fix: tests

Tienson Qin 2024-06-21 12:50:29 +08:00
parent 89efb99b71
commit b0c03b0003
3 changed files with 28 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -22,9 +22,11 @@
(let [id (:db/id m)
children (-> (block-children id (inc level))
(assoc m
:block/level level
:block/children children)))
(assoc m
:block/level level
:block/children children)
(dissoc :block/parent :block/tx-id))))
(sort-fn parent)))]
(block-children root-id 1)))

View File

@ -108,17 +108,17 @@
(db-utils/pull id-or-uuid)
(and id-or-uuid (db-model/query-block-by-uuid (sdk-utils/uuid-or-throw-error id-or-uuid))))]
(when (or (true? (some-> opts (.-includePage)))
(not (contains? block :block/name)))
(not (contains? block :block/name)))
(when-let [uuid (:block/uuid block)]
(let [{:keys [includeChildren]} (bean/->clj opts)
repo (state/get-current-repo)
block (if includeChildren
;; nested children results
(first (outliner-tree/blocks->vec-tree
(db-model/get-block-and-children repo uuid) uuid))
(let [blocks (db-model/get-block-and-children repo uuid)]
(first (outliner-tree/blocks->vec-tree blocks uuid)))
;; attached shallow children
(assoc block :block/children
(map #(list :uuid (:block/uuid %))
(db/get-block-immediate-children repo uuid))))
(map #(list :uuid (:block/uuid %))
(db/get-block-immediate-children repo uuid))))
block (into-properties repo block)]
(bean/->js (sdk-utils/normalize-keyword-for-json block)))))))

View File

@ -6,27 +6,32 @@
[goog.object :as gobj]
[cljs-bean.core :as bean]))
(defn- entity? [e]
(when e (instance? de/Entity e)))
(defn- entity->map
"Convert a db Entity to a map"
(assert (de/entity? e))
(assoc (into {} e) :db/id (:db/id e)))
(defn normalize-keyword-for-json
([input] (normalize-keyword-for-json input true))
([input camel-case?]
(when input
(let [input (cond
(entity? input) (into {} input)
(sequential? input) (map #(if (entity? %) (into {} %) %) input)
(de/entity? input) (entity->map input)
(sequential? input) (map #(if (de/entity? %)
(entity->map %)
%) input)
:else input)]
(fn [a]
(keyword? a)
(cond-> (name a)
(fn [a]
(keyword? a)
(cond-> (name a)
(uuid? a) (str a)
:else a)) input)))))
(uuid? a) (str a)
:else a)) input)))))
(defn uuid-or-throw-error
@ -56,4 +61,4 @@
(def ^:export jsx-to-clj jsx->clj)
(def ^:export to-js bean/->js)
(def ^:export to-keyword keyword)
(def ^:export to-symbol symbol)
(def ^:export to-symbol symbol)