wip: all pages with the new table

Tienson Qin 2024-06-26 18:44:28 +08:00
parent 5c965e5235
commit a76c7a8014
1 changed files with 56 additions and 54 deletions

View File

@ -4,15 +4,16 @@
[rum.core :as rum]
[frontend.util :as util]
[frontend.ui :as ui]
[logseq.shui.table.core :as table]
[clojure.string :as string]))
[clojure.string :as string]
[frontend.components.block :as component-block]
[frontend.db :as db]
[frontend.state :as state]
[frontend.context.i18n :refer [t]]
[frontend.date :as date]))
(def data
[{:id "m5gr84i9" :amount 316 :status "success" :email "ken99@yahoo.com"}
{:id "3u1reuv4" :amount 242 :status "success" :email "Abe45@gmail.com"}
{:id "derv1ws0" :amount 837 :status "processing" :email "Monserrat44@gmail.com"}
{:id "5kma53ae" :amount 874 :status "success" :email "Silas22@gmail.com"}
{:id "bhqecj4p" :amount 721 :status "failed" :email "carmella@hotmail.com"}])
;; columns:
;; page name, tags, backlinks, created at updated at
;; default sort: updated at
(defn header-checkbox [{:keys [selected-all? selected-some? toggle-selected-all!]}]
@ -26,55 +27,53 @@
:on-checked-change (fn [v] (row-toggle-selected! row v))
:aria-label "Select row"}))
(defn- header-cp
[{:keys [column-toggle-sorting!]} column]
{:variant "ghost"
:onClick #(column-toggle-sorting! column)}
(:name column)
(ui/icon "arrows-up-down")))
(defn- default-cell-cp
[_table row column]
(str (get row (:id column))))
(defn- timestamp-cell-cp
[_table row column]
(some-> (get row (:id column))
(def columns
[{:id :select
:name "Select"
:header (fn [table _column] (header-checkbox table))
:cell (fn [table row column] (row-checkbox table row column))
:column-list? false}
{:id :status
:name "Status"
:header "Status"
:cell (fn [_table row column]
(get row (:id column)))}
{:id :email
:name "Email"
:header (fn [{:keys [column-toggle-sorting!]} column]
{:variant "ghost"
:onClick #(column-toggle-sorting! column)}
(ui/icon "arrows-up-down")))
:cell (fn [_table row column]
(get row (:id column)))}
{:id :amount
:name "Amount"
:header (fn [_] "Amount")
:cell (fn [_table row column]
(let [amount (get row (:id column))
formatted (.format (js/Intl.NumberFormat. "en-US" #js {:style "currency" :currency "USD"}) amount)]
{:id :actions
:column-list? false
{:id :block/original-name
:name "Page name"
:header header-cp
:cell (fn [_table row _column]
{:asChild true}
{:variant "ghost" :className "h-8 w-8 p-0"}
[:span.sr-only "Open menu"]
(ui/icon "dots")))
{:onClick #(js/navigator.clipboard.writeText (:id row))}
"Copy payment ID")
"View customer")
"View payment details"))))}])
(component-block/page-cp {} row))}
;; {:id :block/type
;; :name "Type"
;; :header header-cp
;; :cell (fn [_table row _column] (string/join ", " (get row :block/type)))
;; :get-value (fn [row] (string/join ", " (get row :block/type)))}
{:id :block/tags
:name "Tags"
:header header-cp
:cell (fn [_table row _column]
(component-block/tags {} row))
:get-value (fn [row] (string/join ", " (map :block/original-name (get row :block/tags))))}
{:id :block/created-at
:name "Created At"
:header header-cp
:cell timestamp-cell-cp}
{:id :block/updated-at
:name "Updated At"
:header header-cp
:cell timestamp-cell-cp}])
(rum/defc all-pages < rum/static
@ -83,6 +82,7 @@
[row-filter set-row-filter!] (rum/use-state nil)
[visible-columns set-visible-columns!] (rum/use-state {})
[row-selection set-row-selection!] (rum/use-state {})
data (db/get-all-pages (state/get-current-repo))
{:keys [column-visible? column-toggle-visiblity row-selected?]
:as table} (shui/table-option {:data data
:columns columns
@ -94,9 +94,11 @@
:set-visible-columns! set-visible-columns!
:set-row-selection! set-row-selection!}})]
[:h1.title (t :all-pages)]
{:placeholder "Filter emails..."
{:placeholder "Search page..."
:value input
:onChange (fn [e]
(let [value (util/evalue e)]
@ -107,7 +109,7 @@
(fn [row]
(if (string/blank? value)
(when row (string/includes? (string/lower-case (:email row)) (string/lower-case value)))))))))
(when row (string/includes? (:block/name row) (string/lower-case value)))))))))
:className "max-w-sm"})
@ -142,10 +144,10 @@
(if (pos? (count rows))
(for [row rows]
{:key (str (:id row))
{:key (str (:db/id row))
:data-state (when (row-selected? row) "selected")}
(for [column columns']
(let [id (str (:id row) "-" (:id column))
(let [id (str (:db/id row) "-" (:id column))
render (get column :cell)]
{:key id}