electron: add re-index support

Tienson Qin 2021-01-22 23:04:09 +08:00
parent 98eb4a43a6
commit a73b4e242f
7 changed files with 56 additions and 26 deletions

View File

@ -41,12 +41,9 @@
(defmethod handle :stat [_window [_ path]]
(fs/statSync path))
;; TODO: Is it going to be slow if it's a huge directory
(defmethod handle :openDir [window _messages]
(let [result (.showOpenDialogSync dialog (bean/->js
{:properties ["openDirectory"]}))
path (first result)
result (->> (map
(defn- get-files
(let [result (->> (map
(fn [path]
(let [stat (fs/statSync path)]
(when-not (.isDirectory stat)
@ -57,6 +54,16 @@
(remove nil?))]
(vec (cons {:path path} result))))
;; TODO: Is it going to be slow if it's a huge directory
(defmethod handle :openDir [window _messages]
(let [result (.showOpenDialogSync dialog (bean/->js
{:properties ["openDirectory"]}))
path (first result)]
(get-files path)))
(defmethod handle :getFiles [window [_ path]]
(get-files path))
(defmethod handle :default [args]
(println "Error: no ipc handler for: " (bean/->js args)))

View File

@ -96,6 +96,15 @@
[(:path dir) paths])
(defn get-files
[path-or-handle ok-handler]
(let [record (if (util/electron?) node-record nfs-record)]
(p/let [result (protocol/get-files record path-or-handle ok-handler)]
(if (util/electron?)
(let [[dir & paths] (bean/->clj result)]
[(:path dir) paths])
(defn mkdir-if-not-exists
(when dir

View File

@ -33,4 +33,6 @@
(stat [this dir path]
(js/window.pfs.stat (str dir path)))
(open-dir [this ok-handler]
(get-files [this path-or-handle ok-handler]

View File

@ -196,4 +196,6 @@
(p/rejected "File not exists")))
(open-dir [this ok-handler]
(utils/openDirectory #js {:recursive true}
(get-files [this path-or-handle ok-handler]
(utils/getFiles path-or-handle true ok-handler)))

View File

@ -42,4 +42,6 @@
(let [path (concat-path dir path)]
(ipc/ipc "stat" path)))
(open-dir [this ok-handler]
(ipc/ipc "openDir" {})))
(ipc/ipc "openDir" {}))
(get-files [this path-or-handle ok-handler]
(ipc/ipc "getFiles" path-or-handle)))

View File

@ -9,4 +9,5 @@
(write-file! [this repo dir path content opts])
(rename! [this repo old-path new-path])
(stat [this dir path])
(open-dir [this ok-handler]))
(open-dir [this ok-handler])
(get-files [this path-or-handle ok-handler]))

View File

@ -98,6 +98,7 @@
(nfs/add-nfs-file-handle! path handle))
(set-files-aux! handles)))
;; TODO: extract code for `ls-dir-files` and `reload-dir!`
(defn ls-dir-files
(let [path-handles (atom {})
@ -213,30 +214,34 @@
dir-name (config/get-local-dir repo)
handle-path (str config/local-handle-prefix dir-name)
path-handles (atom {})
electron? (util/electron?)]
electron? (util/electron?)
nfs? (not electron?)]
(state/set-graph-syncing? true)
(p/let [handle (idb/get-item handle-path)]
(when handle
(when (or handle electron?) ; electron doesn't store the file handle
(p/let [_ (when handle (nfs/verify-permission repo handle true))
files-result (utils/getFiles handle true
(fn [path handle]
(swap! path-handles assoc path handle)))
new-files (-> (->db-files electron? dir-name files-result)
files-result (fs/get-files (if nfs? handle
(config/get-local-dir repo))
(fn [path handle]
(when nfs?
(swap! path-handles assoc path handle))))
new-files (-> (->db-files electron? dir-name (second files-result))
_ (let [file-paths (set (map :file/path new-files))]
(swap! path-handles (fn [handles]
(->> handles
(filter (fn [[path _handle]]
(contains? file-paths
(string/replace-first path (str dir-name "/") ""))))
(into {})))))
_ (set-files! @path-handles)
_ (when nfs?
(let [file-paths (set (map :file/path new-files))]
(swap! path-handles (fn [handles]
(->> handles
(filter (fn [[path _handle]]
(contains? file-paths
(string/replace-first path (str dir-name "/") ""))))
(into {})))))
(set-files! @path-handles))
get-file-f (fn [path files] (some #(when (= (:file/path %) path) %) files))
{:keys [added modified deleted] :as diffs} (compute-diffs old-files new-files)
;; Use the same labels as isomorphic-git
rename-f (fn [typ col] (mapv (fn [file] {:type typ :path file}) col))
_ (when (seq deleted)
_ (when (and nfs? (seq deleted))
(let [deleted (doall
(-> (map (fn [path] (if (= "/" (first path))
@ -247,13 +252,15 @@
(idb/remove-item! handle-path)
(nfs/remove-nfs-file-handle! handle-path))) deleted))))
added-or-modified (set (concat added modified))
_ (when (seq added-or-modified)
_ (when (and nfs? (seq added-or-modified))
(p/all (map (fn [path]
(when-let [handle (get @path-handles path)]
(idb/set-item! (str handle-path path) handle))) added-or-modified)))]
(-> (p/all (map (fn [path]
(when-let [file (get-file-f path new-files)]
(p/let [content (.text (:file/file file))]
(p/let [content (if nfs?
(.text (:file/file file))
(:file/content file))]
(assoc file :file/content content)))) added-or-modified))
(p/then (fn [result]
(let [files (map #(dissoc % :file/file :file/handle) result)