Various fixes

Ben Yorke 2023-10-31 19:05:28 +01:00
parent d8d3619c43
commit a49df0480f
1 changed files with 38 additions and 49 deletions

View File

@ -155,8 +155,8 @@
(let [!input (::input state)
!results (::results state)]
(if (empty? @!input)
(swap! !results assoc group {:status :success :items default-search-actions})
(swap! !results assoc group {:status :success :items nil}))))
(swap! !results update group merge {:status :success :items default-search-actions})
(swap! !results update group merge {:status :success :items nil}))))
;; The commands search uses the command-palette hander
(defmethod load-results :commands [group state]
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
!results (::results state)]
(swap! !results assoc-in [group :status] :loading)
(if (empty? @!input)
(swap! !results assoc group {:status :success :items default-commands})
(swap! !results update group merge {:status :success :items default-commands})
(->> (cp-handler/top-commands 1000)
(map #(assoc % :t (cp/translate t %)))
(filter #(string/includes? (lower-case-str (pr-str %)) (lower-case-str @!input)))
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
:shortcut (:shortcut %)
:source-command %))
(hash-map :status :success :items)
(swap! !results assoc group)))))
(swap! !results update group merge)))))
;; The pages search action uses an existing handler
(defmethod load-results :pages [group state]
@ -196,9 +196,9 @@
:icon-theme :gray
:text %
:source-page %) non-boards)]
(swap! !results assoc group {:status :success :items non-board-items}
(swap! !results update group merge {:status :success :items non-board-items})
; (swap! !results assoc :whiteboards {:status :success :items whiteboard-items}
:whiteboards {:status :success :items whiteboard-items}))))
(swap! !results update :whiteboards merge {:status :success :items whiteboard-items}))))
;; The blocks search action uses an existing handler
(defmethod load-results :blocks [group state]
@ -226,8 +226,8 @@
; ; (js/console.log "load-results/blocks"
; ; (clj->js blocks)
; ; (pr-str (first blocks)))
(swap! !results assoc group {:status :success :items items-on-other-pages}
:current-page {:status :success :items items-on-current-page}))))
(swap! !results update group merge {:status :success :items items-on-other-pages})
(swap! !results update :current-page merge {:status :success :items items-on-current-page}))))
; (defmethod load-results :whiteboards [group state]
; (let [!input (::input state)
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
:source-recent %
:source-page (when (= :page (:type %)) (:data %))
:source-search (when (= :search (:type %)) (:data %)))))]
(swap! !results assoc group {:status :success :items items}))))
(swap! !results update group merge {:status :success :items items}))))
; (swap! !results assoc group {:status :success :items recent-items})))
@ -289,14 +289,8 @@
(filter #(string/includes? (lower-case-str (pr-str %)) (lower-case-str pval)))
(into items)))]
(js/console.log "load-results/filters" #js {:pkey pkey :pval pval})
(swap! !results assoc group {:status :success :items items})))
(swap! !results update group merge {:status :success :items items})))
(let [[_ pkey pval] (re-matches #".*?(\S*)::\s?(\S*)" " testing for a ::val")]
[pkey pval])
(string/includes? "adufghwrjg" "")
; (search/property-search "a")
;; The default load-results function triggers all the other load-results function
(defmethod load-results :default [_ state]
@ -309,21 +303,7 @@
(load-results :blocks state)
(load-results :pages state)
(load-results :filters state)
; (load-results :files state)
(load-results :recents state))))
; ; (load-results :whiteboards state)
; (def search [query]
; (load-results :search-actions state))
; (let [repo (state/get-current-repo)
; limit 5
; current-page-db-id nil
; opts {:limit limit}]
; (p/let [blocks (search/block-search repo q opts)
; pages (search/page-search q)
; pages-content (when current-page-db-id (search/page-content-search repo q opts))
; files (search/file-search q)
; commands])))
(defn close-unless-alt! [state]
(when-not (some-> state ::alt? deref)
@ -485,20 +465,12 @@
(when (not highlighted?)
(reset! (::highlighted-item state) (assoc item :mouse-enter-triggered-highlight true))))
:on-highlight (fn [ref]
(reset! (::highlighted-group state) group)
(when (and ref (.-current ref) (< 2 (:item-index item))
(not (:mouse-enter-triggered-highlight @(::highlighted-item state))))
(.. ref -current (scrollIntoView #js {:block "center"
:inline "nearest"
:behavior "smooth"})))
(case group
:search-actions (reset! (::actions state) [:close :filter])
:filters (reset! (::actions state) [:testing])
:commands (reset! (::actions state) [:close :trigger])
:pages (reset! (::actions state) [:close :copy-page-ref :open-page-right :open-page])
:blocks (reset! (::actions state) [:close :copy-block-ref :open-block-right :open-block])
:create (reset! (::actions state) [:close :create])
:recents (reset! (::actions state) [:close :open])
(reset! (::actions state) [:close]))))
:behavior "smooth"})))))
(defn move-highlight [state n]
@ -530,20 +502,35 @@
(defonce keydown-handler
(fn [state e]
(let [shift? (.-shiftKey e)
alt? (.-altKey e)]
meta? (.-metaKey e)
alt? (.-altKey e)
show-less (fn [] (swap! (::results state) update-in [@(::highlighted-group state) :show] #(case % :less :none :less)))
show-more (fn [] (swap! (::results state) update-in [@(::highlighted-group state) :show] #(case % :none :less :more)))]
(reset! (::shift? state) shift?)
(reset! (::meta? state) meta?)
(reset! (::alt? state) alt?)
(when (#{"ArrowDown" "ArrowUp"} (.-key e))
(.preventDefault e))
(when (and meta? (#{"ArrowLeft" "ArrowRight"} (.-key e)))
(.preventDefault e))
(when (and meta? shift? (#{"," "."} (.-key e)))
(.preventDefault e))
(case (.-key e)
"ArrowDown" (move-highlight state 1)
"ArrowUp" (move-highlight state -1)
"Enter" (if shift?
(handle-action :default state e))
"Escape" (when (seq @(::input state))
(.preventDefault e)
(.stopPropagation e)
(handle-input-change state nil ""))
"," (when (and meta? shift?) (show-less))
"." (when (and meta? shift?) (show-more))
; "ArrowLeft" (when meta? (show-less))
; "ArrowRight" (when meta? (show-more))
"ArrowDown" (if meta?
(move-highlight state 1))
"ArrowUp" (if meta?
(move-highlight state -1))
"Enter" (handle-action :default state e)
"Escape" (when (seq @(::input state))
(.preventDefault e)
(.stopPropagation e)
(handle-input-change state nil ""))
(defonce keyup-handler
@ -658,7 +645,9 @@
(rum/local "" ::input)
(rum/local false ::shift?)
(rum/local false ::meta?)
(rum/local false ::alt?)
(rum/local nil ::highlighted-group)
(rum/local nil ::highlighted-item)
(rum/local nil ::keydown-handler)
(rum/local nil ::keyup-handler)