wip add more tests

Peng Xiao 2022-07-13 03:20:22 +08:00
parent 51c40be94f
commit d33d1cfede
10 changed files with 139 additions and 69 deletions

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
;; File can be saved as plain edn (mostly, the whiteboard files)
(= format :edn)
(gp-util/safe-read-string content)
(extract/extract-whiteboard-edn file content extract-options')
:else nil)

View File

@ -15,6 +15,15 @@
#?(:org.babashka/nbb [logseq.graph-parser.log :as log]
:default [lambdaisland.glogi :as log])))
(defn- filepath->page-name
(when-let [file-name (last (string/split filepath #"/"))]
(let [result (first (gp-util/split-last "." file-name))
ext (string/lower-case (gp-util/get-file-ext filepath))]
(if (or (gp-config/mldoc-support? ext) (= "edn" ext))
(js/decodeURIComponent (string/replace result "." "/"))
(defn- get-page-name
[file ast page-name-order]
;; headline
@ -29,11 +38,7 @@
(and first-block
(string? title)
file-name (when-let [file-name (last (string/split file #"/"))]
(let [result (first (gp-util/split-last "." file-name))]
(if (gp-config/mldoc-support? (string/lower-case (gp-util/get-file-ext file)))
(js/decodeURIComponent (string/replace result "." "/"))
file-name (filepath->page-name file)]
(or property-name
(if (= page-name-order "heading")
(or first-block-name file-name)
@ -78,9 +83,6 @@
(seq aliases)
(assoc :block/alias aliases)
(gp-config/whiteboard? file)
(assoc :block/whiteboard? true)
(:tags properties)
(assoc :block/tags (let [tags (:tags properties)
tags (if (string? tags) [tags] tags)
@ -176,6 +178,25 @@
:blocks blocks
:ast ast}))))
(defn extract-whiteboard-edn
"Extracts whiteboard page from given edn file
Whiteboard page edn is a subset of page schema
- it will only contain a single page (for now). The page properties contains 'bindings' etc
- blocks will be adapted to tldraw shapes. All blocks's parent is the given page."
[file content {:keys [verbose] :or {verbose true} :as options}]
(let [_ (when verbose (println "Parsing start: " file))
{:keys [pages blocks]} (gp-util/safe-read-string content)
page-block (first pages)]
(when (:block/whiteboard? page-block)
(let [page-name (filepath->page-name file)
page-entity (build-page-entity {} file page-name page-name nil options)
page-block (merge page-block page-entity {:block/uuid (d/squuid)})
blocks (->> blocks
(map #(assoc % :block/level 1))
(gp-block/with-parent-and-left {:block/name page-name}))]
{:pages [page-block]
:blocks blocks}))))
(defn- with-block-uuid
(->> (gp-util/distinct-by :block/name pages)

View File

@ -49,3 +49,23 @@
- line2
- line3
- line4"))))
(def foo-edn
"Example exported whiteboard page as an edn exportable."
[{:block/content "foo content",
:block/format :markdown,
:block/unordered true}],
({:block/format :markdown,
:block/whiteboard? true,
:block/original-name "my foo whiteboard"})})
(deftest test-extract-whiteboard-edn
(let [{:keys [pages blocks]} (extract/extract-whiteboard-edn "foo.edn" (pr-str foo-edn) {})
page (first pages)]
(is (= (get-in page [:block/file :file/path]) "foo.edn"))
(is (= (get-in page [:block/name]) "foo"))
(is (every? #(and (= (:block/left %) {:block/name "foo"})
(= (:block/parent %) {:block/name "foo"})) blocks))))

View File

@ -5,6 +5,17 @@
[logseq.graph-parser.block :as gp-block]
[datascript.core :as d]))
(def foo-edn
"Example exported whiteboard page as an edn exportable."
[{:block/content "foo content",
:block/format :markdown,
:block/unordered true}],
({:block/format :markdown,
:block/whiteboard? true,
:block/original-name "my foo whiteboard"})})
(deftest parse-file
(testing "id properties"
(let [conn (ldb/start-conn)]
@ -33,11 +44,26 @@
(let [conn (ldb/start-conn)
deleted-page (atom nil)]
(with-redefs [gp-block/with-pre-block-if-exists (fn stub-failure [& _args]
(throw (js/Error "Testing unexpected failure")))]
(throw (js/Error "Testing unexpected failure")))]
(graph-parser/parse-file conn "foo.md" "- id:: 628953c1-8d75-49fe-a648-f4c612109098"
{:delete-blocks-fn (fn [page _file]
(reset! deleted-page page))})
{:delete-blocks-fn (fn [page _file]
(reset! deleted-page page))})
(catch :default _)))
(is (= nil @deleted-page)
"Page should not be deleted when there is unexpected failure"))))
"Page should not be deleted when there is unexpected failure")))
(testing "parsing whiteboard page"
(let [conn (ldb/start-conn)]
(graph-parser/parse-file conn "foo.edn" (pr-str foo-edn) {})
(is (= {:block/name "foo" :block/file {:file/path "foo.edn"}}
(let [blocks (d/q '[:find (pull ?b [* {:block/parent
:in $
:where [?b :block/content] [(missing? $ ?b :block/name)]]
parent (:block/parent (ffirst blocks))]
"parsed block in the whiteboard page has correct parent page"))))

View File

@ -63,7 +63,8 @@
"cljs:report": "clojure -M:cljs run shadow.cljs.build-report app report.html",
"cljs:build-electron": "clojure -A:cljs compile app electron",
"cljs:lint": "clojure -M:clj-kondo --parallel --lint src --cache false",
"tldraw:build": "cd tldraw && yarn build"
"tldraw:build": "cd tldraw && yarn build",
"postinstall": "yarn tldraw:build"
"dependencies": {
"@capacitor/android": "3.2.2",

View File

@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
(ns frontend.handler.whiteboard
(:require [frontend.state :as state]
[clojure.string :as string]
[frontend.db :as db]
[frontend.db.model :as model]
[goog.object :as gobj]))
[clojure.string :as string]))
;; FIXME: embed /draw should be supported too
(defn whiteboard-mode?
@ -29,49 +26,4 @@
[{:id (.-id fs)
:logseqLink page-or-block-id}])))))))
(defn- get-page-block [page-name]
(db/pull '[*] (:db/id (model/get-page page-name))))
(defn- block->shape [block]
(let [properties (:block/properties block)]
(merge properties
;; Use the block's id as the shape's id.
{:id (str (:block/uuid block))})))
(defn- shape->block [blocks-by-uuid shape]
(let [properties shape
block (get blocks-by-uuid (:id shape))]
(merge block
{:properties properties})))
(defn get-whiteboard-cjs [page-name]
(let [page-block (get-page-block page-name)
blocks (model/get-page-blocks-no-cache page-name)]
[page-block blocks]))
(defn whiteboard-cjs->tldr [page-block blocks]
(let [shapes (map block->shape blocks)
page-name (:block/name page-block)
page-properties (:block/properties page-block)]
(clj->js {:currentPageId page-name
:pages [(merge page-properties
{:id "page"
:name "page"
:shapes shapes})]})))
(defn page-name->tldr [page-name]
(let [[page-block blocks] (get-whiteboard-cjs page-name)]
(whiteboard-cjs->tldr page-block blocks)))
(defn transact-tldr! [page-name tldr]
(let [[page-block blocks] (get-whiteboard-cjs page-name)
{:keys [pages]} (js->clj tldr)
page (first pages) ;; should only contain one page
shapes (:shapes page)
blocks-by-uuid (reduce (fn [acc shape]
(assoc (:id shape) shape acc))
blocks {})
blocks (map #(shape->block blocks-by-uuid %) shapes)]
[page-block blocks]))
;; (set! (. js/window -foo) (page-name->tldr "edn-test"))

View File

@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
(db/transact! tx)
(when ok-handler (ok-handler))))))
(defn- remove-db-id [block] (dissoc block :db/id))
(defn- remove-transit-ids [block] (dissoc block :db/id :block/file))
(defn save-tree-aux!
[page-block tree]
@ -150,8 +150,8 @@
file-path (get-in page-block [:block/file :file/path])
edn? (string/ends-with? file-path ".edn")
new-content (if edn?
(util/pp-str {:blocks (map remove-db-id tree)
:pages (list (remove-db-id page-block))})
(util/pp-str {:blocks (map remove-transit-ids tree)
:pages (list (remove-transit-ids page-block))})
(tree->file-content tree {:init-level init-level}))
_ (assert (string? file-path) "File path should satisfy string?")
;; FIXME: name conflicts between multiple graphs

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
(ns frontend.modules.outliner.whiteboard)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
(ns frontend.modules.whiteboard.core
(:require [frontend.db :as db]
[frontend.db.model :as model]
[goog.object :as gobj]))
(defn- get-page-block [page-name]
(db/pull '[*] (:db/id (model/get-page page-name))))
(defn- block->shape [block]
(let [properties (:block/properties block)]
(merge properties
;; Use the block's id as the shape's id.
{:id (str (:block/uuid block))})))
(defn- shape->block [blocks-by-uuid shape]
(let [properties shape
block (get blocks-by-uuid (:id shape))]
(merge block
{:properties properties})))
(defn get-whiteboard-cjs [page-name]
(let [page-block (get-page-block page-name)
blocks (model/get-page-blocks-no-cache page-name)]
[page-block blocks]))
(defn whiteboard-cjs->tldr [page-block blocks]
(let [shapes (map block->shape blocks)
page-name (:block/name page-block)
page-properties (:block/properties page-block)]
(clj->js {:currentPageId page-name
:pages [(merge page-properties
{:id "page"
:name "page"
:shapes shapes})]})))
(defn page-name->tldr [page-name]
(let [[page-block blocks] (get-whiteboard-cjs page-name)]
(whiteboard-cjs->tldr page-block blocks)))
(defn transact-tldr! [page-name tldr]
(let [[page-block blocks] (get-whiteboard-cjs page-name)
{:keys [pages]} (js->clj tldr)
page (first pages) ;; should only contain one page
shapes (:shapes page)
blocks-by-uuid (reduce (fn [acc shape]
(assoc (:id shape) shape acc))
blocks {})
blocks (map #(shape->block blocks-by-uuid %) shapes)]
[page-block blocks]))

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
(ns frontend.modules.file.core-test
(:require [cljs.test :refer [use-fixtures] :as test]
(ns frontend.modules.whiteboard.core-test
(:require [cljs.test :refer [use-fixtures]]
[frontend.test.fixtures :as fixtures]
[frontend.test.helper :as helper]))
@ -10,3 +10,5 @@