []) x)))))
(mapcat (fn [x] (tree-seq map? :block/children x)))
(map (fn [x] (dissoc x :block/children))))))
(#(cond->> %
expanded? (filter (fn [b] (collapsable? (:block/uuid b))))))
(defn collapsable? [block-id]
(if-let [block (db-model/query-block-by-uuid block-id)]
(let [block (block/parse-title-and-body block)]
(nil? (-> block :block/properties :collapsed))
(or (not-empty (:block/body block))
(db-model/has-children? block-id))))
(#(cond->> %
max-level (filter (fn [b] (>= max-level (:block/level b))))))
(map (fn [x] (dissoc x :block/children))))))
(defn collapse-block! [block-id]
(when (collapsable? block-id)
@ -3425,20 +3440,26 @@
(collapse-block! uuid))))))))))
(defn- collapse-all!
(let [blocks-to-collapse
(->> (all-blocks-with-level {:collapse? true})
(filter (fn [b] (collapsable? (:block/uuid b)))))]
(when (seq blocks-to-collapse)
(doseq [{:block/keys [uuid]} blocks-to-collapse]
(collapse-block! uuid)))))
(collapse-all! nil))
(collapse-all! block-id nil))
([block-id max-level]
(let [blocks-to-collapse (all-blocks-with-level {:expanded? true :root-block block-id :max-level max-level})]
(when (seq blocks-to-collapse)
(doseq [{:block/keys [uuid]} blocks-to-collapse]
(collapse-block! uuid))))))
(defn- expand-all!
(->> (all-blocks-with-level {})
(filter (fn [b] (-> b :block/properties :collapsed)))
(map (comp expand-block! :block/uuid))
(expand-all! nil))
(expand-all! block-id nil))
([block-id max-level]
(->> (all-blocks-with-level {:root-block block-id :max-level max-level})
(filter (fn [b] (-> b :block/properties :collapsed)))
(map (comp expand-block! :block/uuid))
(defn toggle-open! []
(let [all-collapsed?