enhance: Consolidate keyboard shortcuts docs

Devon Zuegel 2021-09-29 18:21:42 -04:00 committed by Tienson Qin
parent ecec2dd942
commit d3b98243c1
5 changed files with 98 additions and 94 deletions

View File

@ -1119,6 +1119,10 @@ a.tooltip-priority {
border-color: var(--ls-primary-text-color);
#help-latex .katex-html {
text-align: right;
a.page-op {
svg {
transform: scale(0.9);

View File

@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
(:require [frontend.components.shortcut :as shortcut]
[frontend.components.svg :as svg]
[frontend.context.i18n :as i18n]
[frontend.extensions.highlight :as highlight]
[frontend.extensions.latex :as latex]
[frontend.handler.route :as route-handler]
[frontend.ui :as ui]
[frontend.util :as util]
@ -212,78 +210,6 @@
:class "text-sm p-1 ml-3"
(fn []
(route-handler/redirect! {:to :shortcut-setting})))
(shortcut/shortcut-table :shortcut.category/basics)
(shortcut/shortcut-table :shortcut.category/block-editing)
(shortcut/shortcut-table :shortcut.category/formatting)]
(route-handler/redirect! {:to :shortcut-setting})))]
(t :help/markdown-syntax)
(let [list [[(str "**" (t :bold) "**")
[:b (t :bold)]]
[(str "_" (t :italics) "_")
[:i (t :italics)]]
[(str "~~" (t :strikethrough) "~~")
[:del (t :strikethrough)]]
[(str "^^" (t :highlight) "^^")
[:mark (t :highlight)]]
["$$E = mc^2$$"
(latex/latex "help-latex" "E = mc^2" true false)]
[(str "`" (t :code) "`")
[:code (t :code)]]
["```clojure\n (println \"Hello world!\")\n```"
(highlight/highlight "help-highlight" {:data-lang "clojure"} "(println \"Hello world!\")")]
[:a {:href "https://www.example.com" :target "_blank"} "label"]]
[:img {:style {:float "right" :width 32 :height 32}
:src "https://asset.logseq.com/static/img/logo.png"
:alt "image"}]]]]
(map (fn [[trigger shortcut]] [:tr [:td [:pre trigger]] [:td.text-right shortcut]]) list))]]]
(t :help/org-mode-syntax)
(let [list [[(str "*" (t :bold) "*")
[:b (t :bold)]]
[(str "/" (t :italics) "/")
[:i (t :italics)]]
[(str "+" (t :strikethrough) "+") [:del (t :strikethrough)]]
[(str "^^" (t :highlight) "^^")
[:mark (t :highlight)]]
["$$E = mc^2$$"
(latex/latex "help-latex" "E = mc^2" true false)]
[:code (t :code)]]
[[:pre "#+BEGIN_SRC clojure\n (println \"Hello world!\")\n#+END_SRC"]
(highlight/highlight "help-highlight-org" {:data-lang "clojure"} "(println \"hello world\")")]
[:a {:href "https://www.example.com"} "label"]]
[:img {:style {:float "right" :width 32 :height 32}
:src "https://asset.logseq.com/static/img/logo.png"
:alt "image"}]]]]
(map (fn [[trigger shortcut]] [:tr [:td [:pre trigger]] [:td.text-right shortcut]]) list))]]]]]))

View File

@ -5,12 +5,14 @@
[frontend.modules.shortcut.data-helper :as dh]
[frontend.state :as state]
[frontend.ui :as ui]
[frontend.extensions.latex :as latex]
[frontend.extensions.highlight :as highlight]
[rum.core :as rum]))
(rum/defcs customize-shortcut-dialog-inner <
(rum/local "")
[state _ action-name current-binding]
[state k action-name current-binding]
(let [keypress (:rum/local state)
keyboard-shortcut (if (= "" @keypress) current-binding @keypress)]
@ -19,12 +21,22 @@
(ui/keyboard-shortcut (-> keyboard-shortcut
(str/split #" |\+")))]]
(str/split #" |\+")))
" "
{:style {:margin-left "12px"}
:on-click (fn []
(dh/remove-shortcut k)
(swap! keypress (fn [] "")) ;; Clear local state
(ui/button "Save" :on-click state/close-modal!)
{:on-click (fn []
(reset! keypress current-binding)
(reset! keypress (dh/binding-for-storage current-binding))
(state/close-modal!))} "Cancel"]]]))
(defn customize-shortcut-dialog [k action-name displayed-binding]
@ -33,22 +45,21 @@
(rum/defc shortcut-col [k binding configurable? action-name]
(let [conflict? (dh/potential-confilct? k)
displayed-binding (dh/binding-for-display k binding)]
displayed-binding (dh/binding-for-display k binding)
disabled? (clojure.string/includes? displayed-binding "system default")]
(if (not configurable?)
[:td.text-right displayed-binding]
:class "text-sm p-1"
:style {:cursor (if disabled? "not-allowed" "pointer")}
:title (if conflict?
"Shortcut conflict!"
"Click to modify")
:background (when conflict? "pink")
:on-click #(state/set-modal! (customize-shortcut-dialog k action-name displayed-binding)))
{:style {:margin-left "12px"}
:on-click (fn [] (dh/remove-shortcut k) (shortcut/refresh!))}
(if disabled? "Cannot override system default" "Click to modify"))
:background (if conflict? "pink" (when disabled? "gray"))
:on-click (if-not disabled?
#(state/set-modal! (customize-shortcut-dialog k action-name displayed-binding))))])))
(rum/defc shortcut-table < rum/reactive
@ -94,16 +105,76 @@
[:td.text-right [:code "(())"]]]
[:td.text-left (t :command.editor/open-link-in-sidebar)]
[:td.text-right "shift-click"]]
[:td.text-right (ui/keyboard-shortcut ["shift" "click"])]]
[:td.text-left (t :help/context-menu)]
[:td.text-right "right click"]]]]))
[:td.text-right (ui/keyboard-shortcut ["right click"])]]]]))
(defn markdown-and-orgmode-syntax []
(rum/with-context [[t] i18n/*tongue-context*]
(let [list [:bold :italics :del :mark :latex :code :link :pre :img]
preferred-format (state/get-preferred-format) ; markdown/org
title (case preferred-format
:markdown (t :help/markdown-syntax)
:org (t :help/org-mode-syntax))
learn-more (case preferred-format
:markdown "https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax"
:org "https://orgmode.org/worg/dev/org-syntax.html")
raw (case preferred-format
:markdown {:bold (str "**" (t :bold) "**")
:italics (str "_" (t :italics) "_")
:link "[Link](https://www.example.com)"
:del (str "~~" (t :strikethrough) "~~")
:mark (str "^^" (t :highlight) "^^")
:latex "$$E = mc^2$$"
:code (str "`" (t :code) "`")
:pre "```clojure\n (println \"Hello world!\")\n```"
:img "![image](https://asset.logseq.com/static/img/logo.png)"}
:org {:bold (str "*" (t :bold) "*")
:italic (str "/" (t :italics) "/")
:del (str "+" (t :strikethrough) "+")
:pre [:pre "#+BEGIN_SRC clojure\n (println \"Hello world!\")\n#+END_SRC"]
:link "[[https://www.example.com][Link]]"
:mark (str "^^" (t :highlight) "^^")
:latex "$$E = mc^2$$"
:code "~Code~"
:img "[[https://asset.logseq.com/static/img/logo.png][image]]"})
rendered {:italics [:i (t :italics)]
:bold [:b (t :bold)]
:link [:a {:href "https://www.example.com"} "Link"]
:del [:del (t :strikethrough)]
:mark [:mark (t :highlight)]
:latex (latex/latex "help-latex" "E = mc^2" true false)
:code [:code (t :code)]
:pre (highlight/highlight "help-highlight" {:data-lang "clojure"} "(println \"Hello world!\")")
:img [:img {:style {:float "right" :width 32 :height 32}
:src "https://asset.logseq.com/static/img/logo.png"
:alt "image"}]}]
[:th.text-left [:b title]]
[:th.text-right [:a {:href learn-more} "Learn more →"]]]]
(map (fn [name]
[:td.text-left [(if (= :pre name) :pre :code) (get raw name)]]
[:td.text-right (get rendered name)]])
(rum/defc shortcut
(rum/with-context [[t] i18n/*tongue-context*]
[:h1.title (t :help/shortcut-page-title)]
(shortcut-table :shortcut.category/basics true)
(shortcut-table :shortcut.category/navigating true)
(shortcut-table :shortcut.category/block-editing true)

View File

@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
:more "More"
:search/result-for "Search result for "
:search/items "items"
:help/context-menu "Context menu"
:help/context-menu "Block context menu"
:help/fold-unfold "Fold/unfold blocks (when not in edit mode)"
:help/markdown-syntax "Markdown syntax"
:help/org-mode-syntax "Org mode syntax"

View File

@ -111,10 +111,10 @@
(let [tmp (cond
(false? binding)
(and util/mac? (= k :editor/kill-line-after)) "disabled (system default: ctrl+k)"
(and util/mac? (= k :editor/beginning-of-block)) "disabled (system default: ctrl+a)"
(and util/mac? (= k :editor/end-of-block)) "disabled (system default: ctrl+e)"
(and util/mac? (= k :editor/backward-kill-word)) "disabled (system default: opt+delete)"
(and util/mac? (= k :editor/kill-line-after)) "system default: ctrl+k"
(and util/mac? (= k :editor/beginning-of-block)) "system default: ctrl+a"
(and util/mac? (= k :editor/end-of-block)) "system default: ctrl+e"
(and util/mac? (= k :editor/backward-kill-word)) "system default: opt+delete"
:else "disabled")
(string? binding)
@ -129,6 +129,9 @@
;; mod key, because that's what the Mac keyboards actually say.
(str/replace tmp "meta" "cmd")))
;; Given the displayed binding, prepare it to be put back into config.edn
(defn binding-for-storage [binding]
(str/replace binding "cmd" "meta"))
(defn remove-shortcut [k]
(let [repo (state/get-current-repo)