fix: avoid cyclical refs and deep refs

Fixes #3305
Andelf 2021-11-29 23:34:49 +08:00 committed by Tienson Qin
parent 6a2fe9ab71
commit aa77d7ba9e
1 changed files with 15 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -89,6 +89,7 @@
;; TODO: dynamic
(defonce max-blocks-per-page 200)
(defonce max-depth-of-links 5)
(defonce *blocks-container-id (atom 0))
;; TODO:
@ -857,8 +858,12 @@
(let [{:keys [url label title metadata full_text]} link]
(match url
["Block_ref" id]
(let [label* (if (seq (mldoc/plain->text label)) label nil)]
(block-reference (assoc config :reference? true) id label*))
(let [label* (if (seq (mldoc/plain->text label)) label nil)
{:keys [link-depth]} config
link-depth (or link-depth 0)]
(if (> link-depth max-depth-of-links)
[:p.warning.text-sm "Block ref nesting is too deep"]
(block-reference (assoc config :reference? true :link-depth (inc link-depth)) id label*)))
["Page_ref" page]
(let [format (get-in config [:block :block/format])]
@ -1200,16 +1205,21 @@
(ui/tweet-embed id))))
(= name "embed")
(let [a (first arguments)]
(let [a (first arguments)
{:keys [link-depth]} config
link-depth (or link-depth 0)]
(nil? a) ; empty embed
(> link-depth max-depth-of-links)
[:p.warning.text-sm "Embed depth is too deep"]
(and (string/starts-with? a "[[")
(string/ends-with? a "]]"))
(let [page-name (text/get-page-name a)]
(when-not (string/blank? page-name)
(page-embed config page-name)))
(page-embed (assoc config :link-depth (inc link-depth)) page-name)))
(and (string/starts-with? a "((")
(string/ends-with? a "))"))
@ -1220,7 +1230,7 @@
(let [s (string/trim s)]
(and (util/uuid-string? s)
(uuid s))))]
(block-embed config id)))
(block-embed (assoc config :link-depth (inc link-depth)) id)))
:else ;TODO: maybe collections?