chore: remove debug try

rcmerci 2024-04-18 14:31:17 +08:00
parent ca197c439a
commit db0d7d0c1c
1 changed files with 1 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -404,10 +404,7 @@ when undo this op, this original entity-map will be transacted back into db")
(batch-tx/with-batch-tx-mode conn
(doseq [op ops]
(let [rev-ops (reverse-op @conn op)
r (try (reverse-apply-op op conn repo)
(catch :default e
(prn ::op op)
(throw e)))]
r (reverse-apply-op op conn repo)]
(when (= :push-undo-redo (first r))
(some-> *undo-redo-info-for-test* (reset! {:op op :tx (second r)}))
(apply conj! undo-ops-to-push rev-ops)))))