fix: cache key bindings

Junyi Du 2022-12-02 18:28:57 +08:00 committed by Andelf
parent 039c666062
commit bd3479abda
3 changed files with 110 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -13,14 +13,21 @@
[frontend.handler.config :as config-handler])
(:import [goog.ui KeyboardShortcutHandler]))
(defn get-bindings
(->> (vals @shortcut-config/config)
;; function vals->bindings is too time-consuming. Here we cache the results.
(defn- flatten-key-bindings
(->> config
(into {})
(map (fn [[k {:keys [binding]}]]
{k binding}))
(into {})))
(def m-flatten-key-bindings (util/memoize-last flatten-key-bindings))
(defn get-bindings
(m-flatten-key-bindings (vals @shortcut-config/config)))
(defn- mod-key [shortcut]
(str/replace shortcut #"(?i)mod"
(if util/mac? "meta" "ctrl")))
@ -48,11 +55,11 @@
(defn normalize-user-keyname
(let [keynames {";" "semicolon"
"=" "equals"
"-" "dash"
"[" "open-square-bracket"
"]" "close-square-bracket"
"'" "single-quote"}]
"=" "equals"
"-" "dash"
"[" "open-square-bracket"
"]" "close-square-bracket"
"'" "single-quote"}]
(some-> k
(str/replace #"[;=-\[\]']" (fn [s]

View File

@ -1432,3 +1432,21 @@
(.then (fn [blob]
(js/navigator.clipboard.write (clj->js [(js/ClipboardItem. (clj->js {(.-type blob) blob}))]))))
(.catch js/console.error)))))))
(defn memoize-last
"Different from core.memoize, it only cache the last result.
Returns a memoized version of a referentially transparent function. The
memoized version of the function cache the the last result, and replay when calls
with the same arguments, or update cache when with different arguments."
(let [last-mem (atom nil)
last-args (atom nil)]
(fn [& args]
(if (or (nil? @last-mem)
(not= @last-args args))
(let [ret (apply f args)]
(reset! last-args args)
(reset! last-mem ret)

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
(ns frontend.util-test
(:require [cljs.test :refer [deftest is testing]]
[frontend.util :as util]))
[frontend.util :as util]
[ :as shortcut-data-helper]))
(deftest test-find-first
(testing "find-first"
@ -31,3 +32,78 @@
(is (= (util/node-path.join "content://a/b" "../") "content://a/"))
(is (= (util/node-path.join "" "c/") ""))))
(deftest test-memoize-last
(testing "memoize-last add test"
(let [actual-ops (atom 0)
m+ (util/memoize-last (fn [x1 x2]
(swap! actual-ops inc) ;; side effect for counting
(+ x1 x2)))]
(is (= (m+ 1 1) 2))
(is (= @actual-ops 1))
(is (= (m+ 1 1) 2))
(is (= (m+ 1 1) 2))
(is (= @actual-ops 1))
(is (= (m+ 1 2) 3))
(is (= @actual-ops 2))
(is (= (m+ 2 3) 5))
(is (= @actual-ops 3))
(is (= (m+ 3 5) 8))
(is (= @actual-ops 4))
(is (= (m+ 3 5) 8))
(is (= @actual-ops 4))))
(testing "memoize-last nested mapping test"
(let [actual-ops (atom 0)
flatten-f (util/memoize-last (fn [& args]
(swap! actual-ops inc) ;; side effect for counting
(apply #'shortcut-data-helper/flatten-key-bindings args)))
target (atom {:part1 {:date-picker/complete {:binding "enter"
:fn "ui-handler/shortcut-complete"}
:date-picker/prev-day {:binding "left"
:fn "ui-handler/shortcut-prev-day"}}
:part2 {:date-picker/next-day {:binding "right"
:fn "ui-handler/shortcut-next-day"}
:date-picker/prev-week {:binding ["up" "ctrl+p"]
:fn "ui-handler/shortcut-prev-week"}}})]
(is (= (flatten-f (vals @target)) {:date-picker/complete "enter"
:date-picker/prev-day "left"
:date-picker/next-day "right"
:date-picker/prev-week ["up" "ctrl+p"]}))
(is (= @actual-ops 1))
(is (= (flatten-f (vals @target)) {:date-picker/complete "enter"
:date-picker/prev-day "left"
:date-picker/next-day "right"
:date-picker/prev-week ["up" "ctrl+p"]}))
(is (= @actual-ops 1))
;; edit value
(swap! target assoc-in [:part1 :date-picker/complete :binding] "tab")
(is (= (flatten-f (vals @target)) {:date-picker/complete "tab"
:date-picker/prev-day "left"
:date-picker/next-day "right"
:date-picker/prev-week ["up" "ctrl+p"]}))
(is (= @actual-ops 2))
(is (= (flatten-f (vals @target)) {:date-picker/complete "tab"
:date-picker/prev-day "left"
:date-picker/next-day "right"
:date-picker/prev-week ["up" "ctrl+p"]}))
(is (= @actual-ops 2))
(is (= (flatten-f (vals @target)) {:date-picker/complete "tab"
:date-picker/prev-day "left"
:date-picker/next-day "right"
:date-picker/prev-week ["up" "ctrl+p"]}))
(is (= @actual-ops 2))
;; edit key
(swap! target assoc :part3 {:date-picker/next-week {:binding "down"
:fn "ui-handler/shortcut-next-week"}})
(is (= (flatten-f (vals @target)) {:date-picker/complete "tab"
:date-picker/prev-day "left"
:date-picker/next-day "right"
:date-picker/prev-week ["up" "ctrl+p"]
:date-picker/next-week "down"}))
(is (= @actual-ops 3))
(is (= (flatten-f (vals @target)) {:date-picker/complete "tab"
:date-picker/prev-day "left"
:date-picker/next-day "right"
:date-picker/prev-week ["up" "ctrl+p"]
:date-picker/next-week "down"}))
(is (= @actual-ops 3)))))