Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into whiteboards

Peng Xiao 2022-09-30 08:51:05 +08:00
commit bb2df1b3b7
13 changed files with 124 additions and 97 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
(ns logseq.graph-parser.config
"App config that is shared between graph-parser and rest of app"
(:require [clojure.set :as set]
[clojure.string :as string]))
[clojure.string :as string]
[goog.object :as gobj]))
(def app-name
"Copy of frontend.config/app-name. Too small to couple to main app"
@ -9,7 +10,9 @@
(defonce asset-protocol "assets://")
(defonce capacitor-protocol "capacitor://")
(defonce capacitor-protocol-with-prefix (str capacitor-protocol "localhost/_capacitor_file_"))
(defonce capacitor-prefix "_capacitor_file_")
(defonce capacitor-protocol-with-prefix (str capacitor-protocol "localhost/" capacitor-prefix))
(defonce capacitor-x-protocol-with-prefix (str (gobj/getValueByKeys js/globalThis "location" "href") capacitor-prefix))
(defonce local-assets-dir "assets")
@ -22,14 +25,16 @@
(when (string? s)
(or (string/starts-with? s asset-protocol)
(string/starts-with? s capacitor-protocol))))
(string/starts-with? s capacitor-protocol)
(string/starts-with? s capacitor-x-protocol-with-prefix))))
(defn remove-asset-protocol
(if (local-protocol-asset? s)
(-> s
(string/replace-first asset-protocol "")
(string/replace-first capacitor-protocol-with-prefix "file://"))
(string/replace-first capacitor-protocol-with-prefix "file://")
(string/replace-first capacitor-x-protocol-with-prefix "file://"))
(defonce default-draw-directory "draws")

View File

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
"@capacitor/status-bar": "^4.0.0",
"@excalidraw/excalidraw": "0.10.0",
"@kanru/rage-wasm": "^0.3.0",
"@logseq/capacitor-file-sync": "0.0.10",
"@logseq/capacitor-file-sync": "0.0.11",
"@logseq/react-tweet-embed": "1.3.1-1",
"@sentry/react": "^6.18.2",
"@sentry/tracing": "^6.18.2",

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"https-proxy-agent": "5.0.0",
"@sentry/electron": "2.5.1",
"posthog-js": "1.10.2",
"@logseq/rsapi": "0.0.46",
"@logseq/rsapi": "0.0.48",
"electron-deeplink": "1.0.10",
"abort-controller": "3.0.0"

View File

@ -47,6 +47,9 @@
(defn decrypt-with-passphrase [passphrase data]
(rsapi/ageDecryptWithPassphrase passphrase data))
(defn cancel-all-requests []
(defonce progress-notify-chan "file-sync-progress")
(set-progress-callback (fn [error progress-info]
(when-not error

View File

@ -579,6 +579,9 @@
(defmethod handle :decrypt-with-passphrase [_ args]
(apply rsapi/decrypt-with-passphrase (rest args)))
(defmethod handle :cancel-all-requests [_ args]
(apply rsapi/cancel-all-requests (rest args)))
(defmethod handle :default [args]
(logger/error "Error: no ipc handler for:" args))

View File

@ -1895,7 +1895,14 @@
priority (priority-cp t)
tags (block-tags-cp t)
bg-color (:background-color properties)
heading (:heading properties)
;; `heading-level` is for backward compatiblity, will remove it in later releases
heading-level (:block/heading-level t)
heading (or
(and heading-level
(<= heading-level 6)
(:heading properties))
heading (if (true? heading) 2 heading)
elem (if heading
(keyword (str "h" heading
(when block-ref? ".inline")))

View File

@ -306,11 +306,8 @@
(ui/icon "chevron-left" {:style {:font-size 24}}))])]]))
(defn- sort-files
[progress files]
(sort-by (fn [f]
(let [percent (or (:percent (get progress f)) 0)]
(if (= percent 100) -1 percent)))
> files))
(sort-by (fn [f] (or (:size f) 0)) > files))
(rum/defcs ^:large-vars/cleanup-todo indicator <
@ -331,8 +328,8 @@
sync-progress (state/sub [:file-sync/progress (second @fs-sync/graphs-txid)])
_ (rum/react file-sync-handler/refresh-file-sync-component)
synced-file-graph? (file-sync-handler/synced-file-graph? current-repo)
uploading-files (sort-files sync-progress (:current-local->remote-files sync-state))
downloading-files (sort-files sync-progress (:current-remote->local-files sync-state))
uploading-files (sort-files (:current-local->remote-files sync-state))
downloading-files (sort-files (:current-remote->local-files sync-state))
queuing-files (:queued-local->remote-files sync-state)
history-files (:history sync-state)
status (:state sync-state)
@ -525,56 +522,49 @@
[:div.flex.justify-center.pb-4 [:span.icon-wrap (ui/icon "cloud-download")]]
[:h1.mb-5.text-2xl.text-center.font-bold "Sync a remote graph to local"]
[:h1.mb-5.text-2xl.text-center.font-bold (util/format "Sync graph \"%s\" to local"
(:GraphName graph))]
{:style {:border-bottom-right-radius 0 :border-bottom-left-radius 0}}
(ui/icon "cloud-lock")
[:span (:GraphName graph)]
[:span.scale-75 (ui/icon "arrow-right")]
[:span (ui/icon "folder")]]]
[:h4.px-2.-mb-1.5 [:strong "UUID: "] (:GraphUUID graph)]]
"Open a local directory"
:class "block w-full py-4 mt-4"
:on-click #(do
(fn [{:keys [url]}]
(file-sync-handler/init-remote-graph url graph)
(js/setTimeout (fn [] (repo-handler/refresh-repos!)) 200))
"Open a local directory"
:class "w-full rounded-t-none py-4"
:on-click #(do
(fn [{:keys [url]}]
(file-sync-handler/init-remote-graph url graph)
(js/setTimeout (fn [] (repo-handler/refresh-repos!)) 200))
(fn [ret]
(let [empty-dir? (nil? (second ret))]
(if-let [root (first ret)]
(fn [ret]
(let [empty-dir? (nil? (second ret))]
(if-let [root (first ret)]
;; verify directory
(-> (if empty-dir?
(p/resolved nil)
(if (util/electron?)
(ipc/ipc :readGraphTxIdInfo root)
(fs-util/read-graphs-txid-info root)))
;; verify directory
(-> (if empty-dir?
(p/resolved nil)
(if (util/electron?)
(ipc/ipc :readGraphTxIdInfo root)
(fs-util/read-graphs-txid-info root)))
(p/then (fn [^js info]
(when (and (not empty-dir?)
(or (nil? info)
(nil? (second info))
(not= (second info) (:GraphUUID graph))))
(if (js/confirm "This directory is not empty, are you sure to sync the remote graph to it? Make sure to back up the directory first.")
(p/resolved nil)
(throw (js/Error. nil)))))))
(p/then (fn [^js info]
(when (and (not empty-dir?)
(or (nil? info)
(nil? (second info))
(not= (second info) (:GraphUUID graph))))
(if (js/confirm "This directory is not empty, are you sure to sync the remote graph to it? Make sure to back up the directory first.")
(p/resolved nil)
(throw (js/Error. nil)))))))
;; cancel pick a directory
(throw (js/Error. nil)))))})
(p/catch (fn [])))))
;; cancel pick a directory
(throw (js/Error. nil)))))})
(p/catch (fn [])))))
[:p.text-xs.opacity-50.px-1 (ui/icon "alert-circle") " An empty directory or an existing remote graph!"]]])
(ui/icon "alert-circle")
[ " An empty directory or an existing remote graph!"]]])
(defn pick-dest-to-sync-panel [graph]
(fn []

View File

@ -54,6 +54,8 @@
;; TODO: remove this in later releases
{:block/page [:db/id :block/name :block/original-name :block/journal-day]}
{:block/_parent ...}])

View File

@ -657,7 +657,8 @@
(<update-remote-files [this graph-uuid base-path filepaths local-txid] "local -> remote, return err or txid")
(<delete-remote-files [this graph-uuid base-path filepaths local-txid] "return err or txid")
(<encrypt-fnames [this graph-uuid fnames])
(<decrypt-fnames [this graph-uuid fnames]))
(<decrypt-fnames [this graph-uuid fnames])
(<cancel-all-requests [this]))
(defprotocol IRemoteAPI
(<user-info [this] "user info")
@ -718,6 +719,8 @@
(recur (dec n)))
(declare <rsapi-cancel-all-requests)
(deftype RSAPI [^:mutable graph-uuid' ^:mutable private-key' ^:mutable public-key']
(<get-token [this]
@ -765,6 +768,7 @@
(<update-local-files [this graph-uuid base-path filepaths]
(println "update-local-files" graph-uuid base-path filepaths)
(<! (<rsapi-cancel-all-requests))
(let [token (<! (<get-token this))]
(<! (p->c (ipc/ipc "update-local-files" graph-uuid base-path filepaths token))))))
(<download-version-files [this graph-uuid base-path filepaths]
@ -782,6 +786,7 @@
(<update-remote-files [this graph-uuid base-path filepaths local-txid]
(<! (<rsapi-cancel-all-requests))
(let [token (<! (<get-token this))]
(<! (<retry-rsapi
#(p->c (ipc/ipc "update-remote-files" graph-uuid base-path filepaths local-txid token)))))))
@ -794,10 +799,12 @@
#(p->c (ipc/ipc "delete-remote-files" graph-uuid base-path filepaths local-txid token)))))))
(<encrypt-fnames [_ graph-uuid fnames] (go (js->clj (<! (p->c (ipc/ipc "encrypt-fnames" graph-uuid fnames))))))
(<decrypt-fnames [_ graph-uuid fnames] (go
(let [r (<! (p->c (ipc/ipc "decrypt-fnames" graph-uuid fnames)))]
(if (instance? ExceptionInfo r)
(ex-info "decrypt-failed" {:fnames fnames} (ex-cause r))
(js->clj r))))))
(let [r (<! (p->c (ipc/ipc "decrypt-fnames" graph-uuid fnames)))]
(if (instance? ExceptionInfo r)
(ex-info "decrypt-failed" {:fnames fnames} (ex-cause r))
(js->clj r)))))
(<cancel-all-requests [_]
(p->c (ipc/ipc "cancel-all-requests"))))
(deftype ^:large-vars/cleanup-todo CapacitorAPI [^:mutable graph-uuid' ^:mutable private-key ^:mutable public-key']
@ -873,10 +880,10 @@
(let [token (<! (<get-token this))
r (<! (<retry-rsapi
#(p->c (.updateLocalVersionFiles mobile-util/file-sync
(clj->js {:graphUUID graph-uuid
:basePath base-path
:filePaths filepaths
:token token})))))]
(clj->js {:graphUUID graph-uuid
:basePath base-path
:filePaths filepaths
:token token})))))]
(<delete-local-files [_ graph-uuid base-path filepaths]
@ -903,15 +910,15 @@
(<delete-remote-files [this graph-uuid _base-path filepaths local-txid]
(let [token (<! (<get-token this))
r (<! (p->c (.deleteRemoteFiles mobile-util/file-sync
(clj->js {:graphUUID graph-uuid
:filePaths filepaths
:txid local-txid
:token token}))))]
(if (instance? ExceptionInfo r)
(get (js->clj r) "txid")))))
(let [token (<! (<get-token this))
r (<! (p->c (.deleteRemoteFiles mobile-util/file-sync
(clj->js {:graphUUID graph-uuid
:filePaths filepaths
:txid local-txid
:token token}))))]
(if (instance? ExceptionInfo r)
(get (js->clj r) "txid")))))
(<encrypt-fnames [_ graph-uuid fnames]
@ -927,7 +934,9 @@
:filePaths fnames}))))]
(if (instance? ExceptionInfo r)
(ex-info "decrypt-failed" {:fnames fnames} (ex-cause r))
(get (js->clj r) "value"))))))
(get (js->clj r) "value")))))
(<cancel-all-requests [_]
(p->c (.cancelAllRequests mobile-util/file-sync))))
(def rsapi (cond
@ -942,6 +951,11 @@
(defn <rsapi-cancel-all-requests []
(when rsapi
(<! (<cancel-all-requests rsapi)))))
;;; ### remote & rs api exceptions
(defn sync-stop-when-api-flying?
@ -2803,6 +2817,7 @@
(when ops-chan (async/close! ops-chan))
(stop-local->remote! local->remote-syncer)
(stop-remote->local! remote->local-syncer)
(<! (<rsapi-cancel-all-requests))
(debug/pprint ["stop sync-manager, graph-uuid" graph-uuid "base-path" base-path])
(swap! *sync-state sync-state--update-state ::stop)
(loop []

View File

@ -2795,7 +2795,8 @@
value (gobj/get input "value")
c (util/nth-safe value (dec current-pos))
[key-code k code is-processed?]
(if (and (mobile-util/native-android?)
(if (and c
(or (= key-code 229)
(= key-code 0)))
[(.charCodeAt value (dec current-pos))

View File

@ -163,12 +163,13 @@
state/set-state! :sync-graph/init? false)))
(defmethod handle :graph/switch [[_ graph opts]]
(if (or (not (false? (get @outliner-file/*writes-finished? graph)))
(:sync-graph/init? @state/state))
(graph-switch-on-persisted graph opts)
"Please wait seconds until all changes are saved for the current graph."
(let [opts (if (false? (:persist? opts)) opts (assoc opts :persist? true))]
(if (or (not (false? (get @outliner-file/*writes-finished? graph)))
(:sync-graph/init? @state/state))
(graph-switch-on-persisted graph opts)
"Please wait seconds until all changes are saved for the current graph."
(defmethod handle :graph/pick-dest-to-sync [[_ graph]]

View File

@ -233,24 +233,24 @@
;; file-sync
:file-sync/jstour-inst nil
:file-sync/remote-graphs {:loading false :graphs nil}
:file-sync/sync-manager nil
:file-sync/sync-state-manager nil
:file-sync/sync-state nil
:file-sync/sync-uploading-files nil
:file-sync/sync-downloading-files nil
:file-sync/onboarding-state (or (storage/get :file-sync/onboarding-state)
{:welcome false})
:encryption/graph-parsing? false
:ui/loading? {}
:file-sync/remote-graphs {:loading false :graphs nil}
:file-sync/sync-manager nil
:file-sync/sync-state nil
:file-sync/sync-uploading-files nil
:file-sync/sync-downloading-files nil
:file-sync/set-remote-graph-password-result {}
;; graph-uuid -> {file-path -> payload}
:file-sync/progress {}
:file-sync/start {}
;; graph -> epoch
:file-sync/last-synced-at {}
:encryption/graph-parsing? false
:ui/loading? {}
:feature/enable-sync? (storage/get :logseq-sync-enabled)
:file/rename-event-chan (async/chan 100)

View File

@ -480,10 +480,10 @@
resolved ""
integrity sha512-2LMRS27nNJPqFNpRQL7kXG0kgBeIPo63KM6u0Xu6Es5XIS7LP4MFtdHkCg8Pt7IhMM7GuOa2YnzAZgKBxE1lcw==
version "0.0.10"
resolved ""
integrity sha512-O4bCHLym7+DnqCoO57D1Ii6ec6tcZBjp8SzFEYCKE9mvHsX5aFmCA61XUHgNEFovocQ3gBMJvi6GKSJBcGwT3Q==
version "0.0.11"
resolved ""
integrity sha512-ZCV/2fp8iPpShk+rk+6aH3aFZID7BKhSlyw/f4fcSCapbh6im638GR2fi9RPRc1eg+0vbtrx6UzG7Vbw+Kz2aQ==
version "1.3.1-1"