refactor: extract file ops

Tienson Qin 2021-09-06 09:20:06 +08:00
parent f12f58d3fa
commit 9edaae559d
1 changed files with 33 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -191,43 +191,46 @@
(map :block/body blocks))
(defn delete-file!
[repo page-name]
(let [file (db/get-page-file page-name)
file-path (:file/path file)]
;; delete file
(when-not (string/blank? file-path)
(db/transact! [[:db.fn/retractEntity [:file/path file-path]]])
(p/let [_ (or (config/local-db? repo) (git/remove-file repo file-path))
_ (fs/unlink! repo (config/get-repo-path repo file-path) nil)]
(repo-handler/push-if-auto-enabled! repo))
(p/catch (fn [err]
(js/console.error "error: " err)))))))
(defn delete!
[page-name ok-handler]
(when page-name
(when-let [repo (state/get-current-repo)]
(let [page-name (string/lower-case page-name)]
(let [file (db/get-page-file page-name)
file-path (:file/path file)]
;; delete file
(when-not (string/blank? file-path)
(db/transact! [[:db.fn/retractEntity [:file/path file-path]]])
(let [blocks (db/get-page-blocks page-name)
tx-data (mapv
(fn [block]
[:db.fn/retractEntity [:block/uuid (:block/uuid block)]])
(db/transact! tx-data)
;; remove file
(p/let [_ (or (config/local-db? repo) (git/remove-file repo file-path))
_ (fs/unlink! repo (config/get-repo-path repo file-path) nil)]
(repo-handler/push-if-auto-enabled! repo))
(p/catch (fn [err]
(js/console.error "error: " err))))))
(let [page-name (string/lower-case page-name)
blocks (db/get-page-blocks page-name)
tx-data (mapv
(fn [block]
[:db.fn/retractEntity [:block/uuid (:block/uuid block)]])
(db/transact! tx-data)
(delete-file! repo page-name)
;; if other page alias this pagename,
;; then just remove some attrs of this entity instead of retractEntity
(if (model/get-alias-source-page (state/get-current-repo) page-name)
(when-let [id (:db/id (db/entity [:block/name page-name]))]
(let [txs (mapv (fn [attribute]
[:db/retract id attribute])
(db/transact! txs)))
(db/transact! [[:db.fn/retractEntity [:block/name page-name]]]))
;; if other page alias this pagename,
;; then just remove some attrs of this entity instead of retractEntity
(if (model/get-alias-source-page (state/get-current-repo) page-name)
(when-let [id (:db/id (db/entity [:block/name page-name]))]
(let [txs (mapv (fn [attribute]
[:db/retract id attribute])
(db/transact! txs)))
(db/transact! [[:db.fn/retractEntity [:block/name page-name]]]))
(defn- compute-new-file-path
[old-path new-page-name]