add group-errors option to validation script

Reduces error noise and helped fix last two bugs.
Also improved schema by making left, parent and format
required for all normal blocks
Gabriel Horner 2023-10-04 15:32:33 -04:00
parent a19806839c
commit a2a7f47057
1 changed files with 93 additions and 46 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
(ns logseq.tasks.db-graph.validate-client-db
"Script that validates the datascript db of a db graph.
Currently only validates :block/schema but it will validate much more ..."
"Script that validates the datascript db of a db graph"
(:require [logseq.db.sqlite.cli :as sqlite-cli]
[logseq.db.sqlite.db :as sqlite-db]
[datascript.core :as d]
@ -38,46 +37,47 @@
[:block/tx-id {:optional true} :int]])
(def page-block
[[:block/name :string]
[:block/original-name :string]
[:block/type {:optional true} [:enum "property" "class" "object" "whiteboard"]]
[:block/namespace {:optional true} :int]
[:map {:closed false}]
[[:block/name :string]
[:block/original-name :string]
[:block/type {:optional true} [:enum "property" "class" "object" "whiteboard"]]
[:block/namespace {:optional true} :int]
;; TODO: journal?, journal-day and format optional b/c of property
[:block/journal? {:optional true} :boolean]
[:block/journal-day {:optional true} :int]
[:block/format {:optional true} [:enum :markdown]]
[:block/journal? {:optional true} :boolean]
[:block/journal-day {:optional true} :int]
;; block/format optional b/c of property, objects and built-in pages
[:block/format {:optional true} [:enum :markdown]]
;; TODO: Should this be here?
[:block/path-refs {:optional true} :any]
[:block/path-refs {:optional true} :any]
;; TODO: collapsed only for linked
[:block/collapsed? {:optional true} :boolean]
[:block/collapsed? {:optional true} :boolean]
;; TODO: Required for property and class types
{:optional true}
{:closed false}
{:optional true}
{:closed false}
;; TODO: only validate most of these for property blocks
[:type {:optional true} :keyword]
[:enum-config {:optional true} :map] ;; TODO
[:cardinality {:optional true} [:enum :one :many]]
[:classes {:optional true} [:set :uuid]]
[:description {:optional true} :string]
[:hide? {:optional true} :boolean]
[:type {:optional true} :keyword]
[:enum-config {:optional true} :map] ;; TODO
[:cardinality {:optional true} [:enum :one :many]]
[:classes {:optional true} [:set :uuid]]
[:description {:optional true} :string]
[:hide? {:optional true} :boolean]
;; TODO: require this for class blocks
[:properties {:optional true} [:vector :uuid]]]]]
[:properties {:optional true} [:vector :uuid]]]]]
(def block-attrs
"Common attributes for normal blocks"
;; refs
[[:block/page :int]
;; refs
;; TODO: left, parent are only optional b/c of dummy blocks
[:block/left {:optional true} :int]
[:block/parent {:optional true} :int]
[:block/path-refs {:optional true} :any] ;;TODO
[:block/format {:optional true} [:enum :markdown]]
[:block/link {:optional true} :int]
;; other
[:block/format [:enum :markdown]]
[:block/marker {:optional true} :string]
[:block/priority {:optional true} :string]
[:block/collapsed? {:optional true} :boolean]]
@ -85,16 +85,31 @@
(def normal-block
"A normal block is a block with content and a page"
(into block-attrs
[[:block/content :string]
[:block/link {:optional true} :int]]))
[:map {:closed false}]
[[:block/content :string]
[:block/left :int]
[:block/parent :int]])))
;; TODO: Remove this when bug is fixed with blank content that has no
;; :block/left or :block/parent
(def normal-dummy-block
[:map {:closed false}]
[[:block/content [:= ""]]])))
;; TODO: Figure out where this is coming from
(def unknown-empty-block
[[:block/uuid :uuid]])
[:map {:closed true}
[:block/uuid :uuid]])
(def file-block
[[:block/uuid :uuid]
[:map {:closed true}
[:block/uuid :uuid]
[:block/tx-id {:optional true} :int]
[:file/content :string]
[:file/path :string]
@ -104,14 +119,40 @@
(def client-db-schema
(into [:map {:closed false}] page-block)
(into [:map {:closed false}] normal-block)
(into [:map {:closed true}] file-block)
(into [:map {:closed true}] unknown-empty-block)]])
(defn- build-grouped-errors [db full-maps errors]
(->> errors
(group-by #(-> % :in first))
(map (fn [[idx errors']]
{:entity (update (get full-maps idx)
;; Provide additional page info for debugging
(fn [id] (when id
(select-keys (d/entity db id)
[:block/name :block/type :db/id :block/created-at]))))
;; Group by type to reduce verbosity
(->> (group-by :type errors')
(map (fn [[type' type-errors]]
{:in-value-distinct (->> type-errors
(map #(select-keys % [:in :value]))
:schema-distinct (->> (map :schema type-errors)
(map m/form)
(into {}))}))))
(defn validate-client-db
"Validate datascript db as a vec of entity maps"
[ent-maps {:keys [closed-maps verbose]}]
[db ent-maps {:keys [closed-maps verbose group-errors]}]
(let [schema (if closed-maps
(walk/postwalk (fn [e]
(if (and (vector? e)
@ -129,11 +170,15 @@
(println "Found" (count errors) "errors:")
(if verbose
(let [full-maps (vec (vals ent-maps))]
(map #(assoc %
:entity (get full-maps (-> % :in first))
:schema (m/form (:schema %)))
(if group-errors
(let [ent-errors (build-grouped-errors db full-maps errors)]
(pprint/pprint ent-errors)
(println "Found" (count ent-errors) "entities in errors"))
(map #(assoc %
:entity (get full-maps (-> % :in first))
:schema (m/form (:schema %)))
(pprint/pprint errors))
(js/process.exit 1))
(println "Valid!"))))
@ -153,7 +198,9 @@
:verbose {:alias :v
:desc "Print more info"}
:closed-maps {:alias :c
:desc "Validate maps marked with closed as :closed"}})
:desc "Validate maps marked with closed as :closed"}
:group-errors {:alias :g
:desc "Groups errors by their entity id with --verbose enabled"}})
(defn- validate-graph [graph-dir options]
(let [[dir db-name] (if (string/includes? graph-dir "/")
@ -167,7 +214,7 @@
datoms (d/datoms @conn :eavt)
ent-maps (datoms->entity-maps datoms)]
(println "Read graph" (str db-name " with " (count datoms) " datoms!"))
(validate-client-db ent-maps options)))
(validate-client-db @conn ent-maps options)))
(defn -main [argv]
(let [{:keys [args opts]} (cli/parse-args argv {:spec spec})