fix: blockref e2e tests

Tienson Qin 2024-01-12 02:03:19 +08:00
parent 6173879ca0
commit b9646d5cd0
3 changed files with 33 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ async function setUpBlocks(page, block) {
await block.mustFill('a')
await block.enterNext()
await block.mustFill('b')
await + '+c')
await + '+c', { delay: 100 })
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
await block.enterNext()
await + '+v')
await + '+v', { delay: 100 })
await page.waitForTimeout(100)
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ test('backspace at the beginning of a refed block #9406', async ({ page, block }
await moveCursorToBeginning(page)
await expect(page.locator('textarea >> nth=0')).toHaveText("ab")
await expect(await block.selectionStart()).toEqual(1)
await expect(await block.selectionStart()).toEqual(1)
await expect(page.locator('.block-ref >> text="ab"')).toHaveCount(1);

View File

@ -315,8 +315,7 @@
content (-> (property-file/remove-built-in-properties-when-file-based repo format content)
(and (another-block-with-same-id-exists? uuid block-id)
(not (= :delete (:editor/op opts))))
(another-block-with-same-id-exists? uuid block-id)
(util/format "Block with the id %s already exists!" block-id)]
@ -456,8 +455,7 @@
(insert-new-block! state nil))
([_state block-value]
(when (and (not config/publishing?)
(not= :insert (state/get-editor-op)))
(when (not config/publishing?)
(state/set-editor-op! :insert)
(when-let [state (get-state)]
(let [{:keys [block value config]} state
@ -743,15 +741,21 @@
edit-target (if edit-block-has-refs?
(db/pull (:db/id edit-block))
(db/pull (:db/id block)))]
(db/pull (:db/id block)))
input (state/get-input)
edit-block-fn #(edit-block! (assoc edit-target :block/content new-value)
{:custom-content new-value
:tail-len tail-len})]
(when (and edit-block-has-refs? input)
(state/set-edit-content! (state/get-edit-input-id) new-value)
(cursor/move-cursor-to input pos))
{:prev-block block
:new-content new-value
:pos pos
:edit-block-fn #(edit-block! edit-target
{:custom-content new-value
:tail-len tail-len})}))))))
:edit-block-fn edit-block-fn}))))))
(declare save-block!)
@ -761,8 +765,7 @@
(declare expand-block!)
(defn delete-block!
[repo delete-children?]
(state/set-editor-op! :delete)
[repo delete-children? & {:keys [*edit-block-fn]}]
(let [{:keys [id block-id block-parent-id value format config]} (get-state)]
(when block-id
(when-let [block-e (db/entity [:block/uuid block-id])]
@ -789,7 +792,8 @@
{:container (util/rec-get-blocks-container block-parent)})
(util/get-prev-block-non-collapsed-non-embed block-parent))
{:keys [prev-block new-content pos edit-block-fn]} (move-to-prev-block repo sibling-block format id value)
{:keys [prev-block new-content edit-block-fn]} (move-to-prev-block repo sibling-block format id value)
_ (when *edit-block-fn (reset! *edit-block-fn edit-block-fn))
concat-prev-block? (boolean (and prev-block new-content))
transact-opts {:outliner-op :delete-blocks}
db-based? (config/db-based-graph? repo)]
@ -807,7 +811,7 @@
(if (seq (:block/_refs (db/entity (:db/id block))))
(let [block-right (outliner-core/get-right-sibling (db/get-db) (:db/id block))]
(delete-block-fn prev-block)
(save-block! repo block new-content {:editor/op :delete})
(save-block! repo block new-content {})
(outliner-save-block! {:db/id (:db/id block)
:block/parent (:db/id (:block/parent prev-block))
:block/left (or (:db/id (:block/left prev-block))
@ -841,16 +845,13 @@
(delete-block-fn block)
(save-block! repo prev-block new-content {:editor/op :delete})
(save-block! repo prev-block new-content {})
(when db-based?
(outliner-save-block! {:db/id (:db/id prev-block)
:block/properties new-properties})))))
(delete-block-fn block)))
(when edit-block-fn (edit-block-fn)))))))))))
(state/set-editor-op! nil))
(delete-block-fn block)))))))))))))
(defn delete-blocks!
[repo block-uuids blocks dom-blocks]
@ -2680,8 +2681,7 @@
(when-let [sibling-block-id (dom/attr sibling-block "blockid")]
(let [content (:block/content block)
value (state/get-edit-content)]
(when (not= (clean-content! repo format content)
(string/trim value))
(when (and value (not= (clean-content! repo format content) (string/trim value)))
(save-block! repo uuid value)))
(let [block (db/pull repo '[*] [:block/uuid (cljs.core/uuid sibling-block-id)])]
(edit-block! block pos (state/get-edit-block-node)))))))
@ -2748,7 +2748,7 @@
{:outliner-op :delete-blocks}
(delete-block-aux! delete-block false)
(save-block! repo keep-block new-content {:editor/op :delete})
(save-block! repo keep-block new-content {})
(when next-block-has-refs?
(outliner-save-block! {:db/id (:db/id keep-block)
:block/left (:db/id (:block/left delete-block))
@ -2824,10 +2824,13 @@
(not single-block?)
(not custom-query?))
(if (own-order-number-list? block)
(remove-block-own-order-list-type! block))
(delete-block! repo false))))
(remove-block-own-order-list-type! block))
(p/let [*edit-block-fn (atom nil)
_ (delete-block! repo false :*edit-block-fn *edit-block-fn)]
(when-let [f @*edit-block-fn]
(and (> current-pos 1)
(= (util/nth-safe value (dec current-pos)) commands/command-trigger))

View File

@ -5,8 +5,7 @@
[frontend.util :as util]
[frontend.util.cursor :as cursor]
[goog.dom :as gdom]
[frontend.db :as db]
[ :as property-util]))
[frontend.db :as db]))
(defn did-mount!