Move all search related impl to worker

This commit also introduced a new ns `frontend.db.async` for
async queries.
Tienson Qin 2023-12-25 14:32:28 +08:00
parent e6a464e64f
commit b134954e2c
32 changed files with 967 additions and 756 deletions

View File

@ -118,4 +118,3 @@
:devtools {:before-load frontend.core/stop
:after-load frontend.core/start
:preloads [devtools.preload]}}}}

View File

@ -754,13 +754,14 @@
(on-blur input)))
:on-composition-end (fn [e] (handle-input-change state e))
:on-key-down (fn [e]
(let [value (.-value @input-ref)
last-char (last value)
backspace? (= (util/ekey e) "Backspace")
filter-group (:group @(::filter state))
slash? (= (util/ekey e) "/")
namespace-page-matched? (when (and slash? (contains? #{:pages :whiteboards} filter-group))
(some #(string/includes? % "/") (search/page-search (str value "/"))))]
(p/let [value (.-value @input-ref)
last-char (last value)
backspace? (= (util/ekey e) "Backspace")
filter-group (:group @(::filter state))
slash? (= (util/ekey e) "/")
namespace-pages (when (and slash? (contains? #{:pages :whiteboards} filter-group))
(search/page-search (str value "/")))
namespace-page-matched? (some #(string/includes? % "/") namespace-pages)]
(when (and filter-group
(or (and slash? (not namespace-page-matched?))
(and backspace? (= last-char "/"))

View File

@ -31,7 +31,8 @@
[frontend.db.rtc.debug-ui :as rtc-debug-ui]
[cljs.core.async :as async]
[cljs.pprint :as pp]
[cljs-time.coerce :as tc]))
[cljs-time.coerce :as tc]
[promesa.core :as p]))
;; TODO i18n support
@ -156,15 +157,16 @@
:on-click (fn []
(let [title (string/trim @input)]
(when (not (string/blank? title))
(if (page-handler/template-exists? title)
[:p (t :context-menu/template-exists-warning)]
(property-handler/set-block-property! repo block-id :template title)
(when (false? template-including-parent?)
(property-handler/set-block-property! repo block-id :template-including-parent false))
(p/let [exists? (page-handler/<template-exists? title)]
(if exists?
[:p (t :context-menu/template-exists-warning)]
(property-handler/set-block-property! repo block-id :template title)
(when (false? template-including-parent?)
(property-handler/set-block-property! repo block-id :template-including-parent false))
{:key "Make a Template"

View File

@ -121,12 +121,73 @@
:other-attrs {:block/link (:db/id (db/entity [:block/name page-name]))}}))))
(page-handler/on-chosen-handler input id q pos format)))
(rum/defcs page-search < rum/reactive
(rum/defc page-search-aux
[id format embed? db-tag? create-page? q current-pos edit-content input pos]
(let [[matched-pages set-matched-pages!] (rum/use-state nil)]
(rum/use-effect! (fn []
(when-not (string/blank? q)
(p/let [result (editor-handler/<get-matched-pages q)]
(set-matched-pages! result))))
(let [matched-pages (cond
(contains? (set (map util/page-name-sanity-lc matched-pages))
(util/page-name-sanity-lc (string/trim q))) ;; if there's a page name fully matched
(sort-by (fn [m]
[(count m) m])
(string/blank? q)
(empty? matched-pages)
(when-not (db/page-exists? q)
(if db-tag?
(concat [(str (t :new-page) " " q)
(str (t :new-class) " " q)]
(cons q matched-pages)))
;; reorder, shortest and starts-with first.
(let [matched-pages (remove nil? matched-pages)
matched-pages (sort-by
(fn [m]
[(not (gstring/caseInsensitiveStartsWith m q)) (count m) m])
(if (gstring/caseInsensitiveStartsWith (first matched-pages) q)
(cons (first matched-pages)
(cons q (rest matched-pages)))
(cons q matched-pages))))]
(when (and db-tag?
;; Don't display in heading
(not (some->> edit-content (re-find #"^\s*#"))))
"Turn this block into a page:"
(ui/toggle create-page?
(fn [_e]
(swap! (:editor/create-page? @state/state) not))
{:on-chosen (page-on-chosen-handler embed? input id q pos format)
:on-enter (fn []
(page-handler/page-not-exists-handler input id q current-pos))
:item-render (fn [page-name _chosen?]
(when (db-model/whiteboard-page? page-name) [ (ui/icon "whiteboard" {:extension? true})])
(search-handler/highlight-exact-query page-name q)])
:empty-placeholder [ (if db-tag?
"Search for a page or a class"
"Search for a page")]
:class "black"})])))
(rum/defc page-search < rum/reactive
{:will-unmount (fn [state]
(reset! commands/*current-command nil)
"Page or tag searching popup"
[state id format]
[id format]
(let [action (state/sub :editor/action)
db? (config/db-based-graph? (state/get-current-repo))
embed? (and db? (= @commands/*current-command "Page embed"))
@ -145,63 +206,8 @@
(gp-util/safe-subs edit-content pos current-pos))
(when (> (count edit-content) current-pos)
(gp-util/safe-subs edit-content pos current-pos))
;; FIXME: display refed pages recentedly or frequencyly used
matched-pages (when-not (string/blank? q)
(editor-handler/get-matched-pages q))
matched-pages (cond
(contains? (set (map util/page-name-sanity-lc matched-pages))
(util/page-name-sanity-lc (string/trim q))) ;; if there's a page name fully matched
(sort-by (fn [m]
[(count m) m])
(string/blank? q)
(empty? matched-pages)
(when-not (db/page-exists? q)
(if db-tag?
(concat [(str (t :new-page) " " q)
(str (t :new-class) " " q)]
(cons q matched-pages)))
;; reorder, shortest and starts-with first.
(let [matched-pages (remove nil? matched-pages)
matched-pages (sort-by
(fn [m]
[(not (gstring/caseInsensitiveStartsWith m q)) (count m) m])
(if (gstring/caseInsensitiveStartsWith (first matched-pages) q)
(cons (first matched-pages)
(cons q (rest matched-pages)))
(cons q matched-pages))))]
(when (and db-tag?
;; Don't display in heading
(not (some->> edit-content (re-find #"^\s*#"))))
"Turn this block into a page:"
(ui/toggle create-page?
(fn [_e]
(swap! (:editor/create-page? @state/state) not))
{:on-chosen (page-on-chosen-handler embed? input id q pos format)
:on-enter (fn []
(page-handler/page-not-exists-handler input id q current-pos))
:item-render (fn [page-name _chosen?]
(when (db-model/whiteboard-page? page-name) [ (ui/icon "whiteboard" {:extension? true})])
(search-handler/highlight-exact-query page-name q)])
:empty-placeholder [ (if db-tag?
"Search for a page or a class"
"Search for a page")]
:class "black"})]))))))
(page-search-aux id format embed? db-tag? create-page? q current-pos edit-content input pos)))))))
(defn- search-blocks!
[state result]
@ -231,6 +237,7 @@
(editor-handler/block-on-chosen-handler id q format selected-text)))
;; TODO: use rum/use-effect instead
(rum/defcs block-search-auto-complete < rum/reactive
{:init (fn [state]
(let [result (atom nil)]
@ -283,6 +290,22 @@
(when input
(block-search-auto-complete edit-block input id q format selected-text)))))
(rum/defc template-search-aux
[id q]
(let [[matched-templates set-matched-templates!] (rum/use-state nil)]
(rum/use-effect! (fn []
(p/let [result (editor-handler/<get-matched-templates q)]
(set-matched-templates! result)))
{:on-chosen (editor-handler/template-on-chosen-handler id)
:on-enter (fn [_state] (state/clear-editor-action!))
:empty-placeholder [ "Search for a template"]
:item-render (fn [[template _block-db-id]]
:class "black"})))
(rum/defc template-search < rum/reactive
[id _format]
(let [pos (state/get-editor-last-pos)
@ -293,37 +316,32 @@
q (or
(when (>= (count edit-content) current-pos)
(subs edit-content pos current-pos))
matched-templates (editor-handler/get-matched-templates q)
non-exist-handler (fn [_state]
{:on-chosen (editor-handler/template-on-chosen-handler id)
:on-enter non-exist-handler
:empty-placeholder [ "Search for a template"]
:item-render (fn [[template _block-db-id]]
:class "black"})))))
(template-search-aux id q)))))
(rum/defc property-search < rum/reactive
(rum/defc property-search
(let [input (gdom/getElement id)]
(let [input (gdom/getElement id)
[matched-properties set-matched-properties!] (rum/use-state nil)]
(when input
(let [q (or (:searching-property (editor-handler/get-searching-property input))
matched-properties (editor-handler/get-matched-properties q)
q-property (string/replace (string/lower-case q) #"\s+" "-")
non-exist-handler (fn [_state]
((editor-handler/property-on-chosen-handler id q-property) nil))]
{:on-chosen (editor-handler/property-on-chosen-handler id q-property)
:on-enter non-exist-handler
:empty-placeholder [ (str "Create a new property: " q-property)]
:header [ "Matched properties: "]
:item-render (fn [property] property)
:class "black"})))))
(fn []
(p/let [matched-properties (editor-handler/<get-matched-properties q)]
(set-matched-properties! matched-properties)))
(let [q-property (string/replace (string/lower-case q) #"\s+" "-")
non-exist-handler (fn [_state]
((editor-handler/property-on-chosen-handler id q-property) nil))]
{:on-chosen (editor-handler/property-on-chosen-handler id q-property)
:on-enter non-exist-handler
:empty-placeholder [ (str "Create a new property: " q-property)]
:header [ "Matched properties: "]
:item-render (fn [property] property)
:class "black"}))))))
(rum/defc property-value-search < rum/reactive

View File

@ -29,7 +29,8 @@
[frontend.components.dnd :as dnd]
[dommy.core :as dom]
[ :as closed-value]
[ :as components-pu]))
[ :as components-pu]
[promesa.core :as p]))
(def icon closed-value/icon)
@ -345,6 +346,27 @@
(do (notification/show! "This is an invalid property name. A property name cannot start with page reference characters '#' or '[['." :error)
(rum/defc property-select
[exclude-properties on-chosen input-opts]
(let [[properties set-properties!] (rum/use-state nil)]
(fn []
(p/let [properties (search/get-all-properties)]
(set-properties! (remove exclude-properties properties))))
[:span.bullet-container.cursor [:span.bullet]]
[ {:style {:padding-left 6
:height "1.5em"}} ; TODO: ugly
(select/select {:items (map (fn [x] {:value x}) properties)
:dropdown? true
:close-modal? false
:show-new-when-not-exact-match? true
:exact-match-exclude-items exclude-properties
:input-default-placeholder "Add property"
:on-chosen on-chosen
:input-opts input-opts})]]))
(rum/defcs property-input < rum/reactive
(rum/local false ::show-new-property-config?)
@ -364,9 +386,7 @@
[:tags :alias])
exclude-properties* (set/union entity-properties existing-tag-alias)
exclude-properties (set/union exclude-properties* (set (map string/lower-case exclude-properties*)))
properties (->> (search/get-all-properties)
(remove exclude-properties))]
exclude-properties (set/union exclude-properties* (set (map string/lower-case exclude-properties*)))]
(if in-block-container? {:style {:padding-left 22}} {})
(if @*property-key
@ -395,26 +415,17 @@
(pv/property-value entity property @*property-value (assoc opts :editing? true))))]])
[:span.bullet-container.cursor [:span.bullet]]
[ {:style {:padding-left 6
:height "1.5em"}} ; TODO: ugly
(select/select {:items (map (fn [x] {:value x}) properties)
:dropdown? true
:close-modal? false
:show-new-when-not-exact-match? true
:exact-match-exclude-items exclude-properties
:input-default-placeholder "Add property"
:on-chosen (fn [{:keys [value]}]
(reset! *property-key value)
(add-property-from-dropdown entity value (assoc opts :*show-new-property-config? *show-new-property-config?)))
:input-opts {:on-blur (fn [] (pv/exit-edit-property))
(fn [e]
(case (util/ekey e)
(let [on-chosen (fn [{:keys [value]}]
(reset! *property-key value)
(add-property-from-dropdown entity value (assoc opts :*show-new-property-config? *show-new-property-config?)))
input-opts {:on-blur (fn [] (pv/exit-edit-property))
(fn [e]
(case (util/ekey e)
(property-select exclude-properties on-chosen input-opts)))]))
(defonce *last-new-property-input-id (atom nil))
(rum/defcs new-property < rum/reactive

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
(ns frontend.components.query.builder
"DSL query builder."
(:require [frontend.config :as config]
[ :as date]
(:require [ :as date]
[frontend.ui :as ui]
[frontend.db :as db]
[frontend.db.async :as db-async]
[frontend.db.model :as db-model]
[frontend.db.query-dsl :as query-dsl]
[frontend.handler.editor :as editor-handler]
@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
[rum.core :as rum]
[clojure.string :as string]
[logseq.graph-parser.util :as gp-util]
[ :as page-ref]))
[ :as page-ref]
[promesa.core :as p]))
(rum/defc page-block-selector
@ -118,6 +119,36 @@
(append-tree! tree opts loc clause)
(reset! *between-dates {}))))))])
(rum/defc property-select
[*mode *property]
(let [[properties set-properties!] (rum/use-state nil)]
(fn []
(p/let [properties (search/get-all-properties)]
(set-properties! properties)))
(select properties
(fn [{:keys [value]}]
(reset! *mode "property-value")
(reset! *property (keyword value))))))
(rum/defc property-value-select
[repo *property *find *tree opts loc]
(let [[values set-values!] (rum/use-state nil)]
(fn []
(p/let [result (db-async/<get-property-values repo @*property)]
(set-values! result)))
(let [values (cons "Select all" values)]
(select values
(fn [{:keys [value]}]
(let [x (if (= value "Select all")
[(if (= @*find :page) :page-property :property) @*property]
[(if (= @*find :page) :page-property :property) @*property value])]
(reset! *property nil)
(append-tree! *tree opts loc x)))))))
(defn- query-filter-picker
[state *find *tree loc clause opts]
(let [*mode (::mode state)
@ -140,23 +171,10 @@
(append-tree! *tree opts loc [:page-tags value]))))
(let [properties (search/get-all-properties)]
(select properties
(fn [{:keys [value]}]
(reset! *mode "property-value")
(reset! *property (keyword value)))))
(property-select *mode *property)
(let [values (cons "Select all" (if (config/db-based-graph? repo)
(db-model/get-db-property-values repo @*property)
(db-model/get-property-values @*property)))]
(select values
(fn [{:keys [value]}]
(let [x (if (= value "Select all")
[(if (= @*find :page) :page-property :property) @*property]
[(if (= @*find :page) :page-property :property) @*property value])]
(reset! *property nil)
(append-tree! *tree opts loc x)))))
(property-value-select repo *property *find *tree opts loc)
(select (range 1 101)

View File

@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
delete-blocks get-pre-block
delete-files delete-pages-by-files get-all-block-contents get-all-tagged-pages get-single-block-contents
get-all-templates get-block-and-children get-block-by-uuid get-block-children sort-by-left
delete-files delete-pages-by-files get-all-tagged-pages
get-block-and-children get-block-by-uuid get-block-children sort-by-left
get-block-parent get-block-parents parents-collapsed? get-block-referenced-blocks get-all-referenced-blocks-uuid
get-block-immediate-children get-block-page
get-custom-css get-date-scheduled-or-deadlines
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
get-latest-journals get-page get-page-alias get-page-alias-names
get-page-blocks-count get-page-blocks-no-cache get-page-file get-page-format get-page-properties
get-page-referenced-blocks get-page-referenced-blocks-full get-page-referenced-pages get-page-unlinked-references
get-all-pages get-pages get-pages-relation get-pages-that-mentioned-page get-tag-pages
get-all-pages get-pages-relation get-pages-that-mentioned-page get-tag-pages
journal-page? page-alias-set sub-block
set-file-last-modified-at! page-empty? page-exists? page-empty-or-dummy? get-alias-source-page
set-file-content! has-children? get-namespace-pages get-all-namespace-relation get-pages-by-name-partition

View File

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
(ns frontend.db.async
"Async queries"
(:require [promesa.core :as p]
[frontend.state :as state]
[frontend.config :as config]
[clojure.string :as string]
[ :as page-ref]
[frontend.util :as util]
[frontend.db.utils :as db-utils]
[frontend.db.async.util :as db-async-util]
[frontend.db.file-based.async :as file-async]))
(def <q db-async-util/<q)
(defn <get-files
(p/let [result (<q
'[:find ?path ?modified-at
[?file :file/path ?path]
[(get-else $ ?file :file/last-modified-at 0) ?modified-at]])]
(->> result seq reverse)))
(defn <get-all-templates
(p/let [result (<q graph
'[:find ?t ?b
[?b :block/properties ?p]
[(get ?p :template) ?t]])]
(into {} result)))
(defn <db-based-get-all-properties
":block/type could be one of [property, class]."
(<q graph
'[:find [?n ...]
[?e :block/type "property"]
[?e :block/original-name ?n]]))
(defn <get-all-properties
"Returns a seq of property name strings"
(when-let [graph (state/get-current-repo)]
(if (config/db-based-graph? graph)
(<db-based-get-all-properties graph)
(file-async/<file-based-get-all-properties graph))))
(defn <get-pages
(p/let [result (<q graph
'[:find [?page-original-name ...]
[?page :block/name ?page-name]
[(get-else $ ?page :block/original-name ?page-name) ?page-original-name]])]
(remove db-model/hidden-page? result))))
(defn <get-db-based-property-values
[graph property]
(let [property-name (if (keyword? property)
(name property)
(util/page-name-sanity-lc property))]
(p/let [result (<q graph
'[:find ?prop-type ?v
:in $ ?prop-name
[?b :block/properties ?bp]
[?prop-b :block/name ?prop-name]
[?prop-b :block/uuid ?prop-uuid]
[?prop-b :block/schema ?prop-schema]
[(get ?prop-schema :type) ?prop-type]
[(get ?bp ?prop-uuid) ?v]]
(->> result
(map (fn [[prop-type v]] [prop-type (if (coll? v) v [v])]))
(mapcat (fn [[prop-type vals]]
(case prop-type
;; Remove multi-block properties as there isn't a supported approach to query them yet
(map str (remove uuid? vals))
(:page :date)
(map #(page-ref/->page-ref (:block/original-name (db-utils/entity graph [:block/uuid %])))
;; Checkboxes returned as strings as builder doesn't display boolean values correctly
(map str vals))))
;; Remove blanks as they match on everything
(remove string/blank?)
(defn <get-property-values
[graph property]
(if (config/db-based-graph? graph)
(<get-db-based-property-values graph property)
(file-async/<get-file-based-property-values graph property)))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
(ns frontend.db.async.util
"Async util helper"
(:require [frontend.persist-db.browser :as db-browser]
[cljs-bean.core :as bean]
[promesa.core :as p]))
(defn <q
[graph & inputs]
(assert (not-any? fn? inputs) "Async query inptus can't include fns because fn can't be serialized")
(when-let [sqlite @db-browser/*sqlite]
(p/let [result (.q sqlite graph (pr-str inputs))]
(bean/->clj result))))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
(ns frontend.db.file-based.async
"File based async queries"
(:require [promesa.core :as p]
[frontend.db.async.util :as db-async-util]
[clojure.string :as string]
[ :as page-ref]))
(def <q db-async-util/<q)
(defn <file-based-get-all-properties
(p/let [properties (<q graph
'[:find [?p ...]
[_ :block/properties ?p]])
properties (remove (fn [m] (empty? m)) properties)]
(->> (map keys properties)
(apply concat)
(map name))))
(defn- property-value-for-refs-and-text
"Given a property value's refs and full text, determines the value to
[[refs text]]
(if (or (not (coll? refs)) (= 1 (count refs)))
(map #(cond
(string/includes? text (page-ref/->page-ref %))
(page-ref/->page-ref %)
(string/includes? text (str "#" %))
(str "#" %)
(defn <get-file-based-property-values
[graph property]
(p/let [result (<q graph
'[:find ?property-val ?text-property-val
:in $ ?property
[?b :block/properties ?p]
[?b :block/properties-text-values ?p2]
[(get ?p ?property) ?property-val]
[(get ?p2 ?property) ?text-property-val]]
(map property-value-for-refs-and-text)
(map (fn [x] (if (coll? x) x [x])))
(apply concat)
(map str)
(remove string/blank?)

View File

@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
[logseq.db.frontend.rules :as rules]
[logseq.graph-parser.config :as gp-config]
[logseq.graph-parser.text :as text]
[ :as page-ref]
[logseq.graph-parser.util.db :as db-util]
[logseq.graph-parser.util :as gp-util]
[logseq.outliner.pipeline :as outliner-pipeline]
@ -1186,130 +1185,6 @@ independent of format as format specific heading characters are stripped"
(:block/journal? (db-utils/entity [:block/name page-name])))
;; This is a file graph only feature
(defn get-all-templates
(let [pred (fn [_db properties]
(some? (:template properties)))]
(->> (d/q
'[:find ?b ?p
:in $ ?pred
[?b :block/properties ?p]
[(?pred $ ?p)]]
(map (fn [[e m]]
[(get m :template) e]))
(into {}))))
(defn file-based-get-all-properties
(let [db (conn/get-db)
properties (d/q
'[:find [?p ...]
[_ :block/properties ?p]]
properties (remove (fn [m] (empty? m)) properties)]
(->> (map keys properties)
(apply concat)
(defn db-based-get-all-properties
":block/type could be one of [property, class]."
(let [db (conn/get-db)
ids (->> (d/datoms db :aevt :block/schema)
(map :e))]
(->> ids
(map db-utils/entity)
(filter #(contains? (:block/type %) "property"))
(map :block/original-name))))
(defn get-all-properties
"Returns a seq of property name strings"
(if (config/db-based-graph? (state/get-current-repo))
(map name (file-based-get-all-properties))))
(defn- property-value-for-refs-and-text
"Given a property value's refs and full text, determines the value to
[[refs text]]
(if (or (not (coll? refs)) (= 1 (count refs)))
(map #(cond
(string/includes? text (page-ref/->page-ref %))
(page-ref/->page-ref %)
(string/includes? text (str "#" %))
(str "#" %)
(defn get-property-values
(let [pred (fn [_db properties text-properties]
[(get properties property)
(get text-properties property)])]
'[:find ?property-val ?text-property-val
:in $ ?pred
[?b :block/properties ?p]
[?b :block/properties-text-values ?p2]
[(?pred $ ?p ?p2) [?property-val ?text-property-val]]]
(map property-value-for-refs-and-text)
(map (fn [x] (if (coll? x) x [x])))
(apply concat)
(map str)
(remove string/blank?)
(defn get-db-property-values
"Returns all property values of a given property for use in a simple query.
Property values that are references are displayed as page references"
[repo property]
(let [property-name (if (keyword? property)
(name property)
(util/page-name-sanity-lc property))]
(->> (d/q
'[:find ?prop-type ?v
:in $ ?prop-name
[?b :block/properties ?bp]
[?prop-b :block/name ?prop-name]
[?prop-b :block/uuid ?prop-uuid]
[?prop-b :block/schema ?prop-schema]
[(get ?prop-schema :type) ?prop-type]
[(get ?bp ?prop-uuid) ?v]]
(conn/get-db repo)
(map (fn [[prop-type v]] [prop-type (if (coll? v) v [v])]))
(mapcat (fn [[prop-type vals]]
(case prop-type
;; Remove multi-block properties as there isn't a supported approach to query them yet
(map str (remove uuid? vals))
(:page :date)
(map #(page-ref/->page-ref (:block/original-name (db-utils/entity repo [:block/uuid %])))
;; Checkboxes returned as strings as builder doesn't display boolean values correctly
(map str vals))))
;; Remove blanks as they match on everything
(remove string/blank?)
(defn get-block-property-values
"Get blocks which have this property."
@ -1362,27 +1237,6 @@ independent of format as format specific heading characters are stripped"
[?refed-b :block/uuid ?refed-uuid]
[?referee-b :block/refs ?refed-b]] db)))
;; block/uuid and block/content
(defn get-single-block-contents [id]
(let [e (db-utils/entity [:block/uuid id])]
(when-not (and (nil? (:block/name e))
(string/blank? (:block/content e))) ; empty block
{:db/id (:db/id e)
:block/name (:block/name e)
:block/uuid id
:block/page (:db/id (:block/page e))
:block/content (:block/content e)
:block/format (:block/format e)
:block/properties (:block/properties e)})))
(defn get-all-block-contents
(when-let [db (conn/get-db)]
(->> (d/datoms db :avet :block/uuid)
(map :v)
(map get-single-block-contents)
(remove nil?))))
(defn delete-blocks
[repo-url files _delete-page?]
(when (seq files)

View File

@ -254,14 +254,21 @@
(when-let [conn (get-datascript-conn repo)]
(:max-tx @conn)))
(q [_this repo inputs-str]
"Datascript q"
(when-let [conn (get-datascript-conn repo)]
(let [inputs (edn/read-string inputs-str)]
(let [result (apply d/q (first inputs) @conn (rest inputs))]
(bean/->js result)))))
[_this repo tx-data tx-meta]
(when-let [conn (get-datascript-conn repo)]
(let [tx-data (edn/read-string tx-data)
tx-meta (edn/read-string tx-meta)]
(d/transact! conn tx-data tx-meta)
tx-meta (edn/read-string tx-meta)
tx-report (d/transact! conn tx-data tx-meta)]
(search/sync-search-indice repo tx-report))
(catch :default e
(prn :debug :error)
(js/console.error e)))))
@ -323,6 +330,21 @@
(search/truncate-table! db)
[this repo]
(when-let [conn (get-datascript-conn repo)]
(search/build-blocks-indice repo @conn)))
[this repo]
(when-let [conn (get-datascript-conn repo)]
(search/build-blocks-indice repo @conn)))
[this repo q limit]
(when-let [conn (get-datascript-conn repo)]
(search/page-search repo @conn q limit)))
[this repo]
(p/let [dbs (.listDB this)]

View File

@ -1644,14 +1644,14 @@
(when (>= pos 0)
(text-util/wrapped-by? value pos before end)))))
(defn get-matched-pages
(defn <get-matched-pages
"Return matched page names"
(let [block (state/get-edit-block)
editing-page (and block
(when-let [page-id (:db/id (:block/page block))]
(:block/name (db/entity page-id))))
pages (search/page-search q)]
(p/let [block (state/get-edit-block)
editing-page (and block
(when-let [page-id (:db/id (:block/page block))]
(:block/name (db/entity page-id))))
pages (search/page-search q)]
(if editing-page
;; To prevent self references
(remove (fn [p] (= (util/page-name-sanity-lc p) editing-page)) pages)
@ -1680,11 +1680,11 @@
(contains? current-and-parents (:block/uuid h)))
(defn get-matched-templates
(defn <get-matched-templates
(search/template-search q))
(defn get-matched-properties
(defn <get-matched-properties
(search/property-search q))

View File

@ -808,6 +808,9 @@
{:id :new-db-graph
:label "graph-setup"}))
(defmethod handle :search/transact-data [[_ repo data]]
(search/transact-blocks! repo data))
(defmethod handle :class/configure [[_ page]]
#(vector :<>

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
[frontend.config :as config]
[ :as date]
[frontend.db :as db]
[frontend.db.async :as db-async]
[frontend.db.model :as model]
[frontend.fs :as fs]
[frontend.handler.common :as common-handler]
@ -130,10 +131,11 @@
(def rebuild-slash-commands-list!
(debounce init-commands! 1500))
(defn template-exists?
(defn <template-exists?
(when title
(let [templates (keys (db/get-all-templates))]
(p/let [result (db-async/<get-all-templates (state/get-current-repo))
templates (keys result)]
(when (seq templates)
(let [templates (map string/lower-case templates)]
(contains? (set templates) (string/lower-case title)))))))

View File

@ -32,13 +32,15 @@
(:db/id (db/entity repo [:block/name (util/page-name-sanity-lc page-db-id)]))
opts (if page-db-id (assoc opts :page (str page-db-id)) opts)]
(p/let [blocks (search/block-search repo q opts)]
(p/let [blocks (search/block-search repo q opts)
pages (search/page-search q)
files (search/file-search q)]
(let [result (merge
{:blocks blocks
:has-more? (= limit (count blocks))}
(when-not page-db-id
{:pages (search/page-search q)
:files (search/file-search q)}))
{:pages pages
:files files}))
search-key (if more? :search/more-result :search/result)]
(swap! state/state assoc search-key result)

View File

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
[frontend.config :as config]
[logseq.graph-parser.util :as gp-util]
[lambdaisland.glogi :as log]
[ :as search]
[clojure.string :as string]
[frontend.util :as util]
[logseq.graph-parser.util.block-ref :as block-ref]
@ -61,9 +60,7 @@
(when (or (:outliner/transact? tx-meta)
(:outliner-op tx-meta)
(:whiteboard/transact? tx-meta))
(undo-redo/listen-db-changes! tx-report))
(search/sync-search-indice! repo tx-report)))
(undo-redo/listen-db-changes! tx-report))))
(defn- remove-nil-from-transaction

View File

@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
[frontend.handler.notification :as notification]
[cljs-bean.core :as bean]
[frontend.state :as state]
[electron.ipc :as ipc]))
[electron.ipc :as ipc]
[ :as property-util]))
(defonce *sqlite (atom nil))
@ -83,7 +84,20 @@
(ipc/ipc :db-transact repo tx-data' tx-meta')
(if sqlite
(.transact sqlite repo tx-data' tx-meta')
(p/let [result (.transact sqlite repo tx-data' tx-meta')
result' (bean/->clj result)
file-based? (config/local-file-based-graph? repo)
data (cond-> result'
;; remove built-in properties from content
(update :blocks-to-add
(fn [blocks]
(map #(update % :content
(fn [content]
(property-util/remove-built-in-properties (get % :format :markdown) content)))
(state/pub-event! [:search/transact-data repo data])
(notification/show! "Latest change was not saved! Please restart the application." :error))

View File

@ -1,92 +1,28 @@
"Provides search functionality for a number of features including Cmd-K
search. Most of these fns depend on the search protocol"
(:require [cljs-bean.core :as bean]
[clojure.string :as string]
[logseq.graph-parser.config :as gp-config]
[frontend.db :as db]
[frontend.db.model :as db-model]
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[ :as search-agency]
[ :as search-db :refer [indices]]
[ :as protocol]
[frontend.state :as state]
[frontend.util :as util]
[goog.object :as gobj]
[promesa.core :as p]
[datascript.core :as d]
[ :as property-util]
[ :as search-browser]
[ :as fuzzy]
[logseq.graph-parser.config :as gp-config]
[frontend.db.async :as db-async]
[frontend.config :as config]
[ :as db-property]))
[ :as db-property]
[ :as property-util]
[frontend.db.model :as db-model]
[cljs-bean.core :as bean]))
(def fuzzy-search fuzzy/fuzzy-search)
(defn get-engine
(search-agency/->Agency repo))
;; Copied from
(defn str-len-distance
;; normalized multiplier 0-1
;; measures length distance between strings.
;; 1 = same length
[s1 s2]
(let [c1 (count s1)
c2 (count s2)
maxed (max c1 c2)
mined (min c1 c2)]
(double (- 1
(/ (- maxed mined)
(def MAX-STRING-LENGTH 1000.0)
(defn clean-str
(string/replace (string/lower-case s) #"[\[ \\/_\]\(\)]+" ""))
(defn char-array
(bean/->js (seq s)))
(defn score
[oquery ostr]
(let [query (clean-str oquery)
str (clean-str ostr)]
(loop [q (seq (char-array query))
s (seq (char-array str))
mult 1
score 0]
;; add str-len-distance to score, so strings with matches in same position get sorted by length
;; boost score if we have an exact match including punctuation
(empty? q) (+ score
(str-len-distance query str)
(if (<= 0 (.indexOf ostr oquery)) MAX-STRING-LENGTH 0))
(empty? s) 0
:else (if (= (first q) (first s))
(recur (rest q)
(rest s)
(inc mult) ;; increase the multiplier as more query chars are matched
(dec idx) ;; decrease idx so score gets lowered the further into the string we match
(+ mult score)) ;; score for this match is current multiplier * idx
(recur q
(rest s)
1 ;; when there is no match, reset multiplier to one
(dec idx)
(defn fuzzy-search
[data query & {:keys [limit extract-fn]
:or {limit 20}}]
(let [query (util/search-normalize query (state/enable-search-remove-accents?))]
(->> (take limit
(sort-by :score (comp - compare)
(filter #(< 0 (:score %))
(for [item data]
(let [s (str (if extract-fn (extract-fn item) item))]
{:data item
:score (score query (util/search-normalize s (state/enable-search-remove-accents?)))})))))
(map :data))))
(defn block-search
[repo q option]
(when-let [engine (get-engine repo)]
@ -94,176 +30,80 @@
(when-not (string/blank? q)
(protocol/query engine q option)))))
(defn- transact-blocks!
[repo data]
(when-let [engine (get-engine repo)]
(protocol/transact-blocks! engine data)))
(defn exact-matched?
"Check if two strings points toward same search result"
[q match]
(when (and (string? q) (string? match))
(fn [coll char]
(let [coll' (drop-while #(not= char %) coll)]
(if (seq coll')
(rest coll')
(reduced false))))
(seq (util/search-normalize match (state/enable-search-remove-accents?)))
(seq (util/search-normalize q (state/enable-search-remove-accents?)))))))
(defn page-search
"Return a list of page names that match the query"
(page-search q 100))
([q limit]
(when-let [repo (state/get-current-repo)]
(let [q (util/search-normalize q (state/enable-search-remove-accents?))
q (clean-str q)
q (if (= \# (first q)) (subs q 1) q)]
(when-not (string/blank? q)
(let [indice (or (get-in @indices [repo :pages])
result (->> (.search indice q (clj->js {:limit limit}))
(->> result
(util/distinct-by (fn [i] (string/trim (get-in i [:item :name]))))
(fn [{:keys [item]}]
(:original-name item)))
(remove nil?)
(map string/trim)
(filter (fn [original-name]
(exact-matched? q original-name))))))))))
(when-let [^js sqlite @search-browser/*sqlite]
(p/let [result (.page-search sqlite (state/get-current-repo) q limit)]
(bean/->clj result)))))
(defn file-search
(file-search q 3))
([q limit]
(let [q (clean-str q)]
(when-not (string/blank? q)
(let [mldoc-exts (set (map name gp-config/mldoc-support-formats))
files (->> (db/get-files (state/get-current-repo))
(map first)
(remove (fn [file]
(mldoc-exts (util/get-file-ext file)))))]
(when (seq files)
(fuzzy-search files q :limit limit)))))))
(when-let [repo (state/get-current-repo)]
(let [q (fuzzy/clean-str q)]
(when-not (string/blank? q)
(p/let [mldoc-exts (set (map name gp-config/mldoc-support-formats))
result (db-async/<get-files repo)
files (->> result
(map first)
(remove (fn [file]
(mldoc-exts (util/get-file-ext file)))))]
(when (seq files)
(fuzzy/fuzzy-search files q :limit limit))))))))
(defn template-search
(template-search q 100))
([q limit]
(when q
(let [q (clean-str q)
templates (db/get-all-templates)]
(when (seq templates)
(let [result (fuzzy-search (keys templates) q :limit limit)]
(vec (select-keys templates result))))))))
(when-let [repo (state/get-current-repo)]
(when q
(p/let [q (fuzzy/clean-str q)
templates (db-async/<get-all-templates repo)]
(when (seq templates)
(let [result (fuzzy/fuzzy-search (keys templates) q {:limit limit})]
(vec (select-keys templates result)))))))))
(defn get-all-properties
(let [hidden-props (if (config/db-based-graph? (state/get-current-repo))
(set (map #(or (get-in db-property/built-in-properties [% :original-name])
(name %))
(set (map name (property-util/hidden-properties))))]
(remove hidden-props (db-model/get-all-properties))))
(when-let [repo (state/get-current-repo)]
(let [hidden-props (if (config/db-based-graph? repo)
(set (map #(or (get-in db-property/built-in-properties [% :original-name])
(name %))
(set (map name (property-util/hidden-properties))))]
(p/let [properties (db-async/<get-all-properties)]
(remove hidden-props properties)))))
(defn property-search
(property-search q 100))
([q limit]
(when q
(let [q (clean-str q)
properties (get-all-properties)]
(p/let [q (fuzzy/clean-str q)
properties (get-all-properties)]
(when (seq properties)
(if (string/blank? q)
(let [result (fuzzy-search properties q :limit limit)]
(let [result (fuzzy/fuzzy-search properties q :limit limit)]
(vec result))))))))
;; file-based graph only
(defn property-value-search
([property q]
(property-value-search property q 100))
([property q limit]
(when q
(let [q (clean-str q)
result (db-model/get-property-values (keyword property))]
(when (seq result)
(if (string/blank? q)
(let [result (fuzzy-search result q :limit limit)]
(vec result))))))))
(defn- get-blocks-from-datoms-impl
[{:keys [db-after db-before]} datoms]
(when (seq datoms)
(let [blocks-to-add-set (->> (filter :added datoms)
(map :e)
blocks-to-remove-set (->> (remove :added datoms)
(filter #(= :block/uuid (:a %)))
(map :e)
blocks-to-add-set' (if (and (config/db-based-graph? (state/get-current-repo)) (seq blocks-to-add-set))
(->> blocks-to-add-set
(mapcat (fn [id] (map :db/id (:block/_refs (db/entity id)))))
(concat blocks-to-add-set)
{:blocks-to-remove (->>
(map #(d/entity db-before %) blocks-to-remove-set)
(remove nil?)
(remove db-model/hidden-page?))
:blocks-to-add (->>
(map #(d/entity db-after %) blocks-to-add-set')
(remove nil?)
(remove db-model/hidden-page?))})))
(defn- get-direct-blocks-and-pages
(let [data (:tx-data tx-report)
datoms (filter
(fn [datom]
;; Capture any direct change on page display title, page ref or block content
(contains? #{:block/uuid :block/name :block/original-name :block/content :block/properties :block/schema} (:a datom)))
(when (seq datoms)
(get-blocks-from-datoms-impl tx-report datoms))))
;; TODO merge with logic in `invoke-hooks` when feature and test is sufficient
(defn sync-search-indice!
[repo tx-report]
(let [{:keys [blocks-to-add blocks-to-remove]} (get-direct-blocks-and-pages tx-report)]
;; TODO: remove this once we have fuzzy search support on SQLite
;; update page title indice
(let [pages-to-add (filter :block/name blocks-to-add)
pages-to-remove (filter :block/name blocks-to-remove)]
(when (or (seq pages-to-add) (seq pages-to-remove))
(swap! search-db/indices update-in [repo :pages]
(fn [indice]
(when indice
(doseq [page-entity pages-to-remove]
(.remove indice
(fn [page]
(= (:block/name page-entity)
(util/safe-page-name-sanity-lc (gobj/get page "original-name"))))))
(doseq [page pages-to-add]
(.add indice (bean/->js (search-db/original-page-name->index
(or (:block/original-name page)
(:block/name page))))))
;; update block indice
(when (or (seq blocks-to-add) (seq blocks-to-remove))
(let [blocks-to-add (remove nil? (map search-db/block->index blocks-to-add))
blocks-to-remove (set (map (comp str :block/uuid) blocks-to-remove))]
(transact-blocks! repo
{:blocks-to-remove-set blocks-to-remove
:blocks-to-add blocks-to-add})))))
(when-let [repo (state/get-current-repo)]
(when q
(let [q (fuzzy/clean-str q)
result (db-async/<get-property-values repo (keyword property))]
(when (seq result)
(if (string/blank? q)
(let [result (fuzzy/fuzzy-search result q :limit limit)]
(vec result)))))))))
(defn rebuild-indices!
@ -271,20 +111,21 @@
(when repo
(when-let [engine (get-engine repo)]
(let [page-titles (search-db/make-pages-title-indice!)]
(p/let [_ (protocol/rebuild-blocks-indice! engine)]
(let [result {:pages page-titles ;; TODO: rename key to :page-titles
(swap! indices assoc repo result)
(protocol/rebuild-pages-indice! engine)
(protocol/rebuild-blocks-indice! engine))))))
(defn reset-indice!
(when-let [engine (get-engine repo)]
(protocol/truncate-blocks! engine))
(swap! indices assoc-in [repo :pages] nil))
(protocol/truncate-blocks! engine)))
(defn remove-db!
(when-let [engine (get-engine repo)]
(protocol/remove-db! engine)))
(defn transact-blocks!
[repo data]
(when-let [engine (get-engine repo)]
(protocol/transact-blocks! engine data)))

View File

@ -31,6 +31,12 @@
(protocol/rebuild-blocks-indice! e))
(protocol/rebuild-blocks-indice! e1)))
(rebuild-pages-indice! [_this]
(let [[e1 e2] (get-registered-engines repo)]
(doseq [e e2]
(protocol/rebuild-pages-indice! e))
(protocol/rebuild-pages-indice! e1)))
(transact-blocks! [_this data]
(doseq [e (get-flatten-registered-engines repo)]
(protocol/transact-blocks! e data)))

View File

@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
[promesa.core :as p]
[frontend.persist-db.browser :as browser]
[frontend.state :as state]
[ :as search-db]))
[frontend.config :as config]
[ :as property-util]))
(defonce *sqlite browser/*sqlite)
@ -20,10 +21,24 @@
:block/content content
:block/page (uuid page)}) result))
(p/resolved nil)))
(rebuild-pages-indice! [_this]
(if-let [^js sqlite @*sqlite]
(.search-build-pages-indice sqlite repo)
(p/resolved nil)))
(rebuild-blocks-indice! [this]
(if-let [^js sqlite @*sqlite]
(p/let [_ (protocol/truncate-blocks! this)
blocks (search-db/build-blocks-indice)
(p/let [repo (state/get-current-repo)
file-based? (config/local-file-based-graph? repo)
_ (protocol/truncate-blocks! this)
result (.search-build-blocks-indice sqlite repo)
blocks (cond->> (bean/->clj result)
;; remove built-in properties from content
(map #(update % :content
(fn [content]
(property-util/remove-built-in-properties (get % :format :markdown) content))))
_ (when (seq blocks)
(.search-upsert-blocks sqlite repo blocks))])
(p/resolved nil)))

View File

@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
(ns ^:no-doc
(:require [cljs-bean.core :as bean]
[clojure.string :as string]
[frontend.db :as db]
[frontend.db.model :as model]
[ :as db-pu]
[frontend.state :as state]
[frontend.config :as config]
[frontend.util :as util]
["fuse.js" :as fuse]
[ :as property-util]))
;; Notice: When breaking changes happen, bump version in src/electron/electron/search.cljs
(defonce indices (atom nil))
(defn- max-len
(state/block-content-max-length (state/get-current-repo)))
(defn- sanitize
(some-> content
(util/search-normalize (state/enable-search-remove-accents?))))
(defn- get-db-properties-str
"Similar to db-pu/readable-properties but with a focus on making property values searchable"
(->> properties
(fn [[k v]]
(let [values
(->> (if (set? v) v #{v})
(map (fn [val]
(if (uuid? val)
(let [e (db/entity [:block/uuid val])
value (or
;; closed value
(db-pu/property-value-when-closed e)
;; page
(:block/original-name e)
;; block generated by template
(get-in e [:block/metadata :created-from-template])
(:block/content e))
;; first child
(let [parent-id (:db/id e)]
(:block/content (model/get-by-parent-&-left (db/get-db) parent-id parent-id))))]
(remove string/blank?))]
(when (seq values)
(str (:block/original-name (db/entity [:block/uuid k]))
": "
(string/join "; " values))))))
(remove nil?)
(string/join ";; ")))
(defn block->index
"Convert a block to the index for searching"
[{:block/keys [name uuid page content properties format]
:or {format :markdown}
:as block}]
(let [repo (state/get-current-repo)
page? (some? name)
block? (nil? name)
db-based? (config/db-based-graph? repo)]
(when-not (or
(and page? name (model/whiteboard-page? name))
(and block? (> (count content) (max-len)))
(and (empty? properties)
(or (and block? (string/blank? content))
(and db-based? page?)))) ; empty page or block
(let [content (if block?
(if db-based? content (property-util/remove-built-in-properties format content))
;; File based page content
(if db-based?
"" ; empty page content
(some-> (:block/file (db/entity (:db/id block))) :file/content)))
content' (if (and db-based? (seq properties))
(str content (when (not= content "") "\n") (get-db-properties-str properties))
(when-not (string/blank? content')
{:id (str uuid)
:page (str (:block/uuid page))
:content (sanitize content')})))))
(defn original-page-name->index
(when p
{:name (util/search-normalize p (state/enable-search-remove-accents?))
:original-name p}))
(defn make-pages-title-indice!
"Build a page title indice from scratch.
Incremental page title indice is implemented in!
Rename from the page indice since 10.25.2022, since this is only used for page title search.
From now on, page indice is talking about page content search."
(when-let [repo (state/get-current-repo)]
(let [pages (->> (db/get-pages (state/get-current-repo))
(remove string/blank?)
(map original-page-name->index)
indice (fuse. pages
(clj->js {:keys ["name"]
:shouldSort true
:tokenize true
:minMatchCharLength 1}))]
(swap! indices assoc-in [repo :pages] indice)
(defn build-blocks-indice
(->> (db/get-all-block-contents)
(map block->index)
(remove nil?)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
"fuzzy search"
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[cljs-bean.core :as bean]
[frontend.worker.util :as util]))
(def MAX-STRING-LENGTH 1000.0)
(defn clean-str
(string/replace (string/lower-case s) #"[\[ \\/_\]\(\)]+" ""))
(defn char-array
(bean/->js (seq s)))
;; Copied from
(defn str-len-distance
;; normalized multiplier 0-1
;; measures length distance between strings.
;; 1 = same length
[s1 s2]
(let [c1 (count s1)
c2 (count s2)
maxed (max c1 c2)
mined (min c1 c2)]
(double (- 1
(/ (- maxed mined)
(defn score
[oquery ostr]
(let [query (clean-str oquery)
str (clean-str ostr)]
(loop [q (seq (char-array query))
s (seq (char-array str))
mult 1
score 0]
;; add str-len-distance to score, so strings with matches in same position get sorted by length
;; boost score if we have an exact match including punctuation
(empty? q) (+ score
(str-len-distance query str)
(if (<= 0 (.indexOf ostr oquery)) MAX-STRING-LENGTH 0))
(empty? s) 0
:else (if (= (first q) (first s))
(recur (rest q)
(rest s)
(inc mult) ;; increase the multiplier as more query chars are matched
(dec idx) ;; decrease idx so score gets lowered the further into the string we match
(+ mult score)) ;; score for this match is current multiplier * idx
(recur q
(rest s)
1 ;; when there is no match, reset multiplier to one
(dec idx)
(defn fuzzy-search
[data query & {:keys [limit extract-fn]
:or {limit 20}}]
(let [query (util/search-normalize query true)]
(->> (take limit
(sort-by :score (comp - compare)
(filter #(< 0 (:score %))
(for [item data]
(let [s (str (if extract-fn (extract-fn item) item))]
{:data item
:score (score query (util/search-normalize s true))})))))
(map :data))))

View File

@ -23,12 +23,14 @@
(query [_this q opts]
(call-service! service "search:query" (merge {:q q} opts) true))
(rebuild-blocks-indice! [_this]
;; Not pushing all data for performance temporarily
;;(let [blocks (search-db/build-blocks-indice repo)])
(call-service! service "search:rebuildBlocksIndice" {}))
(rebuild-pages-indice! [_this]
(call-service! service "search:rebuildPagesIndice" {}))
(transact-blocks! [_this data]
(let [{:keys [blocks-to-remove-set blocks-to-add]} data]
(call-service! service "search:transactBlocks"

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
(defprotocol Engine
(query [this q option])
(rebuild-blocks-indice! [this]) ;; TODO: rename to rebuild-indice!
(rebuild-pages-indice! [this]) ;; TODO: rename to rebuild-indice!
(transact-blocks! [this data])
(truncate-blocks! [this]) ;; TODO: rename to truncate-indice!
(remove-db! [this]))

View File

@ -972,7 +972,9 @@ Similar to re-frame subscriptions"
(gobj/get "id")))
(when-let [elem js/document.activeElement]
(when (util/input? elem)
(gobj/get elem "id")))))
(let [id (gobj/get elem "id")]
(when (string/starts-with? id "edit-block-")
(defn get-input

View File

@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
["@capacitor/status-bar" :refer [^js StatusBar Style]]
["@capgo/capacitor-navigation-bar" :refer [^js NavigationBar]]
["grapheme-splitter" :as GraphemeSplitter]
["remove-accents" :as removeAccents]
["sanitize-filename" :as sanitizeFilename]
["check-password-strength" :refer [passwordStrength]]
["path-complete-extname" :as pathCompleteExtname]
@ -28,8 +27,8 @@
[rum.core :as rum]
[clojure.core.async :as async]
[cljs.core.async.impl.channels :refer [ManyToManyChannel]]
[medley.core :as medley]
[frontend.pubsub :as pubsub]))
[frontend.pubsub :as pubsub]
[frontend.worker.util :as worker-util]))
#?(:cljs (:import [goog.async Debouncer]))
@ -76,23 +75,11 @@
(string/join "/" parts))
(defn safe-re-find
{:malli/schema [:=> [:cat :any :string] [:or :nil :string [:vector [:maybe :string]]]]}
[pattern s]
(when-not (string? s)
;; TODO: sentry
(when (string? s)
(re-find pattern s))))
(def safe-re-find worker-util/safe-re-find))
(def uuid-pattern "[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[089ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}")
(defonce exactly-uuid-pattern (re-pattern (str "(?i)^" uuid-pattern "$")))
(defn uuid-string?
{:malli/schema [:=> [:cat :string] :boolean]}
(boolean (safe-re-find exactly-uuid-pattern s)))
(def uuid-string? worker-util/uuid-string?)
(defn check-password-strength
{:malli/schema [:=> [:cat :string] [:maybe
@ -594,9 +581,7 @@
(defn distinct-by
[f col]
(medley/distinct-by f (seq col))))
(def distinct-by worker-util/distinct-by))
(defn distinct-by-last-wins
@ -1034,14 +1019,7 @@
(some-> string str (js/encodeURIComponent) (.replace "+" "%20"))))
(defn search-normalize
"Normalize string for searching (loose)"
[s remove-accents?]
(when s
(let [normalize-str (.normalize (string/lower-case s) "NFKC")]
(if remove-accents?
(removeAccents normalize-str)
(def search-normalize worker-util/search-normalize))
(def page-name-sanity-lc
@ -1049,10 +1027,7 @@
(defn safe-page-name-sanity-lc
(if (string? s)
(page-name-sanity-lc s) s)))
(def safe-page-name-sanity-lc worker-util/safe-page-name-sanity-lc))
(defn get-page-original-name

View File

@ -1,9 +1,23 @@
"SQLite search"
"Full-text and fuzzy search"
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[promesa.core :as p]
[medley.core :as medley]
[cljs-bean.core :as bean]))
[cljs-bean.core :as bean]
["fuse.js" :as fuse]
[goog.object :as gobj]
[datascript.core :as d]
[ :as fuzzy]
[frontend.worker.util :as util]))
(defonce db-version-prefix "logseq_db_")
(defn db-based-graph?
(and (string? s)
(string/starts-with? s db-version-prefix))))
;; TODO: use sqlite for fuzzy search
(defonce indices (atom nil))
(defn- add-blocks-fts-triggers!
"Table bindings of blocks tables and the blocks FTS virtual tables"
@ -125,10 +139,6 @@
(string/replace match-input "," "")
(str "\"" match-input "\""))))
(defn distinct-by
[f col]
(medley/distinct-by f (seq col)))
(defn search-blocks
":page - the page to specifically search on"
[db q {:keys [limit page]}]
@ -158,10 +168,286 @@
:page page})))]
(distinct-by :uuid)
(util/distinct-by :uuid)
(take limit)))))
(defn truncate-table!
(.exec db "delete from blocks")
(.exec db "delete from blocks_fts"))
(defn- sanitize
(some-> content
(util/search-normalize true)))
(defn- property-value-when-closed
"Returns property value if the given entity is type 'closed value' or nil"
(when (contains? (:block/type ent) "closed value")
(get-in ent [:block/schema :value])))
(defn get-by-parent-&-left
[db parent-id left-id]
(when (and parent-id left-id)
(let [lefts (:block/_left (d/entity db left-id))]
(some (fn [node] (when (and (= parent-id (:db/id (:block/parent node)))
(not= parent-id (:db/id node)))
node)) lefts))))
(defn- get-db-properties-str
"Similar to db-pu/readable-properties but with a focus on making property values searchable"
[db properties]
(->> properties
(fn [[k v]]
(let [values
(->> (if (set? v) v #{v})
(map (fn [val]
(if (uuid? val)
(let [e (d/entity db [:block/uuid val])
value (or
;; closed value
(property-value-when-closed e)
;; page
(:block/original-name e)
;; block generated by template
(get-in e [:block/metadata :created-from-template])
(:block/content e))
;; first child
(let [parent-id (:db/id e)]
(:block/content (get-by-parent-&-left db parent-id parent-id))))]
(remove string/blank?))]
(when (seq values)
(str (:block/original-name (d/entity db [:block/uuid k]))
": "
(string/join "; " values))))))
(remove nil?)
(string/join ";; ")))
(defn whiteboard-page?
"Given a page name or a page object, check if it is a whiteboard page"
[db page]
(string? page)
(let [page (d/entity db [:block/name page])]
(= (:block/type page) "whiteboard")
(contains? (set (:block/type page)) "whiteboard")))
(seq page)
(contains? (set (:block/type page)) "whiteboard")
:else false))
(defn block->index
"Convert a block to the index for searching"
[repo db {:block/keys [name uuid page content properties format]
:as block}]
(let [page? (some? name)
block? (nil? name)
db-based? (db-based-graph? repo)]
(when-not (or
(and page? name (whiteboard-page? db name))
(and block? (> (count content) 10000))
(and (empty? properties)
(or (and block? (string/blank? content))
(and db-based? page?)))) ; empty page or block
(let [content (if block?
;; File based page content
(if db-based?
"" ; empty page content
(some-> (:block/file (d/entity db (:db/id block))) :file/content)))
content' (if (and db-based? (seq properties))
(str content (when (not= content "") "\n") (get-db-properties-str db properties))
(when-not (string/blank? content')
{:id (str uuid)
:page (str (:block/uuid page))
:content (sanitize content')
:format format})))))
(defn get-single-block-contents [db id]
(let [e (d/entity db [:block/uuid id])]
(when-not (and (nil? (:block/name e))
(string/blank? (:block/content e))) ; empty block
{:db/id (:db/id e)
:block/name (:block/name e)
:block/uuid id
:block/page (:db/id (:block/page e))
:block/content (:block/content e)
:block/format (:block/format e)
:block/properties (:block/properties e)})))
(defn get-all-block-contents
(when db
(->> (d/datoms db :avet :block/uuid)
(map :v)
(map #(get-single-block-contents db %))
(remove nil?))))
(defn build-blocks-indice
[repo db]
(->> (get-all-block-contents db)
(map #(block->index repo db %))
(remove nil?)
(defn original-page-name->index
(when p
{:name (util/search-normalize p true)
:original-name p}))
(defn- safe-subs
([s start]
(let [c (count s)]
(safe-subs s start c)))
([s start end]
(let [c (count s)]
(subs s (min c start) (min c end)))))
(defn- hidden-page?
(when page
(if (string? page)
(and (string/starts-with? page "$$$")
(util/uuid-string? (safe-subs page 3)))
(contains? (set (:block/type page)) "hidden"))))
(defn get-all-pages
'[:find [?page-original-name ...]
[?page :block/name ?page-name]
[(get-else $ ?page :block/original-name ?page-name) ?page-original-name]]
(remove hidden-page?)))
(defn build-page-indice
"Build a page title indice from scratch.
Incremental page title indice is implemented in!
Rename from the page indice since 10.25.2022, since this is only used for page title search.
From now on, page indice is talking about page content search."
[repo db]
(let [pages (->> (get-all-pages db)
(remove string/blank?)
(map original-page-name->index)
indice (fuse. pages
(clj->js {:keys ["name"]
:shouldSort true
:tokenize true
:minMatchCharLength 1}))]
(swap! indices assoc-in [repo :pages] indice)
(defn- get-blocks-from-datoms-impl
[repo {:keys [db-after db-before]} datoms]
(when (seq datoms)
(let [blocks-to-add-set (->> (filter :added datoms)
(map :e)
blocks-to-remove-set (->> (remove :added datoms)
(filter #(= :block/uuid (:a %)))
(map :e)
blocks-to-add-set' (if (and (db-based-graph? repo) (seq blocks-to-add-set))
(->> blocks-to-add-set
(mapcat (fn [id] (map :db/id (:block/_refs (d/entity db-after id)))))
(concat blocks-to-add-set)
{:blocks-to-remove (->>
(map #(d/entity db-before %) blocks-to-remove-set)
(remove nil?)
(remove hidden-page?))
:blocks-to-add (->>
(map #(d/entity db-after %) blocks-to-add-set')
(remove nil?)
(remove hidden-page?))})))
(defn- get-direct-blocks-and-pages
[repo tx-report]
(let [data (:tx-data tx-report)
datoms (filter
(fn [datom]
;; Capture any direct change on page display title, page ref or block content
(contains? #{:block/uuid :block/name :block/original-name :block/content :block/properties :block/schema} (:a datom)))
(when (seq datoms)
(get-blocks-from-datoms-impl repo tx-report datoms))))
(defn sync-search-indice
[repo tx-report]
(let [{:keys [blocks-to-add blocks-to-remove]} (get-direct-blocks-and-pages repo tx-report)]
;; update page title indice
(let [pages-to-add (filter :block/name blocks-to-add)
pages-to-remove (filter :block/name blocks-to-remove)]
(when (or (seq pages-to-add) (seq pages-to-remove))
(swap! indices update-in [repo :pages]
(fn [indice]
(when indice
(doseq [page-entity pages-to-remove]
(.remove indice
(fn [page]
(= (:block/name page-entity)
(util/safe-page-name-sanity-lc (gobj/get page "original-name"))))))
(doseq [page pages-to-add]
(.add indice (bean/->js (original-page-name->index
(or (:block/original-name page)
(:block/name page))))))
;; update block indice
(when (or (seq blocks-to-add) (seq blocks-to-remove))
(let [blocks-to-add (remove nil? (map #(block->index repo (:db-after tx-report) %) blocks-to-add))
blocks-to-remove (set (map (comp str :block/uuid) blocks-to-remove))]
{:blocks-to-remove-set blocks-to-remove
:blocks-to-add blocks-to-add})))))
(defn exact-matched?
"Check if two strings points toward same search result"
[q match]
(when (and (string? q) (string? match))
(fn [coll char]
(let [coll' (drop-while #(not= char %) coll)]
(if (seq coll')
(rest coll')
(reduced false))))
(seq (util/search-normalize match true))
(seq (util/search-normalize q true))))))
(defn page-search
"Return a list of page names that match the query"
[repo db q limit]
(when repo
(let [q (util/search-normalize q true)
q (fuzzy/clean-str q)
q (if (= \# (first q)) (subs q 1) q)]
(when-not (string/blank? q)
(let [indice (or (get-in @indices [repo :pages])
(build-page-indice repo db))
result (->> (.search indice q (clj->js {:limit limit}))
(->> result
(util/distinct-by (fn [i] (string/trim (get-in i [:item :name]))))
(fn [{:keys [item]}]
(:original-name item)))
(remove nil?)
(map string/trim)
(filter (fn [original-name]
(exact-matched? q original-name)))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
(ns frontend.worker.util
"Worker utils"
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
["remove-accents" :as removeAccents]
[medley.core :as medley]
[logseq.graph-parser.util :as gp-util]))
(defn search-normalize
"Normalize string for searching (loose)"
[s remove-accents?]
(when s
(let [normalize-str (.normalize (string/lower-case s) "NFKC")]
(if remove-accents?
(removeAccents normalize-str)
(defn safe-re-find
{:malli/schema [:=> [:cat :any :string] [:or :nil :string [:vector [:maybe :string]]]]}
[pattern s]
(when-not (string? s)
;; TODO: sentry
(when (string? s)
(re-find pattern s)))
(def uuid-pattern "[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[089ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}")
(defonce exactly-uuid-pattern (re-pattern (str "(?i)^" uuid-pattern "$")))
(defn uuid-string?
{:malli/schema [:=> [:cat :string] :boolean]}
(boolean (safe-re-find exactly-uuid-pattern s)))
(def page-name-sanity-lc
"Delegate to gp-util to loosely couple app usages to graph-parser"
(defn safe-page-name-sanity-lc
(if (string? s)
(page-name-sanity-lc s) s))
(defn distinct-by
[f col]
(medley/distinct-by f (seq col)))

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
[frontend.handler.recent :as recent-handler]
[frontend.handler.route :as route-handler]
[frontend.db :as db]
[frontend.db.async :as db-async]
[frontend.db.model :as db-model]
[frontend.db.query-dsl :as query-dsl]
[frontend.db.utils :as db-utils]
@ -137,11 +138,12 @@
(def ^:export get_current_graph_templates
(fn []
(when (state/get-current-repo)
(some-> (db-model/get-all-templates)
(update-vals db/pull)
(when-let [repo (state/get-current-repo)]
(let [templates (db-async/<get-all-templates repo)]
(some-> templates
(update-vals db/pull)
(def ^:export get_current_graph
(fn []
@ -967,20 +969,21 @@
(defn ^:export insert_template
[target-uuid template-name]
(when-let [target (and (page-handler/template-exists? template-name)
(db-model/get-block-by-uuid target-uuid))]
(editor-handler/insert-template! nil template-name {:target target}) nil))
(p/let [exists? (page-handler/<template-exists? template-name)]
(when exists?
(when-let [target (db-model/get-block-by-uuid target-uuid)]
(editor-handler/insert-template! nil template-name {:target target}) nil))))
(defn ^:export exist_template
(page-handler/template-exists? name))
(page-handler/<template-exists? name))
(defn ^:export create_template
[target-uuid template-name ^js opts]
(when (and template-name (db-model/get-block-by-uuid target-uuid))
(let [{:keys [overwrite]} (bean/->clj opts)
exist? (page-handler/template-exists? template-name)
repo (state/get-current-repo)]
(p/let [{:keys [overwrite]} (bean/->clj opts)
exist? (page-handler/<template-exists? template-name)
repo (state/get-current-repo)]
(if (or (not exist?) (true? overwrite))
(do (when-let [old-target (and exist? (db-model/get-template-by-name template-name))]
(property-handler/remove-block-property! repo (:block/uuid old-target) :template))

View File

@ -22,11 +22,6 @@
(use-fixtures :each start-and-destroy-db)
(deftest get-all-properties-test
(db-property-handler/set-block-property! repo fbid "property-1" "value" {})
(db-property-handler/set-block-property! repo fbid "property-2" "1" {})
(is (= '("property-1" "property-2") (model/get-all-properties))))
(deftest get-block-property-values-test
(db-property-handler/set-block-property! repo fbid "property-1" "value 1" {})
(db-property-handler/set-block-property! repo sbid "property-1" "value 2" {})
@ -34,21 +29,21 @@
(is (= (map second (model/get-block-property-values (:block/uuid property)))
["value 1" "value 2"]))))
(deftest get-db-property-values-test
(db-property-handler/set-block-property! repo fbid "property-1" "1" {})
(db-property-handler/set-block-property! repo sbid "property-1" "2" {})
(is (= [1 2] (model/get-db-property-values repo "property-1"))))
;; (deftest get-db-property-values-test
;; (db-property-handler/set-block-property! repo fbid "property-1" "1" {})
;; (db-property-handler/set-block-property! repo sbid "property-1" "2" {})
;; (is (= [1 2] (model/get-db-property-values repo "property-1"))))
(deftest get-db-property-values-test-with-pages
(let [opts {:redirect? false :create-first-block? false}
_ (page-handler/create! "page1" opts)
_ (page-handler/create! "page2" opts)
p1id (:block/uuid (db/entity [:block/name "page1"]))
p2id (:block/uuid (db/entity [:block/name "page2"]))]
(db-property-handler/upsert-property! repo "property-1" {:type :page} {})
(db-property-handler/set-block-property! repo fbid "property-1" p1id {})
(db-property-handler/set-block-property! repo sbid "property-1" p2id {})
(is (= '("[[page1]]" "[[page2]]") (model/get-db-property-values repo "property-1")))))
;; (deftest get-db-property-values-test-with-pages
;; (let [opts {:redirect? false :create-first-block? false}
;; _ (page-handler/create! "page1" opts)
;; _ (page-handler/create! "page2" opts)
;; p1id (:block/uuid (db/entity [:block/name "page1"]))
;; p2id (:block/uuid (db/entity [:block/name "page2"]))]
;; (db-property-handler/upsert-property! repo "property-1" {:type :page} {})
;; (db-property-handler/set-block-property! repo fbid "property-1" p1id {})
;; (db-property-handler/set-block-property! repo sbid "property-1" p2id {})
;; (is (= '("[[page1]]" "[[page2]]") (model/get-db-property-values repo "property-1")))))
(deftest get-all-classes-test
(let [opts {:redirect? false :create-first-block? false :class? true}

View File

@ -163,27 +163,3 @@ foo:: bar"}])
(is (= ["child 1" "child 2" "child 3"]
(map :block/content
(model/get-block-immediate-children test-helper/test-db (:block/uuid parent)))))))
(deftest get-property-values
(load-test-files [{:file/path "pages/"
:file/content "type:: [[Class]]"}
{:file/path "pages/"
:file/content "type::\npublic:: true"}
{:file/path "pages/"
:file/content "type:: #Feature, #Command"}
{:file/path "pages/"
:file/content "type:: [[Tool]], [[Whiteboard/Object]]"}])
(let [type-values (set (model/get-property-values :type))
public-values (set (model/get-property-values :public))]
(is (contains? type-values "[[Class]]")
"Property value from single page-ref is wrapped in square brackets")
(is (= #{} (set/difference #{"[[Tool]]" "[[Whiteboard/Object]]"} type-values))
"Property values from multiple page-refs are wrapped in square brackets")
(is (= #{} (set/difference #{"#Feature" "#Command"} type-values))
"Property values from multiple tags have hashtags")
(is (contains? type-values "")
"Property value text is not modified")
(is (contains? public-values "true")
"Property value that is not text is not modified")))