Set up initial accounts tab behind feature flag

Ben Yorke 2023-04-20 10:04:47 +02:00 committed by Gabriel Horner
parent 3cf7602eef
commit cbb4c0243b
4 changed files with 66 additions and 70 deletions

View File

@ -789,7 +789,7 @@
[ (ui/icon "bell-ringing" {:class "font-semibold"})]
[:strong "Logseq Sync is still in Beta and we're working on a Pro plan!"]]
[:strong "Logseq Sync is still in Beta and we're working on a Pro plan!"]]]
;; [
;; [
@ -802,7 +802,7 @@
;; [
;; [:h1.dark:text-white "50G"]
;; [:h2 "Total Storage"]]]
(ui/button "Done" :on-click close-fn)]])

View File

@ -1,37 +1,39 @@
(ns frontend.components.settings
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[frontend.components.svg :as svg]
[frontend.components.plugins :as plugins]
[electron.ipc :as ipc]
[frontend.components.assets :as assets]
[frontend.components.conversion :as conversion-component]
[frontend.components.file-sync :as fs]
[frontend.components.plugins :as plugins]
[frontend.components.svg :as svg]
[frontend.config :as config]
[frontend.context.i18n :refer [t]]
[ :as storage]
[ :as storage-spec]
[ :as date]
[frontend.db :as db]
[frontend.dicts :as dicts]
[frontend.handler :as handler]
[frontend.handler.config :as config-handler]
[frontend.handler.file-sync :as file-sync-handler]
[ :as global-config-handler]
[frontend.handler.notification :as notification]
[frontend.handler.plugin :as plugin-handler]
[frontend.handler.route :as route-handler]
[frontend.handler.ui :as ui-handler]
[frontend.handler.user :as user-handler]
[frontend.handler.plugin :as plugin-handler]
[frontend.handler.file-sync :as file-sync-handler]
[ :as global-config-handler]
[ :as mobile-util]
[frontend.modules.instrumentation.core :as instrument]
[ :as shortcut-helper]
[ :as storage-spec]
[frontend.state :as state]
[ :as storage]
[frontend.ui :as ui]
[electron.ipc :as ipc]
[promesa.core :as p]
[frontend.util :refer [classnames web-platform?] :as util]
[frontend.version :refer [version]]
[goog.object :as gobj]
[goog.string :as gstring]
[promesa.core :as p]
[reitit.frontend.easy :as rfe]
[rum.core :as rum]
[ :as mobile-util]
[frontend.db :as db]
[frontend.components.conversion :as conversion-component]))
[rum.core :as rum]))
(defn toggle
[label-for name state on-toggle & [detail-text]]
@ -759,52 +761,53 @@
storage-usage-formatted (cond
(zero? storage-usage) "0.0"
(< storage-usage 0.01) "Less than 0.01"
:else (-> storage-usage (* 1000) js/Math.round (* 0.1) str))
:else (gstring/format "%.2f" storage-usage))
;; TODO: check logic on this. What are the rules around storage limits?
;; do we, and should we be able to, give individual users more storage?
;; should that be on a per graph or per user basis?
default-storage-limit (if pro-account? 100 0.05)
default-storage-limit (if pro-account? 10 0.05)
storage-limit (->> (range 0 count-limit)
(map #(get-in graph-usage [% :limit-gbs] default-storage-limit))
(reduce + 0)
(* 1000)
(* 0.001))
(reduce + 0))
storage-percent (/ storage-usage storage-limit 0.01)
storage-percent-formatted (-> storage-percent (* 1000) js/Math.round (* 0.1) str)]
storage-percent-formatted (gstring/format "%.1f" storage-percent)]
(when pro-account?
(str count-usage " out of " count-limit " synced graphs ")
[:strong.text-white " (" count-percent "%)"]
(gstring/format "%s of %s synced graphs " count-usage count-limit)
[:strong.text-white (gstring/format "(%s%%)" count-percent)]
", "])
storage-usage-formatted "GB of " storage-limit "GB total storage"
[:strong.text-white " (" storage-percent-formatted "%)"]]))
(gstring/format "%sGB of %sGB total storage " storage-usage-formatted storage-limit)
[:strong.text-white (gstring/format "(%s%%)" storage-percent-formatted)]]))
; storage-usage-formatted "GB of " storage-limit "GB total storage"
; [:strong.text-white " (" storage-percent-formatted "%)"]]))
(rum/defc settings-account-usage-graphs [_pro-account? graph-usage]
(when (< 0 (count graph-usage))
[ {:style {:grid-template-columns (str "repeat(" (count graph-usage) ", 1fr)")}}
(for [{:keys [name used-percent]} graph-usage
:let [color (if (<= 100 used-percent) "bg-red-500" "bg-blue-500")]]
[:div.rounded-full.w-full.h-2 {:class "bg-black/50"
:tooltip name}
[:div.rounded-full.h-2 {:class color
:style {:width (str used-percent "%")
:min-width "0.5rem"
:max-width "100%"}}]])]))
(rum/defc settings-account < rum/reactive
(let [current-repo (state/get-current-repo)
current-graph-uuid (state/sub-current-file-sync-graph-uuid)
enable-journals? (state/enable-journals? current-repo)
enable-flashcards? (state/enable-flashcards? current-repo)
enable-sync? (state/enable-sync?)
enable-whiteboards? (state/enable-whiteboards? current-repo)
(let [current-graph-uuid (state/sub-current-file-sync-graph-uuid)
graph-usage (state/get-remote-graph-usage)
current-graph-is-remote? ((set (map :uuid graph-usage)) current-graph-uuid)
; remote-graphs (state/get-remote-graphs)
logged-in? (user-handler/logged-in?)
user-info (state/get-user-info)
pro-account? (#{"active" "on_trial" "cancelled"} (:LemonStatus user-info))
paid-user? (#{"active" "on_trial" "cancelled"} (:LemonStatus user-info))
gift-user? (some #{"pro"} (:UserGroups user-info))
pro-account? (or paid-user? gift-user?)
expiration-date (some-> user-info :LemonEndsAt date/parse-iso)
renewal-date (some-> user-info :LemonRenewsAt date/parse-iso)
has-subscribed? (some? (:LemonStatus user-info))
graph-count (count graph-usage)
graph-limit (if pro-account? 10 1)
graph-percent (/ graph-count graph-limit 0.01)
graph-storage-usage (reduce + 0 (map :used-gbs graph-usage))
graph-storage-limit (reduce + 0 (map :limit-gbs graph-usage))
graph-storage-percent (/ graph-storage-usage graph-storage-limit 0.01)]
has-subscribed? (some? (:LemonStatus user-info))]
@ -817,22 +820,18 @@
(if pro-account?
[:div.flex-1 "Pro"]
[:div.flex-1 "Free"])
(if pro-account?
(ui/button "Manage plan" {:class "p-1 h-8 justify-center"
:disabled true
:icon "upload"})
; :on-click user-handler/upgrade})
(not pro-account?)
(ui/button "Upgrade plan" {:class "p-1 h-8 justify-center"
:icon "upload"
:on-click user-handler/upgrade}))]
(when (< 0 (count graph-usage))
[ {:class (str "grid-cols-" (count graph-usage))}
(for [{:keys [uuid used-percent]} graph-usage]
[:div.rounded-full.w-full.h-2 {:class "bg-black/50"}
[:div.rounded-full.h-2 {:class "bg-blue-500"
:style {:width used-percent
:min-width "0.5rem"
:max-width "100%"}}]])])
:on-click user-handler/upgrade})
:else nil)]
(settings-account-usage-graphs pro-account? graph-usage)
(settings-account-usage-description pro-account? graph-usage)
(if current-graph-is-remote?
(ui/button "Deactivate syncing" {:class "p-1 h-8 justify-center"
@ -840,16 +839,16 @@
:background "gray"
:icon "cloud-off"})
(ui/button "Activate syncing" {:class "p-1 h-8 justify-center"
:disabled true
:background "gray"
:icon "cloud"}))]]
:background "blue"
:icon "cloud"
:on-click #(fs/maybe-onboarding-show :sync-initiate)}))]]
(when has-subscribed?
[:div "Billing"]
;; If there is no expiration date, print the renewal date
(nil? expiration-date)
(and renewal-date (nil? expiration-date))
[:strong.font-semibold "Next billing date: "
(date/get-locale-string renewal-date)]]
@ -868,8 +867,6 @@
:disabled true
:background "gray"
:icon "receipt"})]]])
[:div "Profile"]
[ {:class "basis-1/2"}
@ -944,14 +941,6 @@
[:li "Sync assets up to 100MB per file"]
[:li "Early access to alpha/beta features"]
[:li "Upcoming cloud-based features, including Logseq Publish"]]]]]])]]))
; (ui/button (t :login) {:class "p-1"
; :icon "login"
; :on-click (fn []
; (state/close-settings!)
; (js/ config/LOGIN-URL))})
; [:p.text-sm.opacity-50 (t :settings-page/login-prompt)]])]]))
(rum/defc settings-features < rum/reactive
@ -1025,8 +1014,10 @@
;; ]])
(def DEFAULT-ACTIVE-TAB-STATE (if config/ENABLE-SETTINGS-ACCOUNT-TAB [:account :account] [:general :general]))
(rum/defcs settings
< (rum/local [:account :account] ::active)
< (rum/local DEFAULT-ACTIVE-TAB-STATE ::active)
(fn [state]
@ -1053,7 +1044,8 @@
[:h1.cp__settings-modal-title (t :settings)]]
(for [[label id text icon]
[[:account "account" (t :settings-page/tab-account) (ui/icon "user-circle")]
[:account "account" (t :settings-page/tab-account) (ui/icon "user-circle")])
[:general "general" (t :settings-page/tab-general) (ui/icon "adjustments")]
[:editor "editor" (t :settings-page/tab-editor) (ui/icon "writing")]

View File

@ -27,8 +27,11 @@
(goog-define TEST false)
(def test? TEST)
; (goog-define ENABLE-FILE-SYNC-PRODUCTION false)
;; this is a feature flag to enable the account tab
;; when it launches (when pro plan launches) it should be removed
(do (def FILE-SYNC-PROD? true)

View File

@ -765,6 +765,7 @@ Similar to re-frame subscriptions"
(when-let [graphs (seq (get-in @state [:file-sync/remote-graphs :graphs]))]
(->> graphs
(map #(hash-map :uuid (:GraphUUID %)
:name (:GraphName %)
:used-gbs (/ (:GraphStorageUsage %) 1024 1024 1024)
:limit-gbs (/ (:GraphStorageLimit %) 1024 1024 1024)
:used-percent (/ (:GraphStorageUsage %) (:GraphStorageLimit %) 0.01)))