fix: add transact and datoms load

Tienson Qin 2023-11-25 11:22:59 +08:00
parent 67cb8d6213
commit b7ce9a7ca5
3 changed files with 67 additions and 63 deletions

deps/db/deps.edn vendored
View File

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
;; External deps should be kept in sync with
{datascript/datascript {:git/url "" ;; fork
:sha "f0922f4d10714636711bc0176409290e44ce2feb"}
com.cognitect/transit-cljs {:mvn/version "0.8.280"}
{datascript/datascript {:git/url "" ;; fork
:sha "f0922f4d10714636711bc0176409290e44ce2feb"}
com.cognitect/transit-cljs {:mvn/version "0.8.280"}
cljs-bean/cljs-bean {:mvn/version "1.5.0"}
org.clojars.mmb90/cljs-cache {:mvn/version "0.1.4"}}

View File

@ -3,7 +3,19 @@
(:require ["path" :as node-path]
["better-sqlite3" :as sqlite3]
[clojure.string :as string]
[cljs-bean.core :as bean]))
[cljs-bean.core :as bean]
[ :refer [IStorage]]
[cognitect.transit :as t]
[cljs-bean.core :as bean]
[cljs.cache :as cache]
[datascore.core :as d]))
(defn- write-transit [data]
(t/write (t/writer :json) data))
(defn- read-transit [s]
(t/read (t/reader :json) s))
;; Notice: this works only on Node.js environment, it doesn't support browser yet.
@ -36,6 +48,10 @@
(get @databases (sanitize-db-name repo)))
(defn get-conn
(get @conns (sanitize-db-name repo)))
(defn prepare
[^object db sql db-name]
(when db
@ -57,13 +73,6 @@
graph-dir (node-path/join graphs-dir db-name')]
[db-name' (node-path/join graph-dir "db.sqlite")]))
(defn open-db!
[graphs-dir db-name]
(let [[db-sanitized-name db-full-path] (get-db-full-path graphs-dir db-name)
db (new sqlite db-full-path nil)]
(create-kvs-table! db db-name)
(swap! databases assoc db-sanitized-name db)))
(defn- clj-list->sql
"Turn clojure list into SQL list
'(1 2 3 4)
@ -148,6 +157,51 @@
(str "select content from kvs where addr = " addr))
(defn sqlite-storage
[repo {:keys [threshold]
:or {threshold 4096}}]
(let [cache (cache/lru-cache-factory {} :threshold threshold)]
(reify IStorage
(-store [_ addr+data-seq]
(prn :debug :store {:addr-data addr+data-seq})
(let [data (map
(fn [[addr data]]
{:addr addr
:content (write-transit data)})
(upsert-addr-content! repo (bean/->js data))))
(-restore [_ addr]
(when-let [content (if (cache/has? cache addr)
(cache/hit cache addr)
(cache/lookup cache addr))
(when-let [result (restore-data-from-addr repo addr)]
(cache/miss cache addr result)
(prn {:content content})
(read-transit content))))))
(defn open-db!
[graphs-dir db-name]
(let [[db-sanitized-name db-full-path] (get-db-full-path graphs-dir db-name)
db (new sqlite db-full-path nil)]
(create-kvs-table! db db-name)
(swap! databases assoc db-sanitized-name db)
(let [storage (sqlite-storage db-name {})
conn (or (d/restore-conn storage)
(d/create-conn nil {:storage storage}))]
(swap! conns assoc db-name conn))))
(defn transact!
[repo tx-data tx-meta]
(when-let [conn (get-conn repo)]
(d/transact! conn tx-data tx-meta)))
(defn load-data
"Get all datoms remove :block/content"
(when-let [conn (get-conn repo)]
(let [db @conn]
(->> (d/datoms db :eavt)
(remove (fn [e]
(= :block/content (:a e))))))))

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
(:require [ :refer [IStorage]]
[logseq.db.sqlite.db :as sqlite-db]
[cognitect.transit :as t]
[cljs-bean.core :as bean]
[cljs.cache :as cache]))
(defn- write-transit [data]
(t/write (t/writer :json) data))
(defn- read-transit [s]
(t/read (t/reader :json) s))
(defn sqlite-storage
[repo {:keys [threshold]
:or {threshold 4096}}]
(let [cache (cache/lru-cache-factory {} :threshold threshold)]
(reify IStorage
(-store [_ addr+data-seq]
(prn :debug :store {:addr-data addr+data-seq})
(let [data (map
(fn [[addr data]]
{:addr addr
:content (write-transit data)})
(sqlite-db/upsert-addr-content! repo (bean/->js data))))
(-restore [_ addr]
(when-let [content (if (cache/has? cache addr)
(cache/hit cache addr)
(cache/lookup cache addr))
(when-let [result (sqlite-db/restore-data-from-addr repo addr)]
(cache/miss cache addr result)
(prn {:content content})
(read-transit content))))))
(require '[datascript.core :as d])
(def repo "my-test")
;; create new db
(electron.db/new-db! repo)
(def storage (sqlite-storage repo {}))
(def conn (or (d/restore-conn storage)
(d/create-conn nil {:storage storage})))
(d/transact! conn [{:db/id 10
:data 1}])
(prn "Entity 10 data: " (:data (d/entity @conn 10))))