Both load && persist work now

Tienson Qin 2023-12-07 23:15:04 +08:00
parent 2503ceb720
commit ba2aaae000
6 changed files with 133 additions and 113 deletions

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
(p/let [repos (idb/get-nfs-dbs)
db-repos (persist-db/<list-db)
electron-disk-graphs (when (util/electron?) (ipc/ipc "getGraphs"))]
(distinct (concat repos db-repos (bean/->clj electron-disk-graphs)))))
(distinct (concat repos db-repos (some-> electron-disk-graphs bean/->clj)))))
(defn get-serialized-graph

View File

@ -14,6 +14,16 @@
(defonce *sqlite (atom nil))
(defonce *sqlite-db (atom nil))
(defonce *datascript-conn (atom nil))
(defonce *opfs-pool (atom nil))
(defn- get-opfs-pool
(or @*opfs-pool
(p/let [^js pool (.installOpfsSAHPoolVfs @*sqlite #js {:name "logseq-db"
:initialCapacity 100})]
;; (.removeVfs pool)
(reset! *opfs-pool pool)
(defn- init-sqlite-module!
@ -23,11 +33,25 @@
sqlite (sqlite3InitModule (clj->js {:url sqlite-wasm-url
:print js/console.log
:printErr js/console.error}))]
(reset! *sqlite sqlite))))
(reset! *sqlite sqlite)
(defn- close-all-dbs!
(defn- remove-pfs!
"!! use it only for development"
(when-let [^js pool (get-opfs-pool)]
(.removeVfs ^js pool)))
(defn- get-file-names
(when-let [^js pool (get-opfs-pool)]
(.getFileNames pool)))
(defn- export-db-file
;; TODO: get file name by repo
(when-let [^js pool (get-opfs-pool)]
(.exportFile ^js pool file-path)))
(defn upsert-addr-content!
"Upsert addr+data-seq"
@ -62,8 +86,21 @@
(upsert-addr-content! data)))
(-restore [_ addr]
(let [content (restore-data-from-addr addr)]
(edn/read-string content))))))
(restore-data-from-addr addr)))))
(defn- create-or-open-db!
(p/let [pool (get-opfs-pool)
db (new (.-OpfsSAHPoolDb pool) (str "/" repo ".sqlite"))
storage (new-sqlite-storage repo {})]
(js/console.dir db)
(reset! *sqlite-db db)
(.exec db "PRAGMA locking_mode=exclusive")
(.exec db "create table if not exists kvs (addr INTEGER primary key, content TEXT)")
(let [conn (or (d/restore-conn storage)
(d/create-conn db-schema/schema-for-db-based-graph {:storage storage}))]
(reset! *datascript-conn conn)
(defclass SQLiteDB
@ -90,8 +127,7 @@
@ -99,24 +135,14 @@
;; (.list_db sqlite-db)
#js [])
;; TODO:
(prn (get-file-names))
[_this repo]
;; TODO: close all the other db connections
(p/let [sqlite @*sqlite
db-name repo
pool (.installOpfsSAHPoolVfs sqlite #js {:name db-name})
db (new (.-OpfsSAHPoolDb pool) "/logseq")
storage (new-sqlite-storage db-name {})]
(reset! *sqlite-db db)
(.exec db "PRAGMA locking_mode=exclusive")
(.exec db "create table if not exists kvs (addr INTEGER primary key, content TEXT)")
(let [conn (or (d/restore-conn storage)
(d/create-conn db-schema/schema-for-db-based-graph {:storage storage}))]
(reset! *datascript-conn conn)
(create-or-open-db! repo))
[_this repo tx-data tx-meta]
@ -142,5 +168,4 @@
"web worker entry"
(let [^js obj (SQLiteDB.)]
(p/let [_ (init-sqlite-module!)]
(Comlink/expose obj))))
(Comlink/expose obj)))

View File

@ -75,58 +75,52 @@
(js/setInterval f 5000)))
(defn- instrument!
(let [total (srs/get-srs-cards-total)]
(state/set-state! :srs/cards-due-count total)))
(defn restore-and-setup!
(when-let [repo (or (state/get-current-repo) (:url (first repos)))]
(-> (p/do!
(db-restore/restore-graph! repo)
(repo-config-handler/start {:repo repo})
(op-mem-layer/<init-load-from-indexeddb! repo))
(fn []
(db-listener/listen-and-persist! repo)
[repo repos]
(-> (p/do!
(db-restore/restore-graph! repo)
(repo-config-handler/start {:repo repo})
(op-mem-layer/<init-load-from-indexeddb! repo))
(fn []
(db-listener/listen-and-persist! repo)
;; try to load custom css only for current repo
(when (config/global-config-enabled?)
(global-config-handler/start {:repo repo}))
(when (config/plugin-config-enabled?)
(fn []
(when (config/global-config-enabled?)
(global-config-handler/start {:repo repo}))
(when (config/plugin-config-enabled?)
(fn []
;; install after config is restored
(and (not (seq (db/get-files config/local-repo)))
(and (not (seq (db/get-files config/local-repo)))
;; Not native local directory
(not (some config/local-file-based-graph? (map :url repos)))
(not (mobile-util/native-platform?)))
(not (some config/local-file-based-graph? (map :url repos)))
(not (mobile-util/native-platform?)))
;; will execute `(state/set-db-restoring! false)` inside
(state/set-db-restoring! false)))))))
(fn []
(js/console.log "db restored, setting up repo hooks")
(state/set-db-restoring! false)))))))
(fn []
(js/console.log "db restored, setting up repo hooks")
(state/pub-event! [:modal/nfs-ask-permission])
(state/pub-event! [:modal/nfs-ask-permission])
(state/pub-event! [:graph/restored (state/get-current-repo)])))
(p/catch (fn [error]
(log/error :exception error))))))
(state/pub-event! [:graph/restored (state/get-current-repo)])))
(p/catch (fn [error]
(log/error :exception error)))))
(defn- handle-connection-change
@ -169,27 +163,30 @@
;; FIXME: Another get-repos implementation at src\main\frontend\handler\repo.cljs
(defn- get-repos
(p/let [nfs-dbs (db-persist/get-all-graphs)]
;; TODO: Better IndexDB migration handling
(and (mobile-util/native-platform?)
(some #(or (string/includes? % " ")
(string/includes? % "logseq_local_/")) nfs-dbs))
(do (notification/show! ["DB version is not compatible, please clear cache then re-add your graph back."
(t :settings-page/clear-cache)
:class "ui__modal-enter"
:class "text-sm p-1"
:on-click clear-cache!)] :error false)
{:url config/local-repo
:example? true})
(p/let [nfs-dbs (db-persist/get-all-graphs)]
;; TODO: Better IndexDB migration handling
(and (mobile-util/native-platform?)
(some #(or (string/includes? % " ")
(string/includes? % "logseq_local_/")) nfs-dbs))
(do (notification/show! ["DB version is not compatible, please clear cache then re-add your graph back."
(t :settings-page/clear-cache)
:class "ui__modal-enter"
:class "text-sm p-1"
:on-click clear-cache!)] :error false)
{:url config/local-repo
:example? true})
(seq nfs-dbs)
(map (fn [db] {:url db :nfs? true}) nfs-dbs)
(seq nfs-dbs)
(map (fn [db] {:url db :nfs? true}) nfs-dbs)
[{:url config/local-repo
:example? true}])))
[{:url config/local-repo
:example? true}]))
(p/catch (fn [error]
(defn- register-components-fns!
@ -214,7 +211,6 @@
(set! js/window.onhashchange #(state/hide-custom-context-menu!)) ;; close context menu when page navs
@ -244,10 +240,12 @@
(when (mobile-util/native-platform?)
(-> (p/let [repos (get-repos)
(-> (p/let [_ (db-browser/start-db-worker!)
repos (get-repos)
_ (state/set-repos! repos)
_ (mobile-util/hide-splash) ;; hide splash as early as ui is stable
_ (restore-and-setup! repos)]
repo (or (state/get-current-repo) (:url (first repos)))
_ (restore-and-setup! repo repos)]
(when (mobile-util/native-platform?)
(p/catch (fn [e]
@ -260,8 +258,7 @@
(when config/dev?
(js/setTimeout instrument! (* 60 1000))))
(defn stop! []
(prn "stop!"))

View File

@ -29,6 +29,6 @@
(<fetch-init-data repo {}))
([repo opts]
(p/let [ret (protocol/<fetch-initital-data (get-impl) repo opts)]
(js/console.log "fetch-initital" ret)
(p/let [ret (protocol/<fetch-initial-data (get-impl) repo opts)]
(js/console.log "fetch-initial-data" ret)

View File

@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
[frontend.config :as config]
[promesa.core :as p]
[frontend.util :as util]
[frontend.handler.notification :as notification]))
[frontend.handler.notification :as notification]
[cljs-bean.core :as bean]))
(defonce *sqlite (atom nil))
@ -20,16 +21,16 @@
worker (js/Worker. worker-url)
sqlite (Comlink/wrap worker)]
(reset! *sqlite sqlite))))
(reset! *sqlite sqlite)
(.init sqlite))))
(defrecord InBrowser []
(<new [_this repo]
(prn :debug ::new-repo repo)
(let [^js sqlite @*sqlite]
(-> (.newDB sqlite repo)
(p/then (fn [result]
(prn "SQLite db created successfully: " repo)))
(-> (.createOrOpenDB sqlite repo)
(p/then (fn [_result]
(prn "SQLite db created or opened successfully: " repo)))
(p/catch (fn [error]
(js/console.error error)
(notification/show! [:div (str "SQLiteDB creation error: " error)] :error)
@ -38,6 +39,8 @@
(<list-db [_this]
(when-let [^js sqlite @*sqlite]
(-> (.listDB sqlite)
(p/then (fn [result]
(bean/->clj result)))
(p/catch (fn [error]
(prn :debug :list-db-error (js/Date.))
(notification/show! [:div (str "SQLiteDB error: " error)] :error)
@ -50,21 +53,16 @@
(<transact-data [_this repo tx-data tx-meta]
(prn :debug ::transact-data repo (count tx-data) (count tx-meta))
(let [^js sqlite @*sqlite]
(when-let [^js sqlite @*sqlite]
(p/let [_ (.transact sqlite repo (pr-str tx-data) (pr-str tx-meta))]
(<fetch-initital-data [_this repo _opts]
(prn ::fetch-initital-data repo @*sqlite)
(-> (let [^js sqlite @*sqlite
;; <fetch-initital-data is called when init/re-loading graph
;; the underlying DB should be opened
(p/let [_ (.newDB sqlite repo)]
(.getInitialData sqlite repo)))
(p/catch (fn [error]
(prn :debug :fetch-initial-data-error)
(js/console.error error)
(notification/show! [:div (str "SQLiteDB fetch error: " error)] :error) {})))))
(<fetch-initial-data [_this repo _opts]
(when-let [^js sqlite @*sqlite]
(-> (p/let [_ (.createOrOpenDB sqlite repo)]
(.getInitialData sqlite repo))
(p/catch (fn [error]
(prn :debug :fetch-initial-data-error)
(js/console.error error)
(notification/show! [:div (str "SQLiteDB fetch error: " error)] :error) {}))))))

View File

@ -8,4 +8,4 @@
(<new [this repo])
(<unsafe-delete [this repo])
(<transact-data [this repo tx-data tx-meta] "Transact data to db")
(<fetch-initital-data [this repo opts]))
(<fetch-initial-data [this repo opts]))