fix: set triggerOnce for references

Tienson Qin 2022-08-20 09:47:38 +08:00 committed by Andelf
parent d39947abe0
commit dbf82ebdc1
4 changed files with 13 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -2559,7 +2559,7 @@
(let [repo (state/get-current-repo)
ref? (:ref? config)
custom-query? (boolean (:custom-query? config))]
(if (and ref? (not custom-query?) (not (:ref-query-child? config)))
(if (and (or ref? custom-query?) (not (:ref-query-child? config)))
(fn [] (block-container-inner state repo config block)))
(block-container-inner state repo config block))))
@ -2943,7 +2943,8 @@
(ui/block-error "Query Error:" {:content (:query q)})
(fn [] (custom-query* config q))
{:debug-id q})))
{:debug-id q
:trigger-once? false})))
(defn admonition
[config type result]
@ -3363,7 +3364,8 @@
(breadcrumb-with-container block config)
(:db/id block)))
{:debug-id page})])))))]
{:debug-id page
:trigger-once? false})])))))]
(and (:group-by-page? config)
(vector? (first blocks)))

View File

@ -59,7 +59,8 @@
(blocks-cp repo page)
(fn [] (blocks-cp repo page))
{:debug-id (str "journal-blocks " page)}))
{:trigger-once? false
:debug-id (str "journal-blocks " page)}))

View File

@ -232,8 +232,7 @@
(fn []
(references* page-name))
{:trigger-once? true
:debug-id (str page-name " references")})))
{:debug-id (str page-name " references")})))
(rum/defcs unlinked-references-aux
< rum/reactive db-mixins/query

View File

@ -936,24 +936,17 @@
(lazy-visible content-fn nil))
([content-fn {:keys [trigger-once? _debug-id]
:or {trigger-once? false}}]
:or {trigger-once? true}}]
(if (or (util/mobile?) (mobile-util/native-platform?))
(let [[visible? set-visible!] (rum/use-state false)
[last-changed-time set-last-changed-time!] (rum/use-state nil)
inViewState (useInView #js {:rootMargin "100px"
:triggerOnce trigger-once?
:onChange (fn [in-view? entry]
(let [self-top (.-top (.-boundingClientRect entry))
time' (util/time-ms)]
(when (and
(or (and (not visible?) in-view?)
;; hide only the components below the current top for better ux
(and visible? (not in-view?) (> self-top 0)))
(or (nil? last-changed-time)
(and (some? last-changed-time)
(> (- time' last-changed-time) 50))))
(set-last-changed-time! time')
(let [self-top (.-top (.-boundingClientRect entry))]
(when (or (and (not visible?) in-view?)
;; hide only the components below the current top for better ux
(and visible? (not in-view?) (> self-top 0)))
(set-visible! in-view?))))})
ref (.-ref inViewState)]
(lazy-visible-inner visible? content-fn ref)))))