fix: tests

Peng Xiao 2022-08-06 13:29:36 +08:00
parent 37f0893b01
commit b9bc4130e9
4 changed files with 31 additions and 22 deletions

View File

@ -204,15 +204,16 @@
(defn with-whiteboard-block-props
[block page-name]
(let [shape (:block/properties block)
shape? (= :whiteboard-shape (:ls-type shape))]
shape? (= :whiteboard-shape (:ls-type shape))
default-page-ref {:block/name (gp-util/page-name-sanity-lc page-name)}]
(merge (when shape?
{:block/uuid (uuid (:id shape))}
(with-whiteboard-block-refs shape)
(with-whiteboard-content shape)))
(when (nil? (:block/parent block)) {:block/name (gp-util/page-name-sanity-lc page-name)})
(when (nil? (:block/format block)) {:block/format :markdown})
{:block/page {:block/name (gp-util/page-name-sanity-lc page-name)}})))
(when (nil? (:block/parent block)) {:block/parent default-page-ref})
(when (nil? (:block/format block)) {:block/format :markdown}) ;; TODO: read from config
{:block/page default-page-ref})))
(defn extract-whiteboard-edn
"Extracts whiteboard page from given edn file
@ -224,7 +225,8 @@
{:keys [pages blocks]} (gp-util/safe-read-string content)
page-block (first pages)
page-name (filepath->page-name file)
page-entity (build-page-entity {} file page-name page-name nil options)
page-original-name (or (:block/original-name page-block) page-name)
page-entity (build-page-entity (:block/properties page-block) file page-name page-original-name nil options)
page-block (merge page-block page-entity (when-not (:block/uuid page-block) {:block/uuid (d/squuid)}))
blocks (->> blocks
(map #(merge % {:block/level 1 ;; fixme
@ -233,7 +235,7 @@
(with-whiteboard-block-props % page-name)))
(gp-block/with-parent-and-left {:block/name page-name}))
_ (when verbose (println "Parsing finished: " file))]
{:pages [page-block]
{:pages (list page-block)
:blocks blocks}))
(defn- with-block-uuid

View File

@ -68,22 +68,23 @@
(def foo-edn
"Example exported whiteboard page as an edn exportable."
[{:block/content "foo content a",
:block/format :markdown,
:block/unordered true},
({:block/content "foo content a",
:block/format :markdown},
{:block/content "foo content b",
:block/format :markdown,
:block/unordered true}],
:block/format :markdown}),
({:block/format :markdown,
:block/whiteboard? true,
:block/original-name "my foo whiteboard"})})
:block/original-name "Foo"
:block/properties {:title "my whiteboard foo"}})})
(extract/extract-whiteboard-edn "/whiteboards/foo.edn" (pr-str foo-edn) {})
(deftest test-extract-whiteboard-edn
(let [{:keys [pages blocks]} (extract/extract-whiteboard-edn "/whiteboards/foo.edn" (pr-str foo-edn) {})
page (first pages)]
(is (= (get-in page [:block/file :file/path]) "/whiteboards/foo.edn"))
(is (= (get-in page [:block/name]) "foo"))
(is (= (:block/name page) "foo"))
(is (= (:block/original-name page) "Foo"))
(is (every? #(= (:block/parent %) {:block/name "foo"}) blocks))
(is (= (:block/uuid (first blocks)) (get-in (second blocks) [:block/left 1])))))

View File

@ -9,13 +9,14 @@
(def foo-edn
"Example exported whiteboard page as an edn exportable."
[{:block/content "foo content",
:block/format :markdown,
:block/unordered true}],
({:block/content "foo content a",
:block/format :markdown},
{:block/content "foo content b",
:block/format :markdown}),
({:block/format :markdown,
:block/whiteboard? true,
:block/original-name "my foo whiteboard"})})
:block/original-name "Foo"
:block/properties {:title "my whiteboard foo"}})})
(deftest parse-file
(testing "id properties"

View File

@ -28,8 +28,7 @@
{:block/page [:block/name :block/uuid]}
{:block/left [:block/name :block/uuid]}
{:block/parent [:block/name :block/uuid]}
{:block/path-refs [:block/name :block/uuid]}])
{:block/parent [:block/name :block/uuid]}])
(defn do-write-file!
[repo page-db-id]
@ -39,7 +38,13 @@
repo (:block/name page-block)
{:pull-keys (if whiteboard? whiteboard-blocks-pull-keys-with-persisted-ids '[*])})
blocks (map #(if (get-in % [:block/properties :ls-type] false)
(dissoc % :block/content :block/format) %) blocks)]
(dissoc %
:block/parent) ;; these are auto-generated for whiteboard shapes
%) blocks)]
(when-not (and (= 1 (count blocks))
(string/blank? (:block/content (first blocks)))
(nil? (:block/file page-block)))