fix: db import of advanced queries

Fixes LOG-3082
Gabriel Horner 2024-08-07 16:29:10 -04:00
parent 66439dde68
commit dcb73b1003
4 changed files with 38 additions and 22 deletions

View File

@ -560,7 +560,7 @@
(defn- construct-block
[block properties timestamps body encoded-content format pos-meta {:keys [block-pattern db date-formatter parse-block]}]
[block properties timestamps body encoded-content format pos-meta {:keys [block-pattern db date-formatter parse-block remove-properties?]}]
(let [id (get-custom-id-or-new-id properties)
ref-pages-in-properties (->> (:page-refs properties)
(remove string/blank?))
@ -591,8 +591,10 @@
(update :properties-text-values dissoc :collapsed)
(update :properties-order (fn [keys] (vec (remove #{:collapsed} keys)))))
block (assoc block
:block/title (get-block-content encoded-content block format pos-meta block-pattern))
title (cond->> (get-block-content encoded-content block format pos-meta block-pattern)
(gp-property/remove-properties (:format block)))
block (assoc block :block/title title)
block (if (seq timestamps)
(merge block (timestamps->scheduled-and-deadline timestamps))
@ -679,20 +681,28 @@
(recur headings (rest blocks) (inc block-idx) timestamps properties body))
(heading-block? block)
;; in db-graphs don't include property, deadline/scheduled or logbook text in :block/title
(let [pos-meta' (if (and db-graph-mode?
(when-let [prev-block (first (get all-blocks (dec block-idx)))]
(or (gp-property/properties-ast? prev-block)
(= ["Drawer" "logbook"] (take 2 prev-block))
(and (= "Paragraph" (first prev-block))
(seq (set/intersection (set (flatten prev-block)) #{"Deadline" "Scheduled"}))))))
;; in db-graphs cut multi-line when there is property, deadline/scheduled or logbook text in :block/title
(let [cut-multiline? (and db-graph-mode?
(when-let [prev-block (first (get all-blocks (dec block-idx)))]
(or (and (gp-property/properties-ast? prev-block)
(not= "Custom" (ffirst (get all-blocks (- block-idx 2)))))
(= ["Drawer" "logbook"] (take 2 prev-block))
(and (= "Paragraph" (first prev-block))
(seq (set/intersection (set (flatten prev-block)) #{"Deadline" "Scheduled"}))))))
pos-meta' (if cut-multiline?
;; fix start_pos
(assoc pos-meta :end_pos
(if (seq headings)
(get-in (last headings) [:meta :start_pos])
block' (construct-block block properties timestamps body encoded-content format pos-meta' options)
;; Remove properties text from custom queries in db graphs
options' (assoc options
(and db-graph-mode?
(and (gp-property/properties-ast? (first (get all-blocks (dec block-idx))))
(= "Custom" (ffirst (get all-blocks (- block-idx 2)))))))
block' (construct-block block properties timestamps body encoded-content format pos-meta' options')
block'' (if db-graph-mode?
(assoc block' :macros (extract-macros-from-ast (cons block body))))]

View File

@ -349,7 +349,9 @@
(testing "multiline blocks"
(is (= "|markdown| table|\n|some|thing|" (:block/title (find-block-by-content @conn #"markdown.*table"))))
(is (= "multiline block\na 2nd\nand a 3rd" (:block/title (find-block-by-content @conn #"multiline block"))))
(is (= "logbook block" (:block/title (find-block-by-content @conn #"logbook block")))))
(is (= "logbook block" (:block/title (find-block-by-content @conn #"logbook block"))))
(is (is (re-find #"(?s)^Text before\n.*BEGIN_QUERY.*END_QUERY\nText after$"
(:block/title (find-block-by-content @conn #":title \"tasks"))))))
(testing "block refs and path-refs"
(let [block (find-block-by-content @conn "old todo block")]

View File

@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
- b1
rating:: 5
- :rating float
rating:: 5.5
- query-table:: false
{:title "2nd level tasks with `#p1`"
:query (and (task todo doing) [[p1]])}
rating:: 5.5

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
- test multilines
- test multilines in this page
- |markdown| table|
- block with props
prop-num:: 10
- multiline block
a 2nd
and a 3rd
@ -8,4 +10,12 @@
CLOCK: [2024-08-07 Wed 11:47:50]
CLOCK: [2024-08-07 Wed 11:47:53]
- Text before
query-table:: false
query-properties:: [:block]
{:title "tasks with todo and doing"
:query (task todo doing)}
Text after