enhance: Improve ux of irreversible cardinality change

Users shouldn't be surprised by irreversible changes that can affect
large parts of their data. Also fixed inconsistent language i.e. we use
delete in dialogs
Gabriel Horner 2024-08-28 12:25:28 -04:00 committed by Tienson Qin
parent 5397ca4d87
commit bb65b59ec6
1 changed files with 12 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -522,8 +522,16 @@
(dropdown-editor-menuitem {:icon :checks :title "Multiple values"
:toggle-checked? many?
:disabled? (or disabled? (not (contains? db-property-type/cardinality-property-types property-type)))
:on-toggle-checked-change #(db-property-handler/upsert-property! (:db/ident property)
(assoc property-schema :cardinality (if many? :one :many)) {})}))
(fn []
(let [update-cardinality-fn #(db-property-handler/upsert-property! (:db/ident property)
(assoc property-schema :cardinality (if many? :one :many)) {})]
;; Only show dialog for existing values as it can be reversed for unused properties
(if (seq values)
(-> (shui/dialog-confirm!
"This action cannot be undone. Do you want to change this property to have multiple values?")
(p/then update-cardinality-fn))
(let [position (:position property-schema)]
@ -548,14 +556,14 @@
(when owner-block
{:id :remove-property :icon :x :title "Remove property" :desc "" :disabled? false
{:id :delete-property :icon :x :title "Delete property" :desc "" :disabled? false
:item-props {:class "opacity-60 focus:!text-red-rx-09 focus:opacity-100"
:on-select (fn [^js e]
(util/stop e)
(-> (p/do!
(handle-delete-property! owner-block property {:class-schema? class-schema?})
(p/catch (fn [] (restore-root-highlight-item! :remove-property)))))}}))
(p/catch (fn [] (restore-root-highlight-item! :delete-property)))))}}))
(when debug?