fix(rtc): apply remote updates deleting blocks may crash rtc

rcmerci 2024-09-12 18:30:39 +08:00
parent ed08555f49
commit d499d05fe0
1 changed files with 8 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -166,16 +166,13 @@
(apply-remote-remove-ops-helper conn other-ops)]
;; move to page-block's first child
(doseq [block-uuid block-uuids-need-move]
(transact-db! :move-blocks&persist-op
repo conn
[(d/entity @conn [:block/uuid block-uuid])]
(d/entity @conn (:db/id (:block/page (d/entity @conn [:block/uuid block-uuid]))))
(when-let [b (d/entity @conn [:block/uuid block-uuid])]
(when-let [target-b
(d/entity @conn (:db/id (:block/page (d/entity @conn [:block/uuid block-uuid]))))]
(transact-db! :move-blocks&persist-op repo conn [b] target-b false))))
(doseq [block-uuid block-uuids-to-remove]
(transact-db! :delete-blocks
repo conn date-formatter
[(d/entity @conn [:block/uuid block-uuid])]
(when-let [b (d/entity @conn [:block/uuid block-uuid])]
(transact-db! :delete-blocks repo conn date-formatter [b] {}))))))
(defn- insert-or-move-block
[repo conn block-uuid remote-parents remote-block-order move? op-value]
@ -536,7 +533,8 @@
(< local-tx remote-t-before)
(do (add-log-fn :rtc.log/apply-remote-update {:sub-type :need-pull-remote-data
:remote-t remote-t :local-t local-tx})
:remote-t remote-t :local-t local-tx
:remote-t-before remote-t-before})
(throw (ex-info "need pull earlier remote-data"
{:type ::need-pull-remote-data
:local-tx local-tx})))