Update repeater timestamp when the task was checked

Tienson Qin 2020-10-19 22:51:21 +08:00
parent 6c2403f3a3
commit b4270e057e
5 changed files with 89 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -39,7 +39,8 @@
(db/get-date-scheduled-or-deadlines (string/capitalize page-name))
n-ref (count ref-blocks)]
(when (> n-ref 0)
(when (or (> n-ref 0)
(seq scheduled-or-deadlines))
(when (seq scheduled-or-deadlines)

View File

@ -205,7 +205,7 @@
;; enable scroll
(let [main (d/by-id "main-content")]
(d/remove-class! main "overflow-hidden")
(d/add-class! main "overflow-y-auto"))
(d/add-class! main "overflow-y-scroll"))
(if-not (state/get-selection-start-block)
(editor-handler/clear-selection! e)
(state/set-selection-start-block! nil))))
@ -413,7 +413,7 @@
[:div#main-content.flex.wrapper.overflow-y-auto {:style {:height "100vh"}}
[:div#main-content.flex.wrapper.overflow-y-scroll {:style {:height "100vh"}}
(when-not config/mobile?
{:style {:flex (if (state/get-left-sidebar-open)

View File

@ -192,4 +192,4 @@
;; :date 2020-05-31
;; :rfc822 Sun, 31 May 2020 03:00:57 Z

View File

@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
[medley.core :as medley]
[frontend.text :as text]
[frontend.date :as date]
[frontend.handler.repeated :as repeated]
[clojure.core.async :as async]))
;; TODO: refactor the state, it is already too complex.
@ -756,13 +757,24 @@
:blocks-container-id (:id config)
:current-page (state/get-current-page)})))
;; TODO: utf8 encode performance
(defn update-timestamps-content!
[{:block/keys [repeated? scheduled-ast deadline-ast marker]} content]
(if repeated?
(some->> (filter repeated/repeated? [scheduled-ast deadline-ast])
(map (fn [ts]
[(repeated/timestamp->text ts)
(repeated/next-timestamp-text ts)]))
(reduce (fn [content [old new]]
(string/replace content old new))
(defn check
[{:block/keys [uuid marker content meta file dummy?] :as block}]
(let [new-content (string/replace-first content marker "DONE")]
[{:block/keys [uuid marker content meta file dummy? repeated?] :as block}]
(let [new-content (string/replace-first content marker "DONE")
new-content (if repeated?
(update-timestamps-content! block content)
(save-block-if-changed! block new-content)))
(defn uncheck

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
(ns frontend.handler.repeated
(:require [cljs-time.core :as t]
[cljs-time.local :as tl]
[cljs-time.format :as tf]
[frontend.util :as util]))
(def custom-formatter (tf/formatter "yyyy-MM-dd EEE"))
(defn repeated?
(some? (:repetition timestamp)))
(defn- get-duration-f-and-text
(case duration
[t/hours "h"]
[t/days "d"]
[t/weeks "w"]
[t/months "m"]
[t/years "y"]
(defn timestamp->text
(timestamp->text timestamp nil))
([{:keys [date wday repetition time active]} start-time]
(let [{:keys [year month day]} date
{:keys [hour min]
:or {hour 0 min 0}} time
[hour min] (if start-time
[(t/hour start-time)
(t/minute start-time)]
[hour min])
[[kind] [duration] num] repetition
start-time (or start-time (t/local-date-time year month day hour min))
[duration-f d] (get-duration-f-and-text duration)
kind (case kind
repeater (str kind num d)
time-repeater (if time
(str (util/zero-pad hour) ":" (util/zero-pad min) " " repeater)
(util/format "<%s %s>"
(tf/unparse custom-formatter start-time)
(defn next-timestamp-text
[{:keys [date wday repetition time active] :as timestamp}]
(let [{:keys [year month day]} date
{:keys [hour min]
:or {hour 0 min 0}} time
[[kind] [duration] num] repetition
start-time (if (= kind "Plus")
(t/local-date-time year month day hour min)
[duration-f _] (get-duration-f-and-text duration)
start-time' (t/plus start-time (duration-f num))]
(timestamp->text timestamp start-time')))