fix: region copy as

when embed-page included in selected region, will copy embed-page twice
rcmerci 2021-10-21 17:09:41 +08:00 committed by Tienson Qin
parent e60aa99aec
commit c8b07ff97a
1 changed files with 10 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -1177,13 +1177,17 @@
(uuid id)) blocks))
(remove nil?))
blocks (db-utils/pull-many repo '[*] (mapv (fn [id] [:block/uuid id]) block-ids))
blocks* (flatten
(mapv (fn [b] (if (:collapsed (:block/properties b))
(vec (tree/sort-blocks (db/get-block-children repo (:block/uuid b)) b))
[b])) blocks))
page-id (:db/id (:block/page (first blocks)))
(->> blocks
;; filter out blocks not belong to page with 'page-id'
(remove (fn [block] (some-> (:db/id (:block/page block)) (not= page-id))))
;; expand collapsed blocks
(mapv (fn [b] (if (:collapsed (:block/properties b))
(vec (tree/sort-blocks (db/get-block-children repo (:block/uuid b)) b))
[b])) )
block-ids* (mapv :block/uuid blocks*)
unordered? (:block/unordered (first blocks*))
format (:block/format (first blocks*))
level-blocks-map (blocks-with-level blocks*)
level-blocks-uuid-map (into {} (mapv (fn [b] [(:block/uuid b) b]) (vals level-blocks-map)))
level-blocks (mapv (fn [uuid] (get level-blocks-uuid-map uuid)) block-ids*)