improve(ui): support ESC close global modal dialog

charlie 2021-02-28 12:55:55 +08:00
parent ee4b126c33
commit a6ed392d7a
3 changed files with 42 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -52,15 +52,16 @@
;; (dissoc state name))})
(defn hide-when-esc-or-outside
[state & {:keys [on-hide node visibilitychange?]}]
[state & {:keys [on-hide node visibilitychange? outside?]}]
(let [dom-node (rum/dom-node state)]
(when-let [dom-node (or node dom-node)]
(listen state js/window "mousedown"
(fn [e]
;; If the click target is outside of current node
(when-not (dom/contains dom-node (.. e -target))
(on-hide state e :click))))
(or (false? outside?)
(listen state js/window "mousedown"
(fn [e]
;; If the click target is outside of current node
(when-not (dom/contains dom-node (.. e -target))
(on-hide state e :click)))))
(listen state js/window "keydown"
(fn [e]
(case (.-keyCode e)

View File

@ -414,7 +414,7 @@
(defonce modal-show? (atom false))
(rum/defc modal-overlay
{:class (case state
"entering" "ease-out duration-300 opacity-0"
"entered" "ease-out duration-300 opacity-100"
@ -423,15 +423,15 @@
(rum/defc modal-panel
[panel-content state close-fn]
{:class (case state
[panel-content transition-state close-fn]
{:class (case transition-state
"entering" "ease-out duration-300 opacity-0 translate-y-4 sm:translate-y-0 sm:scale-95"
"entered" "ease-out duration-300 opacity-100 translate-y-0 sm:scale-100"
"exiting" "ease-in duration-200 opacity-100 translate-y-0 sm:scale-100"
"exited" "ease-in duration-200 opacity-0 translate-y-4 sm:translate-y-0 sm:scale-95")}
{:aria-label "Close"
:type "button"
:on-click (fn [] (apply (or (gobj/get close-fn "user-close") close-fn) []))}
@ -446,12 +446,20 @@
(panel-content close-fn)])
(rum/defc modal < rum/reactive
(fn [state]
:on-hide (fn []
(-> (.querySelector (rum/dom-node state) "button.ui__modal-close")
:outside? false)))
(let [modal-panel-content (state/sub :modal/panel-content)
show? (boolean modal-panel-content)
close-fn #(state/close-modal!)
modal-panel-content (or modal-panel-content (fn [close] [:div]))]
{:style {:z-index (if show? 10 -1)}}
{:in show? :timeout 0}

View File

@ -52,6 +52,27 @@
.ui__modal {
@apply fixed bottom-0 inset-x-0
sm:inset-0 sm:flex sm:items-center sm:justify-center
px-4 pb-4;
&-overlay {
@apply fixed inset-0 transition-opacity;
&-panel {
@apply relative bg-white rounded-md px-4 pt-5
pb-4 overflow-hidden shadow-xl;
&-close {
@apply text-gray-400 hover:text-gray-500
focus:outline-none focus:text-gray-500
transition ease-in-out duration-150;
.ui__confirm-modal {
.sublabel {
display: flex;