fix: graph icon

Tienson Qin 2023-11-16 18:58:06 +08:00
parent 6277f76557
commit ba82d990a8
2 changed files with 37 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -166,6 +166,18 @@
position: relative;
.graph-icon .ui__icon {
padding: 0;
width: unset;
margin-right: 0px;
.graph-icon {
padding: 2px;
margin-left: 1px;
margin-right: 9px;
&:hover {
background-color: or(--ls-left-sidebar-hover-background, --lx-gray-04, --ls-primary-background-color);
color: or(--ls-left-sidebar-text-color-hover, --lx-gray-12);

View File

@ -211,34 +211,38 @@
(let [remote? (:remote? (first (filter #(= current-repo (:url %)) repos)))
repo-name (db/get-repo-name current-repo)
short-repo-name (if repo-name
(db/get-short-repo-name repo-name)
"Select a Graph")]
(db/get-short-repo-name repo-name)
"Select a Graph")]
{:on-click (fn []
(check-multiple-windows? state)
:title repo-name} ;; show full path on hover
{:style {:top 1}}
(ui/icon (if logged-in?
(let [icon (str "letter-" (first (user-handler/email)))]
(if (ui/tabler-icon icon) icon "user"))
"database") {:size (if logged-in? 12 16)
:id "database-icon"
:class (when logged-in? "p-1 rounded")
:style {:background-color "var(--lx-gray-06-alpha, var(--color-level-5))"
:padding 3}})]
[:span [:span#repo-name.font-medium
[:span.overflow-hidden.text-ellipsis (if (= config/local-repo short-repo-name) "Demo" short-repo-name)]
(when remote? [ (ui/icon "cloud")])]]
[ {:style {:border-top-color "#6b7280"}}]]]]))
(assoc :style {:background-color "var(--lx-gray-06-alpha, var(--color-level-5))"}))
(let [icon (if logged-in?
(let [icon (str "letter-" (first (user-handler/email)))]
(if (ui/tabler-icon icon) icon "user"))
opts {:size (if logged-in? 12 14)
:style {:margin-right 0}}]
(ui/icon icon opts))]
[:span [:span#repo-name.font-medium
[:span.overflow-hidden.text-ellipsis (if (= config/local-repo short-repo-name) "Demo" short-repo-name)]
(when remote? [ (ui/icon "cloud")])]]
[ {:style {:border-top-color "#6b7280"}}]]]]]))
links-header (cond->
{:z-index 1000
:modal-class (util/hiccup->class
{:z-index 1000
:modal-class (util/hiccup->class
(> (count repos) 1) ; show switch to if there are multiple repos
(assoc :links-header [
[:div (t :left-side-bar/switch)]