Revert "fix(build): windows7 compatibility"

This reverts commit cef186132d.
Andelf 2022-10-02 13:54:50 +08:00
parent cef186132d
commit af5bc77f95
1 changed files with 25 additions and 34 deletions

View File

@ -1,69 +1,60 @@
(ns electron.file-sync-rsapi
(:require ["os" :as os]
(:require ["@logseq/rsapi" :as rsapi]
[electron.window :as window]
[cljs-bean.core :as bean]
[clojure.string :as string]))
[cljs-bean.core :as bean]))
(if (and (= (.platform os) "win32")
(string/starts-with? (.release os) "6."))
(defonce rsapi nil)
(defonce rsapi (js/require "@logseq/rsapi")))
(defn key-gen []
(.keygen rsapi))
(defn key-gen [] (rsapi/keygen))
(defn set-env [graph-uuid env private-key public-key]
(.setEnv rsapi graph-uuid env private-key public-key))
(rsapi/setEnv graph-uuid env private-key public-key))
(defn set-progress-callback [callback]
(.setProgressCallback rsapi callback))
(rsapi/setProgressCallback callback))
(defn get-local-files-meta [graph-uuid base-path file-paths]
(.getLocalFilesMeta rsapi graph-uuid base-path (clj->js file-paths)))
(rsapi/getLocalFilesMeta graph-uuid base-path (clj->js file-paths)))
(defn get-local-all-files-meta [graph-uuid base-path]
(.getLocalAllFilesMeta rsapi graph-uuid base-path))
(rsapi/getLocalAllFilesMeta graph-uuid base-path))
(defn rename-local-file [graph-uuid base-path from to]
(.renameLocalFile rsapi graph-uuid base-path from to))
(rsapi/renameLocalFile graph-uuid base-path from to))
(defn delete-local-files [graph-uuid base-path file-paths]
(.deleteLocalFiles rsapi graph-uuid base-path (clj->js file-paths)))
(rsapi/deleteLocalFiles graph-uuid base-path (clj->js file-paths)))
(defn update-local-files [graph-uuid base-path file-paths token]
(.updateLocalFiles rsapi graph-uuid base-path (clj->js file-paths) token))
(rsapi/updateLocalFiles graph-uuid base-path (clj->js file-paths) token))
(defn download-version-files [graph-uuid base-path file-paths token]
(.updateLocalVersionFiles rsapi graph-uuid base-path (clj->js file-paths) token))
(rsapi/updateLocalVersionFiles graph-uuid base-path (clj->js file-paths) token))
(defn delete-remote-files [graph-uuid base-path file-paths txid token]
(.deleteRemoteFiles rsapi graph-uuid base-path (clj->js file-paths) txid token))
(rsapi/deleteRemoteFiles graph-uuid base-path (clj->js file-paths) txid token))
(defn update-remote-files [graph-uuid base-path file-paths txid token]
(.updateRemoteFiles rsapi graph-uuid base-path (clj->js file-paths) txid token true))
(rsapi/updateRemoteFiles graph-uuid base-path (clj->js file-paths) txid token true))
(defn encrypt-fnames [graph-uuid fnames]
(.encryptFnames rsapi graph-uuid (clj->js fnames)))
(rsapi/encryptFnames graph-uuid (clj->js fnames)))
(defn decrypt-fnames [graph-uuid fnames]
(.decryptFnames rsapi graph-uuid (clj->js fnames)))
(rsapi/decryptFnames graph-uuid (clj->js fnames)))
(defn encrypt-with-passphrase [passphrase data]
(.ageEncryptWithPassphrase rsapi passphrase data))
(rsapi/ageEncryptWithPassphrase passphrase data))
(defn decrypt-with-passphrase [passphrase data]
(.ageDecryptWithPassphrase rsapi passphrase data))
(rsapi/ageDecryptWithPassphrase passphrase data))
(defn cancel-all-requests []
(.cancelAllRequests rsapi))
(defonce progress-notify-chan "file-sync-progress")
(when rsapi
(set-progress-callback (fn [error progress-info]
(when-not error
(doseq [^js win (window/get-all-windows)]
(when-not (.isDestroyed win)
(.. win -webContents
(send progress-notify-chan (bean/->js progress-info)))))))))
(set-progress-callback (fn [error progress-info]
(when-not error
(doseq [^js win (window/get-all-windows)]
(when-not (.isDestroyed win)
(.. win -webContents
(send progress-notify-chan (bean/->js progress-info))))))))