Revert "Remove :block/macros"

This reverts commit 21d550de12.
Tienson Qin 2024-04-05 14:42:08 +08:00
parent 14a3e5287b
commit ac31842cec
8 changed files with 77 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -274,6 +274,7 @@
;; refs
[:block/page :int]
[:block/path-refs {:optional true} [:set :int]]
[:block/macros {:optional true} [:set :int]]
[:block/link {:optional true} :int]
;; other
[:block/marker {:optional true} :string]

View File

@ -100,7 +100,9 @@
:block/journal-day {}
;; page's namespace
:block/namespace {:db/valueType :db.type/ref}
;; macros in block
:block/macros {:db/valueType :db.type/ref
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many}
;; block's file
:block/file {:db/valueType :db.type/ref}
@ -144,6 +146,7 @@
@ -152,6 +155,7 @@
;; If only block/content changes
(def db-version-retract-attributes

View File

@ -494,6 +494,27 @@
(conj acc (assoc block :block/path-refs path-ref-pages))
(defn- macro->block
"macro: {:name \"\" arguments [\"\"]}"
{:block/uuid (random-uuid)
:block/type "macro"
:block/properties {:logseq.macro-name (:name macro)
:logseq.macro-arguments (:arguments macro)}})
(defn extract-macros-from-ast
(let [*result (atom #{})]
(fn [f]
(if (and (vector? f) (= (first f) "Macro"))
(swap! *result conj (second f))
(mapv macro->block @*result)))
(defn with-pre-block-if-exists
[blocks body pre-block-properties encoded-content {:keys [db date-formatter user-config]}]
(let [first-block (first blocks)
@ -524,6 +545,7 @@
:block/properties-text-values properties-text-values
:block/invalid-properties invalid-properties
:block/pre-block? pre-block?
:block/macros (extract-macros-from-ast body)
:block/body body}
{:keys [tags refs]}
(with-page-block-refs {:body body :refs property-refs} false db date-formatter)]
@ -669,8 +691,9 @@
(recur headings (rest blocks) timestamps properties body))
(heading-block? block)
(let [block' (construct-block block properties timestamps body encoded-content format pos-meta with-id? options)]
(recur (conj headings block') (rest blocks) {} {} []))
(let [block' (construct-block block properties timestamps body encoded-content format pos-meta with-id? options)
block'' (assoc block' :macros (extract-macros-from-ast (cons block body)))]
(recur (conj headings block'') (rest blocks) {} {} []))
(recur headings (rest blocks) timestamps properties (conj body block))))

View File

@ -529,6 +529,20 @@
(map #(add-uuid-to-page-map % page-names-to-uuids)))))
(defn- update-block-macros
[block db page-names-to-uuids]
(if (seq (:block/macros block))
(update block :block/macros
(fn [macros]
(mapv (fn [m]
(-> m
(update :block/properties
(fn [props]
(update-keys props #(cached-prop-name->uuid db page-names-to-uuids %))))
(assoc :block/uuid (d/squuid))))
(defn- fix-pre-block-references
[{:block/keys [left parent page] :as block} pre-blocks]
(cond-> block
@ -545,6 +559,7 @@
(let [old-property-schemas @(:property-schemas import-state)]
(-> block
(fix-pre-block-references pre-blocks)
(update-block-macros db page-names-to-uuids)
;; needs to come before update-block-refs to detect new property schemas
(handle-block-properties db page-names-to-uuids (:block/refs block) options)
(update-block-refs page-names-to-uuids old-property-schemas options)

View File

@ -114,7 +114,8 @@
:card-next-schedule 6, :ls-type 79, :card-last-interval 6, :type 107,
:template 5, :title 114, :alias 41, :supports 5, :id 145, :url 5,
:card-ease-factor 6, :created-at 46,
:card-last-reviewed 6, :platforms 51, :initial-version 8, :heading 226}
:card-last-reviewed 6, :platforms 51, :initial-version 8, :heading 226
:logseq.macro-arguments 109, :logseq.macro-name 109}
(get-top-block-properties db))
"Counts for top block properties")
@ -161,7 +162,7 @@
;; only increase over time as the docs graph rarely has deletions
(testing "Counts"
(is (= 303 (count files)) "Correct file count")
(is (= 63954 (count (d/datoms db :eavt))) "Correct datoms count")
(is (= 64390 (count (d/datoms db :eavt))) "Correct datoms count")
(is (= 5866

View File

@ -60,12 +60,19 @@
{:tx tx :revert-tx revert-tx})) refs)))
(apply concat))
retracted-tx' (mapcat :tx retracted-tx)
revert-tx (mapcat :revert-tx retracted-tx)]
revert-tx (mapcat :revert-tx retracted-tx)
macros-tx (mapcat (fn [b]
;; Only delete if last reference
(keep #(when (<= (count (:block/_macros (d/entity db (:db/id %))))
(when (:db/id %) (vector :db.fn/retractEntity (:db/id %))))
(:block/macros b)))
(when (and (seq retracted-tx') (fn? set-state-fn))
(set-state-fn [:editor/last-replace-ref-content-tx repo]
{:retracted-block-ids retracted-block-ids
:revert-tx revert-tx}))
(concat txs retracted-tx'))
(concat txs retracted-tx' macros-tx))
(defn transact!

View File

@ -66,7 +66,8 @@
[promesa.core :as p]
[rum.core :as rum]
[frontend.fs.capacitor-fs :as capacitor-fs]
[logseq.db :as ldb]))
[logseq.db :as ldb]
[frontend.db.query-dsl :as query-dsl]))
;; FIXME: should support multiple images concurrently uploading
@ -3407,8 +3408,17 @@
(defn- valid-dsl-query-block?
"Whether block has a valid dsl query."
(some-> (:block/content block)
(string/includes? "{{query ")))
(->> (:block/macros (db/entity (:db/id block)))
(some (fn [macro]
(let [properties (:block/properties macro)
macro-name (pu/lookup properties
macro-arguments (pu/lookup properties]
(when-let [query-body (and (= "query" macro-name) (not-empty (string/join " " macro-arguments)))]
(seq (:query
(query-dsl/parse-query query-body)
(catch :default _e
(defn- valid-custom-query-block?
"Whether block has a valid custom query."

View File

@ -516,13 +516,13 @@
(let [content
(if (string? root-block-uuids-or-page-name)
(if (string? root-block-uuids-or-page-name)
;; page
(common/get-page-content root-block-uuids-or-page-name)
(common/root-block-uuids->content repo root-block-uuids-or-page-name))
first-block (db/entity [:block/uuid (first root-block-uuids-or-page-name)])
format (or (:block/format first-block) (state/get-preferred-format))]
(export-helper content format options))
(common/get-page-content root-block-uuids-or-page-name)
(common/root-block-uuids->content repo root-block-uuids-or-page-name))
first-block (db/entity [:block/uuid (first root-block-uuids-or-page-name)])
format (or (:block/format first-block) (state/get-preferred-format))]
(export-helper content format options))
(catch :default e
(js/console.error e)))))