fix: undo && redo

:refresh-ui has been removed to ensure batch txs to be transacted
to the UI db before refreshing UI
Tienson Qin 2024-04-10 15:01:27 +08:00
parent b5c3757139
commit b4154c683a
2 changed files with 24 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -4,15 +4,8 @@
(defmacro with-batch-tx-mode
"1. start batch-tx mode
2. run body
3. exit batch-tx mode
4. refresh-ui"
[conn & body]
3. exit batch-tx mode"
[& body]
`(do (frontend.worker.batch-tx/start-batch-tx-mode)
(let [txs# (frontend.worker.batch-tx/get-batch-txs)]
(when (seq txs#)
(when-let [affected-keys# (not-empty
{:db-after @~conn :tx-data txs#}))]
(frontend.worker.util/post-message :refresh-ui {:affected-keys affected-keys#}))))))

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@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
[repo conn tx-report context]
(when-not (:pipeline-replace? (:tx-meta tx-report))
(let [tx-meta (:tx-meta tx-report)
{:keys [from-disk? new-graph? undo? redo?]} tx-meta]
{:keys [from-disk? new-graph?]} tx-meta]
(if (or from-disk? new-graph?)
{:tx-report tx-report}
(let [{:keys [pages blocks]} (ds-report/get-blocks-and-pages tx-report)
@ -88,8 +88,7 @@
(when (d/entity @conn page-id)
(file/sync-to-file repo page-id tx-meta)))))
deleted-block-uuids (set (outliner-pipeline/filter-deleted-blocks (:tx-data tx-report)))
replace-tx (when-not (or undo? redo?)
replace-tx (concat
;; block path refs
(set (compute-block-path-refs-tx tx-report blocks))
@ -105,7 +104,7 @@
(when-let [db-id (:db/id b)]
{:db/id db-id
:block/tx-id tx-id})) updated-blocks)
(remove nil?)))))
(remove nil?))))
tx-report' (or
(when (seq replace-tx)
;; TODO: remove this since transact! is really slow
@ -115,13 +114,17 @@
(d/store @conn)
fix-tx-data (validate-and-fix-db! repo conn tx-report context)
full-tx-data (concat (:tx-data tx-report) fix-tx-data (:tx-data tx-report'))
batch-processing? (batch-tx/tx-batch-processing?)
batch-tx-data (batch-tx/get-batch-txs)
full-tx-data (concat (:tx-data tx-report)
(:tx-data tx-report')
(when (and (not batch-processing?) (seq batch-tx-data))
final-tx-report (assoc tx-report'
:tx-data full-tx-data
:db-before (:db-before tx-report))
batch-processing? (batch-tx/tx-batch-processing?)
affected-query-keys (when-not (or (:importing? context)
affected-query-keys (when-not (:importing? context)
(worker-react/get-affected-queries-keys final-tx-report))]
(when batch-processing?
(batch-tx/conj-batch-txs! full-tx-data))