fix(outliner): fix render

defclass 2021-03-29 21:04:14 +08:00
parent 9a75cb6431
commit d4d4f9ee33
2 changed files with 125 additions and 80 deletions

View File

@ -81,14 +81,9 @@
ids #{}
parents #{}
;; {[parent left] db-id}
indexed-by-position {}
;; {db-id block}
indexed-by-id {}]
indexed-by-position {}]
(if (nil? f)
{:ids ids :parents parents
:indexed-by-position indexed-by-position
:indexed-by-id indexed-by-id}
{:ids ids :parents parents :indexed-by-position indexed-by-position}
(let [f (cond-> f
(not (:block/dummy? f))
(dissoc f :block/meta))
@ -99,43 +94,16 @@
(let [position (mapv ->db-id [parent left])]
(when (get indexed-by-position position)
(throw (js/Error. "Two block occupy the same position")))
(assoc indexed-by-position position db-id))
(assoc indexed-by-id db-id f)]
(recur r new-ids new-parents
new-indexed-by-position new-indexed-by-id)))))
(assoc indexed-by-position position f))]
(recur r new-ids new-parents new-indexed-by-position)))))
(defn- find-last-node
[root-node-id indexed-by-position indexed-by-id]
"Root node is not in these blocks which be indexed. It should be the page
block's :db/id."
(assert (some? root-node-id) "root-node-id should satisfy some?.")
(assert (and (map? indexed-by-position) (seq indexed-by-position))
"indexed-position's format is wrong.")
(assert (and (map? indexed-by-id) (seq indexed-by-id))
"indexed-by-id's format is wrong.")
(let [init-node {:db/id root-node-id}]
(loop [node init-node
;; from top to bottom
;; direction :down :right
direction :down]
(case direction
(let [id (:db/id node)]
(if-let [new-node-db-id (get indexed-by-position [id id])]
(let [new-node (get indexed-by-id new-node-db-id)]
(recur new-node :right))
(let [{parent :block/parent db-id :db/id} node]
(if-let [new-node-db-id
(get indexed-by-position [(->db-id parent) db-id])]
(let [new-node (get indexed-by-id new-node-db-id)]
(recur new-node :right))
(recur node :down)))
(throw (js/Error. (util/format "Unknown direction: %s" direction)))))))
(defn get-children
[parent-id indexed-by-position]
(loop [left parent-id
children []]
(if-let [{db-id :db/id :as child} (get indexed-by-position [parent-id left])]
(recur db-id (conj children child))
(defn- get-all-refs
@ -154,36 +122,28 @@
(cons block other-children)
(mapcat get-all-refs)
(remove nil?)
(assoc block :block/refs-with-children))))
(defn blocks->vec-tree-by-outliner
(let [{:keys [ids parents indexed-by-position indexed-by-id]}
(prn "col: " col)
(let [{:keys [ids parents indexed-by-position]}
(prepare-blocks col)
root-id (first (set/difference parents ids))
last-node (find-last-node root-id indexed-by-position indexed-by-id)
last-node (wrap-refs-with-children last-node)]
(loop [{:block/keys [parent left] :as node} last-node
tree (list node)
;; from bottom to top
;; direction :up :left
direction (if (= parent left) :up :left)]
(if-let [left-node (get indexed-by-id (->db-id left))]
(let [new-direction
(if (= (:block/parent left-node)
(:block/left left-node))
:up :left)
left-node (wrap-refs-with-children left-node)]
(case direction
(recur left-node (conj tree left-node) new-direction)
(let [refs-with-children (wrap-refs-with-children left-node tree)
new-ks {:block/children tree
:block/refs-with-children refs-with-children}
tree (merge left-node new-ks)]
(recur left-node (list tree) new-direction))))
root-id (first (set/difference parents ids))]
(letfn [(build-tree [root]
(let [root (wrap-refs-with-children root)
children (->>
(get-children (:db/id root) indexed-by-position)
(map build-tree))]
(if (seq children)
(assoc root :block/children children)
(wrap-refs-with-children children))
(get-children root-id indexed-by-position)
(map build-tree)))))
;; recursively with children content for tree
(defn get-block-content-rec

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
[cljs-run-test :refer [run-test]]
[frontend.handler.block :as block]))
(def blocks->vec-tree-sequential-block-args
(def args-1
'[{:block/parent {:db/id 20},
:block/left {:db/id 20},
:db/id 25
@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
:block/title [],
:block/level 4}])
(def blocks->vec-tree-random-block-args
(def args-2
"Random blocks"
'[{:block/parent {:db/id 26},
:block/left {:db/id 26},
:db/id 27
@ -67,7 +68,7 @@
:block/title [["Plain" "level 3"]],
:block/level 4}])
(def blocks->vec-tree-return
(def return-1
'[{:block/parent {:db/id 20},
:block/left {:db/id 20},
:db/id 25,
@ -106,15 +107,99 @@
:block/level 4,
:block/refs-with-children ()})})}])
(deftest test-blocks->vec-tree
(let [should-r (vec blocks->vec-tree-return)]
(let [r (block/blocks->vec-tree blocks->vec-tree-sequential-block-args)]
(is (= should-r (vec r))))
(def args-3
'({:block/parent #:db{:id 20},
:block/left #:db{:id 20},
:block/pre-block? true,
:block/uuid #uuid"6061b993-6d08-4f32-9776-dcd2e506bce9",
:block/level 2,
:db/id 23}
{:block/parent #:db{:id 20},
:block/left #:db{:id 23},
:block/uuid #uuid"6061b993-4e38-4b14-a698-f04c009d27fa",
:block/level 2,
:block/title [["Plain" "level 1"]],
:db/id 24}
{:block/parent #:db{:id 24},
:block/left #:db{:id 24},
:block/uuid #uuid"6061b993-a371-4cf7-a5ca-17e451489f89",
:block/level 3,
:block/title [["Plain" "level 1-1"]],
:db/id 25}
{:block/parent #:db{:id 25},
:block/left #:db{:id 25},
:block/uuid #uuid"6061b993-c13e-48c2-b6f0-bd7977134149",
:block/level 4,
:block/title [["Plain" "level 1-1-1"]],
:db/id 26}
{:block/parent #:db{:id 20},
:block/left #:db{:id 24},
:block/uuid #uuid"6061b993-9f37-4590-9f6f-c4ee789053be",
:block/level 2,
:block/title [["Plain" "level 2"]],
:db/id 27}))
(let [r (block/blocks->vec-tree-by-outliner blocks->vec-tree-sequential-block-args)]
(is (= should-r (vec r))))))
(def return-3
'({:block/parent #:db{:id 20},
:block/left #:db{:id 20},
:block/pre-block? true,
:block/uuid #uuid"6061b993-6d08-4f32-9776-dcd2e506bce9",
:block/level 2,
:db/id 23,
:block/refs-with-children ()}
{:block/parent #:db{:id 20},
:block/left #:db{:id 23},
:block/uuid #uuid"6061b993-4e38-4b14-a698-f04c009d27fa",
:block/level 2,
:block/title [["Plain" "level 1"]],
:db/id 24,
:block/refs-with-children (),
:block/children ({:block/parent #:db{:id 24},
:block/left #:db{:id 24},
:block/uuid #uuid"6061b993-a371-4cf7-a5ca-17e451489f89",
:block/level 3,
:block/title [["Plain" "level 1-1"]],
:db/id 25,
:block/refs-with-children (),
:block/children ({:block/parent #:db{:id 25},
:block/left #:db{:id 25},
:block/uuid #uuid"6061b993-c13e-48c2-b6f0-bd7977134149",
:block/level 4,
:block/title [["Plain" "level 1-1-1"]],
:db/id 26,
:block/refs-with-children ()})})}
{:block/parent #:db{:id 20},
:block/left #:db{:id 24},
:block/uuid #uuid"6061b993-9f37-4590-9f6f-c4ee789053be",
:block/level 2,
:block/title [["Plain" "level 2"]],
:db/id 27,
:block/refs-with-children ()}))
(deftest test-blocks->vec-tree
(let [should-r (vec return-1)
r (block/blocks->vec-tree args-1)]
(is (= should-r (vec r))))
(let [should-r (vec return-3)
r (block/blocks->vec-tree args-3)]
(is (= should-r (vec r)))))
(deftest test-blocks->vec-tree-random-block
(let [should-r (vec blocks->vec-tree-return)
r (block/blocks->vec-tree-by-outliner blocks->vec-tree-random-block-args)]
(let [should-r (vec return-1)
r (block/blocks->vec-tree-by-outliner args-1)]
(is (= should-r (vec r))))
(let [should-r (vec return-1)
r (block/blocks->vec-tree-by-outliner args-2)]
(is (= should-r (vec r))))
(let [should-r (vec return-3)
r (block/blocks->vec-tree-by-outliner args-3)]
(is (= should-r (vec r)))))
(defn clip-fn [x]
(map #(select-keys % [:block/parent :block/left :block/pre-block? :block/uuid :block/level
:block/title :db/id])