Remove unnecessary style classes

Lachlan Cresswell 2020-10-13 16:39:02 +11:00
parent b51a5fd596
commit b6f3f0dd98
4 changed files with 5 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -452,7 +452,7 @@
(for [[page modified-at] pages]
(let [encoded-page (util/encode-str page)]
[:tr {:key encoded-page}
[:td [:a.text-gray-700 {:on-click (fn [e]
[:td [:a {:on-click (fn [e]
(util/stop e)
(let [repo (state/get-current-repo)
page (db/pull repo '[*] [:page/name (string/lower-case page)])]

View File

@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
"M8 4a4 4 0 100 8 4 4 0 000-8zM2 8a6 6 0 1110.89 3.476l4.817 4.817a1 1 0 01-1.414 1.414l-4.816-4.816A6 6 0 012 8z",
:clip-rule "evenodd",
:fill-rule "evenodd"}]]]
{:style {:padding-left "2rem"}
:placeholder (t :search)

View File

@ -270,7 +270,7 @@
[:div {:class (if white? "white-theme" "dark-theme")
:on-click (fn []
{:class (if @open?
@ -298,7 +298,7 @@
(sidebar-nav route-match close-fn)]]]
{:on-click (fn []

View File

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
(fn [{:keys [close-fn] :as state}]
(when links-header links-header)
(for [{:keys [options title icon]} links]
(let [new-options