add charge-strength slider

Morgan Plain 2023-12-21 19:34:39 +01:00 committed by Tienson Qin
parent 2001b6fca5
commit a05bc1c05a
4 changed files with 40 additions and 27 deletions

View File

@ -542,28 +542,32 @@
(defonce *n-hops (atom nil))
(defonce *focus-nodes (atom []))
(defonce *graph-reset? (atom false))
(defonce *graph-forcereset? (atom false))
(defonce *journal? (atom nil))
(defonce *orphan-pages? (atom true))
(defonce *builtin-pages? (atom nil))
(defonce *excluded-pages? (atom true))
(defonce *show-journals-in-page-graph? (atom nil))
(defonce *link-dist (atom 75))
(defonce *link-dist (atom 70))
(defonce *charge-strength (atom -600))
(rum/defc ^:large-vars/cleanup-todo graph-filters < rum/reactive
[graph settings forcesettings n-hops]
(let [{:keys [journal? orphan-pages? builtin-pages? excluded-pages?]
:or {orphan-pages? true}} settings
{:keys [link-dist]} forcesettings
{:keys [link-dist charge-strength]} forcesettings
journal?' (rum/react *journal?)
orphan-pages?' (rum/react *orphan-pages?)
builtin-pages?' (rum/react *builtin-pages?)
excluded-pages?' (rum/react *excluded-pages?)
link-dist' (rum/react *link-dist)
charge-strength' (rum/react *charge-strength)
journal? (if (nil? journal?') journal? journal?')
orphan-pages? (if (nil? orphan-pages?') orphan-pages? orphan-pages?')
builtin-pages? (if (nil? builtin-pages?') builtin-pages? builtin-pages?')
excluded-pages? (if (nil? excluded-pages?') excluded-pages? excluded-pages?')
link-dist (if (nil? link-dist') link-dist link-dist')
charge-strength (if (nil? charge-strength') charge-strength charge-strength')
set-setting! (fn [key value]
(let [new-settings (assoc settings key value)]
(config-handler/set-config! :graph/settings new-settings)))
@ -692,34 +696,37 @@
;; (util/format "%d page%s, %d link%s" c1 s1 c2 s2)
(util/format "%d page%s" c1 s1))]
[:span "Exclude2"]
(ui/toggle excluded-pages?
(fn []
(let [value (not excluded-pages?)]
(reset! *excluded-pages? value)
(set-setting! :excluded-pages? value)))
[:p {:title "Link Distance"}
"Link Distance"]
(ui/tippy {:html [ link-dist]}
(ui/slider link-dist
{:min 5
:max 180
(ui/slider (/ link-dist 10)
{:min 1 ;; 10
:max 18 ;; 180
;; :on-change #(reset! *link-dist (int %))}))]
:on-change #(let [value (int %)]
(reset! *link-dist value)
(set-forcesetting! :link-dist value))}))]
(reset! *link-dist (* value 10))
(set-forcesetting! :link-dist (* value 10)))}))]
;; :on-change #(let [value (util/evalue %)]
;; (reset! *link-dist value)
;; (set-forcesetting! :link-dist value))}))]
[:p {:title "Charge Strength"}
"Charge Strength"]
(ui/tippy {:html [ charge-strength]}
(ui/slider (/ charge-strength 100)
{:min -10 ;;-1000
:max 10 ;;1000
:on-change #(let [value (int %)]
(reset! *charge-strength (* value 100))
(set-forcesetting! :charge-strength (* value 100)))}))]
[:a.opacity-70.opacity-100 {:on-click (fn []
(swap! *graph-reset? not)
(reset! *link-dist 75))}
"Reset Graph"]]]))
(swap! *graph-forcereset? not)
(reset! *link-dist 70)
(reset! *charge-strength -600))}
"Reset Forces"]]]))
[:span.font-medium "Export"]
@ -755,7 +762,9 @@
dark? (= theme "dark")
n-hops (rum/react *n-hops)
link-dist (rum/react *link-dist)
charge-strength (rum/react *charge-strength)
reset? (rum/react *graph-reset?)
forcereset? (rum/react *graph-forcereset?)
focus-nodes (when n-hops (rum/react *focus-nodes))
graph (if (and (integer? n-hops)
(seq focus-nodes)
@ -775,10 +784,12 @@
:height (- height 48)
:dark? dark?
:link-dist link-dist
:charge-strength charge-strength
(fn [graph]
(graph-register-handlers graph *focus-nodes *n-hops dark?))
:reset? reset?})
:reset? reset?
:forcereset? forcereset?})
(graph-filters graph settings forcesettings n-hops)]))
(defn- filter-graph-nodes

View File

@ -51,9 +51,9 @@
{:did-update pixi/render!
:should-update (fn [old-state new-state]
(not= (select-keys (first (:rum/args old-state))
[:nodes :links :dark? :link-dist])
[:nodes :links :dark? :link-dist :charge-strength])
(select-keys (first (:rum/args new-state))
[:nodes :links :dark? :link-dist])))
[:nodes :links :dark? :link-dist :charge-strength])))
:will-unmount (fn [state]
(reset! pixi/*graph-instance nil)

View File

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
(defn layout!
"Node forces documentation can be read in more detail here"
[nodes links link-dist]
[nodes links link-dist charge-strength]
(let [nodes-count (count nodes)
simulation (forceSimulation nodes)]
(-> simulation
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
(.theta 0.5)
;; A positive value causes nodes to attract each other, similar to gravity,
;; while a negative value causes nodes to repel each other, similar to electrostatic charge.
(.strength -600)))
(.strength charge-strength)))
(.force "collision"
(-> (forceCollide)
(.radius (+ 8 18))
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
(when @*graph-instance
(clear-nodes! (:graph @*graph-instance))
(let [{:keys [nodes links style hover-style height register-handlers-fn dark? link-dist]} (first (:rum/args state))
(let [{:keys [nodes links style hover-style height register-handlers-fn dark? link-dist charge-strength]} (first (:rum/args state))
style (or style (default-style dark?))
hover-style (or hover-style (default-hover-style dark?))
graph (Graph.)
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
links (remove (fn [{:keys [source target]}] (or (nil? source) (nil? target))) links)
nodes-js (bean/->js nodes)
links-js (bean/->js links)
simulation (layout! nodes-js links-js link-dist)]
simulation (layout! nodes-js links-js link-dist charge-strength)]
(doseq [node nodes-js]
(try (.addNode graph (.-id node) node)
(catch :default e

View File

@ -294,7 +294,9 @@
;; Graph view configuration.
;; Example usage:
;; :graph/forcesettings
;; {:link-dist 180} ; Default value: 180
;; {:link-dist 180 ; Default value: 180
;; :charge-strength -600} ; Default value: -600
;; Favorites to list on the left sidebar
:favorites []