Merge pull request #895 from logseq/fix/reload-dir-error-handling

fix: move p/catch & p/finally to outermost block
Tienson Qin 2020-12-11 23:28:44 +08:00 committed by GitHub
commit bf5e067fdd
No known key found for this signature in database
1 changed files with 63 additions and 62 deletions

View File

@ -167,69 +167,70 @@
handle-path (str config/local-handle-prefix dir-name)
path-handles (atom {})]
(state/set-graph-syncing? true)
(p/let [handle (idb/get-item handle-path)]
(when handle
(p/let [_ (when handle (utils/verifyPermission handle true))
files-result (utils/getFiles handle true
(fn [path handle]
(swap! path-handles assoc path handle)))
new-files (-> (->db-files dir-name files-result)
_ (let [file-paths (set (map :file/path new-files))]
(swap! path-handles (fn [handles]
(->> handles
(filter (fn [[path _handle]]
(contains? file-paths
(string/replace-first path (str dir-name "/") ""))))
(into {})))))
_ (set-files! @path-handles)
get-file-f (fn [path files] (some #(when (= (:file/path %) path) %) files))
{:keys [added modified deleted] :as diffs} (compute-diffs old-files new-files)
(p/let [handle (idb/get-item handle-path)]
(when handle
(p/let [_ (when handle (utils/verifyPermission handle true))
files-result (utils/getFiles handle true
(fn [path handle]
(swap! path-handles assoc path handle)))
new-files (-> (->db-files dir-name files-result)
_ (let [file-paths (set (map :file/path new-files))]
(swap! path-handles (fn [handles]
(->> handles
(filter (fn [[path _handle]]
(contains? file-paths
(string/replace-first path (str dir-name "/") ""))))
(into {})))))
_ (set-files! @path-handles)
get-file-f (fn [path files] (some #(when (= (:file/path %) path) %) files))
{:keys [added modified deleted] :as diffs} (compute-diffs old-files new-files)
;; Use the same labels as isomorphic-git
rename-f (fn [typ col] (mapv (fn [file] {:type typ :path file}) col))
_ (when (seq deleted)
(let [deleted (doall
(-> (map (fn [path] (if (= "/" (first path))
(str "/" path))) deleted)
(p/all (map (fn [path]
(let [handle-path (str handle-path path)]
(idb/remove-item! handle-path)
(fs/remove-nfs-file-handle! handle-path))) deleted))))
added-or-modified (set (concat added modified))
_ (when (seq added-or-modified)
(p/all (map (fn [path]
(when-let [handle (get @path-handles path)]
(idb/set-item! (str handle-path path) handle))) added-or-modified)))]
(-> (p/all (map (fn [path]
(when-let [file (get-file-f path new-files)]
(p/let [content (.text (:file/file file))]
(assoc file :file/content content)))) added-or-modified))
(p/then (fn [result]
(let [files (map #(dissoc % :file/file :file/handle) result)
non-modified? (fn [file]
(let [content (:file/content file)
old-content (:file/content (get-file-f (:file/path file) old-files))]
(= content old-content)))
non-modified-files (->> (filter non-modified? files)
(map :file/path))
modified-files (remove non-modified? files)
modified (set/difference (set modified) (set non-modified-files))
diffs (concat
(rename-f "remove" deleted)
(rename-f "add" added)
(rename-f "modify" modified))]
(when (or (and (seq diffs) (seq modified-files))
(seq diffs) ; delete
(repo-handler/load-repo-to-db! repo
{:diffs diffs
:nfs-files modified-files})))))
(p/catch (fn [error]
(log/error :nfs/load-files-error error)))
(p/finally (fn [_]
(state/set-graph-syncing? false))))))))))
rename-f (fn [typ col] (mapv (fn [file] {:type typ :path file}) col))
_ (when (seq deleted)
(let [deleted (doall
(-> (map (fn [path] (if (= "/" (first path))
(str "/" path))) deleted)
(p/all (map (fn [path]
(let [handle-path (str handle-path path)]
(idb/remove-item! handle-path)
(fs/remove-nfs-file-handle! handle-path))) deleted))))
added-or-modified (set (concat added modified))
_ (when (seq added-or-modified)
(p/all (map (fn [path]
(when-let [handle (get @path-handles path)]
(idb/set-item! (str handle-path path) handle))) added-or-modified)))]
(-> (p/all (map (fn [path]
(when-let [file (get-file-f path new-files)]
(p/let [content (.text (:file/file file))]
(assoc file :file/content content)))) added-or-modified))
(p/then (fn [result]
(let [files (map #(dissoc % :file/file :file/handle) result)
non-modified? (fn [file]
(let [content (:file/content file)
old-content (:file/content (get-file-f (:file/path file) old-files))]
(= content old-content)))
non-modified-files (->> (filter non-modified? files)
(map :file/path))
modified-files (remove non-modified? files)
modified (set/difference (set modified) (set non-modified-files))
diffs (concat
(rename-f "remove" deleted)
(rename-f "add" added)
(rename-f "modify" modified))]
(when (or (and (seq diffs) (seq modified-files))
(seq diffs) ; delete
(repo-handler/load-repo-to-db! repo
{:diffs diffs
:nfs-files modified-files})))))))))
(p/catch (fn [error]
(log/error :nfs/load-files-error error)))
(p/finally (fn [_]
(state/set-graph-syncing? false)))))))
(defn refresh!
[repo ok-handler]