perf: remove editor esc-save

Tienson Qin 2024-03-04 20:31:13 +08:00
parent 2e29918478
commit c752e2964b
3 changed files with 40 additions and 53 deletions

View File

@ -715,6 +715,26 @@
(defn- editor-on-blur
#{:commands :block-commands
:page-search :page-search-hashtag :block-search :template-search
:property-search :property-value-search
(state/clear-editor-action!) ;; FIXME: This should probably be handled as a keydown handler in editor, but this handler intercepts Esc first
;; editor/input component handles Escape directly, so just prevent handling it here
(= :input (state/get-editor-action))
(let [{:keys [on-hide value]} (editor-handler/get-state)]
(when on-hide
(on-hide value nil)))))
(rum/defcs box < rum/reactive
{:init (fn [state]
(assoc state ::id (str (random-uuid))))
@ -724,19 +744,28 @@
(mixins/event-mixin setup-key-listener!)
(shortcut/mixin :shortcut.handler/block-editing-only)
[state {:keys [format block parent-block]} id config]
[state {:keys [format block parent-block on-hide]} id config]
(let [content (state/sub-edit-content (:block/uuid block))
heading-class (get-editor-style-class block content format)
opts (cond->
{:id id
:cacheMeasurements (editor-row-height-unchanged?) ;; check when content updated (as the content variable is binded)
:default-value (or content "")
:minRows (if (state/enable-grammarly?) 2 1)
:on-click (editor-handler/editor-on-click! id)
:on-change (editor-handler/editor-on-change! block id search-timeout)
:on-paste (paste-handler/editor-on-paste! id)
:auto-focus false
:class heading-class}
{:id id
:cacheMeasurements (editor-row-height-unchanged?) ;; check when content updated (as the content variable is binded)
:default-value (or content "")
:minRows (if (state/enable-grammarly?) 2 1)
:on-click (editor-handler/editor-on-click! id)
:on-change (editor-handler/editor-on-change! block id search-timeout)
:on-paste (paste-handler/editor-on-paste! id)
:on-blur (fn [e]
(if-let [on-blur (:on-blur config)]
(on-blur e)
(editor-on-blur e)))
:on-key-down (fn [e]
(if-let [on-key-down (:on-key-down config)]
(on-key-down e)
(when (and (= (util/ekey e) "Escape") on-hide)
(on-hide content :esc))))
:auto-focus true
:class heading-class}
(some? parent-block)
(assoc :parentblockid (str (:block/uuid parent-block)))

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
(ns ^:no-doc frontend.handler.editor.keyboards
(:require [frontend.handler.editor :as editor-handler]
[frontend.mixins :as mixins]
[frontend.state :as state]
[goog.dom :as gdom]))
;; TODO: don't depend on handler.editor
(defn esc-save! [state]
(let [id (nth (:rum/args state) 1)]
(fn [_state e event]
#{:commands :block-commands
:page-search :page-search-hashtag :block-search :template-search
:property-search :property-value-search
(state/clear-editor-action!) ;; FIXME: This should probably be handled as a keydown handler in editor, but this handler intercepts Esc first
;; editor/input component handles Escape directly, so just prevent handling it here
(= :input (state/get-editor-action))
(some-> (.-target e)
(.closest ".ls-keep-editing-when-outside-click"))
(let [{:keys [on-hide value]} (editor-handler/get-state)]
(when on-hide
(on-hide value event)))))
:node (gdom/getElement id)
;; :visibilitychange? true

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
(ns ^:no-doc frontend.handler.editor.lifecycle
(:require [frontend.handler.editor :as editor-handler]
[frontend.handler.editor.keyboards :as keyboards-handler]
[frontend.state :as state]
[frontend.util :as util]
[frontend.util.cursor :as cursor]
@ -24,10 +23,8 @@
(when content
(editor-handler/restore-cursor-pos! id content)))
(keyboards-handler/esc-save! state)
(when-let [element (gdom/getElement id)]
(.focus element)
;; TODO: check whether editor is visible, do less work
(js/setTimeout #(util/scroll-editor-cursor element) 50)))
@ -40,7 +37,6 @@
(when-let [input (state/get-input)]
(util/set-change-value input
(block-handler/sanity-block-content repo (get new-block :block/format :markdown) (:block/content new-block))))))
(keyboards-handler/esc-save! state)
(defn will-unmount