Merge branch 'master' into enhance/mobile-ux-2

charlie 2022-11-25 20:43:51 +08:00
commit d0ce86435d
15 changed files with 103 additions and 106 deletions

View File

@ -107,5 +107,7 @@

View File

@ -158,10 +158,10 @@
(fn [args]
(let [{:keys [url title content page append]} (bean/->clj args)
insert-today? (get-in (state/get-config)
[:quick-capture-options :insert-today]
[:quick-capture-options :insert-today?]
redirect-page? (get-in (state/get-config)
[:quick-capture-options :redirect-page]
[:quick-capture-options :redirect-page?]
today-page (when (state/enable-journals?)
(string/lower-case (date/today)))

View File

@ -76,9 +76,7 @@
(not (contains? #{"Date picker" "Template" "Deadline" "Scheduled" "Upload an image"} command))))]
(editor-handler/insert-command! id command-steps
{:restore? restore-slash?})
(state/pub-event! [:instrument {:type :editor/command-triggered
:payload {:command command}}]))))
{:restore? restore-slash?}))))

View File

@ -112,7 +112,8 @@
([input] (extname-of-supported?
[image-formats doc-formats audio-formats
video-formats markup-formats html-render-formats]))
video-formats markup-formats html-render-formats
([input formats]
(when-let [input (some->
(cond-> input

View File

@ -82,13 +82,11 @@
(p/let [opts (assoc opts
(fn [error]
(state/pub-event! [:instrument {:type :write-file/failed
:payload {:fs (type fs-record)
:user-agent (when js/navigator js/navigator.userAgent)
:path path
:content-length (count content)
:error-str (str error)
:error error}}])))
(state/pub-event! [:capture-error {:error error
:payload {:type :write-file/failed
:fs (type fs-record)
:user-agent (when js/navigator js/navigator.userAgent)
:content-length (count content)}}])))
_ (protocol/write-file! (get-fs dir) repo dir path content opts)]
(when (= bfs-record fs-record)
(db/set-file-last-modified-at! repo (config/get-file-path repo path) (js/Date.))))

View File

@ -229,9 +229,9 @@
(state/pub-event! [:instrument {:type :error/ios-path-missing-slashes
;; respect user's privacy
:path (gp-util/safe-subs path 10)}])
(state/pub-event! [:capture-error {:error (js/Error. "ios path missing slashes")
:payload {:type :error/ios-path-missing-slashes
:path (gp-util/safe-subs (str path) 12)}}])

View File

@ -1782,7 +1782,9 @@
;; add 2 simulated file-watcher events
(>! ch (->FileChangeEvent "unlink" repo-dir (:old-path rename-event*) nil nil))
(>! ch (->FileChangeEvent "add" repo-dir (:new-path rename-event*)
{:mtime (tc/to-long (t/now))} "fake-checksum"))
{:mtime (tc/to-long (t/now))
:size 1 ; add a fake size
} "fake-checksum"))
@ -2023,11 +2025,6 @@
(chan 1))
(def full-sync-mult (async/mult full-sync-chan))
(def stop-sync-chan
"offer `true` to this chan will stop current `SyncManager`"
(chan 1))
(def stop-sync-mult (async/mult stop-sync-chan))
(def remote->local-sync-chan
"offer `true` to this chan will trigger a remote->local sync"
(chan 1))
@ -2659,7 +2656,7 @@
*txid ^:mutable state ^:mutable remote-change-chan ^:mutable *ws *stopped? *paused?
^:mutable ops-chan
;; control chans
private-full-sync-chan private-stop-sync-chan private-remote->local-sync-chan
private-full-sync-chan private-remote->local-sync-chan
private-remote->local-full-sync-chan private-pause-resume-chan]
(schedule [this next-state args reason]
@ -2694,30 +2691,30 @@
(set! ratelimit-local-changes-chan (<ratelimit local->remote-syncer local-changes-revised-chan))
(setup-local->remote! local->remote-syncer)
(async/tap full-sync-mult private-full-sync-chan)
(async/tap stop-sync-mult private-stop-sync-chan)
(async/tap remote->local-sync-mult private-remote->local-sync-chan)
(async/tap remote->local-full-sync-mult private-remote->local-full-sync-chan)
(async/tap pause-resume-mult private-pause-resume-chan)
(go-loop []
(let [{:keys [stop remote->local remote->local-full-sync local->remote-full-sync local->remote resume pause]}
(let [{:keys [remote->local remote->local-full-sync local->remote-full-sync local->remote resume pause stop]}
private-stop-sync-chan {:stop true}
private-remote->local-full-sync-chan {:remote->local-full-sync true}
private-remote->local-sync-chan {:remote->local true}
private-full-sync-chan {:local->remote-full-sync true}
private-pause-resume-chan ([v] (if v {:resume true} {:pause true}))
remote-change-chan ([v] (println "remote change:" v) {:remote->local v})
ratelimit-local-changes-chan ([v]
(let [rest-v (util/drain-chan ratelimit-local-changes-chan)
vs (cons v rest-v)]
(println "local changes:" vs)
{:local->remote vs}))
(if (nil? v)
{:stop true}
(let [rest-v (util/drain-chan ratelimit-local-changes-chan)
vs (cons v rest-v)]
(println "local changes:" vs)
{:local->remote vs})))
(timeout (* 20 60 1000)) {:local->remote-full-sync true}
:priority true)]
(do (util/drain-chan ops-chan)
(>! ops-chan {:stop true}))
(do (util/drain-chan ops-chan)
(>! ops-chan {:remote->local-full-sync true})
@ -2772,8 +2769,9 @@
:data {:graph-uuid graph-uuid
:epoch (tc/to-epoch (t/now))}})
(go-loop []
(let [{:keys [resume]} (<! ops-chan)]
(if resume
(let [{:keys [resume] :as result} (<! ops-chan)]
(let [{:keys [remote->local remote->local-full-sync local->remote local->remote-full-sync] :as resume-state}
(get @*resume-state graph-uuid)]
(resume-state--reset graph-uuid)
@ -2795,6 +2793,11 @@
:resume-state resume-state
:epoch (tc/to-epoch (t/now))}})
(<! (.schedule this ::idle nil :resume)))
(nil? result)
(<! (.schedule this ::stop nil nil))
(idle [this]
@ -2802,7 +2805,7 @@
(let [{:keys [stop remote->local local->remote local->remote-full-sync remote->local-full-sync pause] :as result}
(<! ops-chan)]
(or stop (nil? result))
(<! (.schedule this ::stop nil nil))
(<! (.schedule this ::remote->local {:remote remote->local} {:remote-changed remote->local}))
@ -2816,10 +2819,11 @@
(<! (.schedule this ::pause nil nil))
(state/pub-event! [:instrument {:type :sync/wrong-ops-chan-when-idle
:payload {:ops-chan-result result
:user-id user-uuid
:graph-id graph-uuid}}])
(state/pub-event! [:capture-error {:error (js/Error. "sync/wrong-ops-chan-when-idle")
:payload {:type :sync/wrong-ops-chan-when-idle
:ops-chan-result result
:user-id user-uuid
:graph-id graph-uuid}}])
(full-sync [this]
@ -2849,11 +2853,11 @@
(.schedule this ::stop nil nil)
(state/pub-event! [:instrument {:type :sync/unknown
:payload {:error unknown
:event :local->remote-full-sync-failed
:user-id user-uuid
:graph-uuid graph-uuid}}])
(state/pub-event! [:capture-error {:error unknown
:payload {:type :sync/unknown
:event :local->remote-full-sync-failed
:user-id user-uuid
:graph-uuid graph-uuid}}])
(put-sync-event! {:event :local->remote-full-sync-failed
:data {:graph-uuid graph-uuid
:epoch (tc/to-epoch (t/now))}})
@ -2877,18 +2881,18 @@
(.schedule this ::pause nil nil))
(state/pub-event! [:instrument {:type :sync/unknown
:payload {:event :remote->local-full-sync-failed
:graph-uuid graph-uuid
:user-id user-uuid
:error unknown}}])
(state/pub-event! [:capture-error {:error unknown
:payload {:event :remote->local-full-sync-failed
:type :sync/unknown
:graph-uuid graph-uuid
:user-id user-uuid}}])
(put-sync-event! {:event :remote->local-full-sync-failed
:data {:graph-uuid graph-uuid
:exp unknown
:epoch (tc/to-epoch (t/now))}})
(let [next-state (if (string/includes? (str (ex-cause unknown)) "404 Not Found")
;; TODO: this should never happen
;; if any other exception occurred, re-exec remote->local-full-sync
(.schedule this next-state nil nil)))))))
@ -2922,11 +2926,11 @@
(.schedule this ::pause nil nil))
(do (prn "remote->local err" unknown)
(state/pub-event! [:instrument {:type :sync/unknown
:payload {:event :remote->local
:user-id user-uuid
:graph-uuid graph-uuid
:error unknown}}])
(state/pub-event! [:capture-error {:error unknown
:payload {:type :sync/unknown
:event :remote->local
:user-id user-uuid
:graph-uuid graph-uuid}}])
(.schedule this ::idle nil nil)))))))
(local->remote [this {local-changes :local}]
@ -2986,11 +2990,11 @@
(debug/pprint "local->remote" unknown)
(state/pub-event! [:instrument {:type :sync/unknown
:payload {:event :local->remote
:user-id user-uuid
:graph-uuid graph-uuid
:error unknown}}])
(state/pub-event! [:capture-error {:error unknown
:payload {:event :local->remote
:type :sync/unknown
:user-id user-uuid
:graph-uuid graph-uuid}}])
(.schedule this ::idle nil nil))))))
(-stop! [_]
@ -2998,9 +3002,7 @@
(when-not @*stopped?
(vreset! *stopped? true)
(ws-stop! *ws)
(offer! private-stop-sync-chan true)
(async/untap full-sync-mult private-full-sync-chan)
(async/untap stop-sync-mult private-stop-sync-chan)
(async/untap remote->local-sync-mult private-remote->local-sync-chan)
(async/untap remote->local-full-sync-mult private-remote->local-full-sync-chan)
(async/untap pause-resume-mult private-pause-resume-chan)
@ -3008,14 +3010,9 @@
(stop-local->remote! local->remote-syncer)
(stop-remote->local! remote->local-syncer)
(<! (<rsapi-cancel-all-requests))
(debug/pprint ["stop sync-manager, graph-uuid" graph-uuid "base-path" base-path])
(swap! *sync-state sync-state--update-state ::stop)
(loop []
(if (not= ::stop state)
(<! (timeout 100))
(reset! current-sm-graph-uuid nil))))))
(reset! current-sm-graph-uuid nil)
(debug/pprint ["stop sync-manager, graph-uuid" graph-uuid "base-path" base-path]))))
(-stopped? [_]
@ -3041,7 +3038,7 @@
(.set-local->remote-syncer! remote->local-syncer local->remote-syncer)
(swap! *sync-state sync-state--update-current-syncing-graph-uuid graph-uuid)
(->SyncManager user-uuid graph-uuid base-path *sync-state local->remote-syncer remote->local-syncer remoteapi-with-stop
nil *txid nil nil nil *stopped? *paused? nil (chan 1) (chan 1) (chan 1) (chan 1) (chan 1))))
nil *txid nil nil nil *stopped? *paused? nil (chan 1) (chan 1) (chan 1) (chan 1))))
(defn sync-manager-singleton
[user-uuid graph-uuid base-path repo txid *sync-state]

View File

@ -73,11 +73,7 @@
(defn- instrument!
(let [total (srs/get-srs-cards-total)]
(state/set-state! :srs/cards-due-count total)
(state/pub-event! [:instrument {:type :flashcards/count
:payload {:total (or total 0)}}])
(state/pub-event! [:instrument {:type :blocks/count
:payload {:total (db/blocks-count)}}])))
(state/set-state! :srs/cards-due-count total)))
(defn restore-and-setup!

View File

@ -59,7 +59,9 @@
[logseq.db.schema :as db-schema]
[promesa.core :as p]
[rum.core :as rum]
[logseq.graph-parser.config :as gp-config]))
[logseq.graph-parser.config :as gp-config]
[cljs-bean.core :as bean]
["@sentry/react" :as Sentry]))
;; TODO: should we move all events here?
@ -408,6 +410,10 @@
(js/console.error "instrument data-map should only contains [:type :payload]"))
(posthog/capture type payload))
(defmethod handle :capture-error [[_ {:keys [error payload]}]]
(Sentry/captureException error
(bean/->js {:extra payload})))
(defmethod handle :exec-plugin-cmd [[_ {:keys [pid cmd action]}]]
(commands/exec-plugin-simple-command! pid cmd action))
@ -860,8 +866,8 @@
(state/pub-event! [:instrument {:type :file/parse-and-load-error
:payload error}])
(state/pub-event! [:capture-error {:error error
:payload {:type :file/parse-and-load-error}}])
[ {:key file}
[:a {:on-click #(js/window.apis.openPath file)} file]
[:p (.-message error)]]))))]
@ -878,9 +884,9 @@
(catch :default error
(let [type :handle-system-events/failed]
(js/console.error (str type) (clj->js payload) "\n" error)
(state/pub-event! [:instrument {:type type
:payload payload
:error error}])))))
(state/pub-event! [:capture-error {:error error
:payload {:type type
:payload payload}}])))))

View File

@ -149,11 +149,9 @@
(println "Write file failed, path: " path ", content: " content)
(log/error :write/failed error)
(state/pub-event! [:instrument {:type :write-file/failed-for-alter-file
:payload {:path path
:content-length (count content)
:error-str (str error)
:error error}}])))
(state/pub-event! [:capture-error
{:error error
:payload {:type :write-file/failed-for-alter-file}}])))
(defn set-file-content!
@ -178,11 +176,9 @@
(str error))
:status :error
:clear? false}])
(state/pub-event! [:instrument {:type :write-file/failed
:payload {:path path
:content-length (count content)
:error-str (str error)
:error error}}])
(state/pub-event! [:capture-error
{:error error
:payload {:type :write-file/failed}}])
(log/error :write-file/failed {:path path
:content content
:error error})))))))

View File

@ -424,9 +424,9 @@
(p/catch (fn [error]
(js/console.error error)
(state/pub-event! [:instrument {:type :db/persist-failed
:payload {:error-str (str error)
:error error}}])
(state/pub-event! [:capture-error
{:error error
:payload {:type :db/persist-failed}}])
(when on-error

View File

@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
[frontend.util :as util]
[frontend.config :as config]
["@sentry/react" :as Sentry]
["@sentry/tracing" :refer [BrowserTracing]]
["posthog-js" :as posthog]
[ :as mobile-util]))
(def config
@ -21,8 +19,8 @@
(mobile-util/native-platform?) "mobile"
:else "web")
:publishing config/publishing?}}
:integrations [(new posthog/SentryIntegration posthog "logseq" 5311485)
(new BrowserTracing)]
;; :integrations [(new posthog/SentryIntegration posthog "logseq" 5311485)
;; (new BrowserTracing)]
:debug config/dev?
:tracesSampleRate 1.0
:beforeSend (fn [^js event]

View File

@ -511,11 +511,12 @@
tx (insert-blocks-aux blocks' target-block' insert-opts)]
(if (some (fn [b] (or (nil? (:block/parent b)) (nil? (:block/left b)))) tx)
(state/pub-event! [:instrument {:type :outliner/invalid-structure
:payload {:blocks blocks
:target-block target-block'
:opt opts
:data (mapv #(dissoc % :block/content) tx)}}])
(state/pub-event! [:capture-error {:error "Outliner invalid structure"
:payload {:type :outliner/invalid-structure
:blocks blocks
:target-block target-block'
:opt opts
:data (mapv #(dissoc % :block/content) tx)}}])
(throw (ex-info "Invalid outliner data"
{:opts insert-opts
:tx (vec tx)

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
["remove-accents" :as removeAccents]
["sanitize-filename" :as sanitizeFilename]
["check-password-strength" :refer [passwordStrength]]
["path-complete-extname" :as pathCompleteExtname]
[frontend.loader :refer [load]]
[cljs-bean.core :as bean]
[cljs-time.coerce :as tc]
@ -43,7 +44,7 @@
(-write writer (str "\"" (.toString sym) "\"")))))
#?(:cljs (defonce ^js node-path utils/nodePath))
#?(:cljs (defonce ^js full-path-extname utils/fullPathExtname))
#?(:cljs (defonce ^js full-path-extname pathCompleteExtname))
#?(:cljs (defn app-scroll-container-node
(gdom/getElement "main-content-container"))

View File

@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
;; ignore #+keyword: for parsing page references in orgmode
;; :ignored-page-references-keywords #{"author" "startup"}
;; Quick capture templates on mobile for recieving contents from other apps.
;; Quick capture templates for recieving contents from other apps.
;; Each template contains three elements {time}, {text} and {url}, which can be auto-expanded
;; by received contents from other apps. Note: the {} cannot be omitted.
;; - {time}: capture time
@ -266,6 +266,9 @@
;; {:text "[[quick capture]] **{time}**: {text} from {url}"
;; :media "[[quick capture]] **{time}**: {url}"}
;; Quick capture options
;; :quick-capture-options {:insert-today? false :redirect-page? false}
;; File sync options
;; Ignore these files when syncing, regexp is supported.
;; :file-sync/ignore-files []
@ -284,7 +287,7 @@
;; Decide the way to escape the special characters in the page title.
;; Warning:
;; This is a dangerous operation. If you want to change the setting,
;; should access the setting `Filename format` and follow the instructions.
;; should access the setting `Filename format` and follow the instructions.
;; Or you have to rename all the affected files manually then re-index on all
;; clients after the files are synced. Wrong handling may cause page titles
;; containing special characters to be messy.