refactor(fs): re-impl refresh and re-index on nfs backend

Andelf 2023-03-14 12:04:15 +08:00
parent f39be3edac
commit c3daeae6eb
5 changed files with 36 additions and 26 deletions

View File

@ -165,9 +165,7 @@
(when (and nfs-repo?
(not= current-repo config/local-repo)
(or (nfs-handler/supported?)
;; Disable refresh temporally for nfs
(not util/nfs?))
{:title (t :sync-from-local-files)
:hover-detail (t :sync-from-local-files-detail)
:options {:on-click #(state/pub-event! [:graph/ask-for-re-fresh])}}))

View File

@ -180,17 +180,17 @@
(defn list-files
"List all files in the directory, recursively.
{:path :files []}"
[path-or-handle ok-handler]
Wrap as {:path string :files []}, using relative path"
[dir ok-handler]
(let [fs-record (get-native-backend)]
(when ok-handler
(js/console.warn "ok-handler not nil"))
(p/let [result (protocol/list-files fs-record path-or-handle ok-handler)]
(p/let [result (protocol/list-files fs-record dir ok-handler)]
(prn ::list-files (first result) "....")
(if (or (util/electron?)
(if (seq result) ;; electron, mobile, nfs
(let [files result ;; TODO(andelf): rm first item from electron
dir path-or-handle
dir dir
_ (prn ::prepare-rel-path dir)
files (mapv (fn [entry]
;; (prn ::xx entry)

View File

@ -108,6 +108,7 @@
(defn- list-and-reload-all-file-handles [root-dir root-handle]
(prn ::list-and-reload-all-file-handles root-handle)
(p/let [files (utils/getFiles root-handle
(fn [path entry]
@ -226,8 +227,9 @@
;; file exist
(p/let [local-file (.getFile file-handle)
disk-content (.text local-file)
db-content (db/get-file repo path)]
(prn ::file-exist file-handle)
db-content (db/get-file repo path)
contents-matched? (contents-matched? disk-content db-content)]
(prn ::file-exist file-handle disk-content db-content)
(if (and
(not (string/blank? db-content))
(not (:skip-compare? opts))
@ -334,9 +336,14 @@
{:path dir-name
:files files}))
(list-files [_this path-or-handle ok-handler]
(js/console.error "list-files" "unimpl")
(utils/getFiles path-or-handle true ok-handler))
(list-files [_this dir _ok-handler]
(when (string/includes? dir "/")
(js/console.error "BUG: list-files(nfs) only accepts repo-dir"))
(p/let [handle-path (str "handle/" dir)
handle (get-nfs-file-handle handle-path)
files (list-and-reload-all-file-handles dir handle)]
(prn ::list-files files)
(watch-dir! [_this _dir _options]

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
(defprotocol Fs
(mkdir! [this dir])
(mkdir-recur! [this dir])
;; TODO(andelf): clarify the return value. How is this different from `list-files`?
(readdir [this dir])
(unlink! [this repo path opts])
;; FIXME(andelf): remove this API? since the only usage is plugin API
@ -18,7 +19,7 @@
(open-dir [this dir ok-handler]
"=> {:path string :files [{...}]}")
(list-files [this dir ok-handler]
"=> [{:path string :content string}]")
"=> [{:path string :content string}] (absolute path)")
(watch-dir! [this dir options])
(unwatch-dir! [this dir])
;; Ensure the dir is watched, window agnostic.

View File

@ -134,6 +134,7 @@
(p/let [_ (prn :xxx-dir-result-fn dir-result-fn)
result (if (fn? dir-result-fn)
(dir-result-fn {:path-handles path-handles :nfs? nfs?})
;; TODO: rm callback
(fs/open-dir dir
(fn [path handle]
(comment when nfs?
@ -143,9 +144,6 @@
(on-open-dir result))
root-handle (:path result)
_ (when (fn? picked-root-fn) (picked-root-fn root-handle))
;dir-name (if nfs?
; (gobj/get root-handle "name")
; root-handle)
dir-name root-handle
repo (str config/local-db-prefix root-handle)]
@ -274,6 +272,7 @@
(defn- handle-diffs!
"Compute directory diffs and handle them."
[repo nfs? old-files new-files handle-path path-handles re-index? ok-handler]
(prn ::handle-diff repo old-files new-files)
(let [get-last-modified-at (fn [path] (some (fn [file]
(when (= path (:file/path file))
(:file/last-modified-at file)))
@ -331,12 +330,14 @@
(db/transact! repo new-files))))))))
(defn- reload-dir!
"Handle refresh and re-index"
[repo {:keys [re-index? ok-handler]
:or {re-index? false}}]
(prn ::reload-dir)
(when (and repo (config/local-db? repo))
(let [old-files (db/get-files-full repo)
dir-name (config/get-local-dir repo)
handle-path (str config/local-handle-prefix dir-name)
repo-dir (config/get-local-dir repo)
handle-path (str "handle/" repo-dir)
path-handles (atom {})
electron? (util/electron?)
mobile-native? (mobile-util/native-platform?)
@ -346,16 +347,19 @@
(state/set-graph-syncing? true))
(p/let [handle (when-not electron? (idb/get-item handle-path))]
(prn ::handle handle)
(when (or handle electron? mobile-native?) ; electron doesn't store the file handle
(p/let [_ (when handle (nfs/verify-permission repo true))
(fs/list-files (if nfs? handle
(config/get-local-dir repo))
(fs/list-files repo-dir
(fn [path handle]
(when nfs?
(swap! path-handles assoc path handle))))
(comment when false ; nfs?
(swap! path-handles assoc path handle)))
_ (prn ::reading-local-fils local-files-result)
new-local-files (-> (->db-files (:files local-files-result) nfs?)
(remove-ignore-files dir-name nfs?))
(remove-ignore-files repo-dir nfs?))
_ (prn ::new-local-files)
;; new-global-files (if (and (config/global-config-enabled?)
;; ;; Hack until we better understand failure in frontend.handler.file/alter-file
;; (global-config-handler/global-config-dir-exists?))
@ -368,7 +372,7 @@
;; (p/resolved []))
new-files new-local-files ;; (concat new-local-files new-global-files)
_ (when nfs?
_ (comment when nfs?
(let [file-paths (set (map :file/path new-files))]
(swap! path-handles (fn [handles]
(->> handles