fix: remove uniqueness on blocks for now

Fixes Also fixes
the same issue for duplicate queries. Revisit this when use
cases are better understood for tagged blocks
Gabriel Horner 2024-09-11 21:35:16 -04:00
parent 4cd886cf1e
commit ddabf90263
2 changed files with 5 additions and 54 deletions

View File

@ -66,33 +66,13 @@
:type :warning}})))))
(defn ^:api validate-unique-by-name-tag-and-block-type
"Validates uniqueness of blocks and pages for the following cases:
"Validates uniqueness of nodes for the following cases:
- Page names of type 'page' are unique by tag e.g. their can be Apple #Company and Apple #Fruit
- Page names of other types are unique for their type e.g. their can be #Journal ('class') and Journal ('page')
- Property names are unique and don't consider built-in property names
- Block names are unique by tag"
[db new-title {:block/keys [tags] :as entity}]
(ldb/page? entity)
(validate-unique-for-page db new-title entity)
(and (not (:block/type entity)) (seq tags))
(when-let [res (seq (d/q '[:find [?b ...]
:in $ ?eid ?title [?tag-id ...]
[?b :block/title ?title]
[?b :block/tags ?tag-id]
[(not= ?b ?eid)]
[(missing? $ ?b :block/type)]]
(:db/id entity)
(map :db/id tags)))]
(throw (ex-info "Duplicate block by tag"
{:type :notification
:payload {:message (str "Another block named " (pr-str new-title) " already exists for tag "
(pr-str (->> res first (d/entity db) :block/tags first :block/title)))
:type :warning}})))))
- Property names are unique and don't consider built-in property names"
[db new-title entity]
(when (ldb/page? entity)
(validate-unique-for-page db new-title entity)))
(defn validate-block-title
"Validates a block title when it has changed"

View File

@ -41,35 +41,6 @@
(assoc (find-block-by-content conn "background-image") :db/id 10000)))
"Disallow duplicate user property")))
(deftest validate-block-title-unique-for-blocks
(let [conn (create-conn-with-blocks
[{:page {:block/title "page"}
:blocks [{:block/title "yahoo"}
{:block/title "Sing Sing" :build/tags [:Movie]}
{:block/title "Chicago" :build/tags [:Musical]}]}])]
(is (nil?
(find-block-by-content conn "yahoo")))
"Blocks without tags have no limits")
(is (thrown-with-msg?
#"Duplicate block by tag"
"Sing Sing"
(assoc (find-block-by-content conn "Sing Sing") :db/id 10000)))
"Disallow duplicate page with tag")
(is (nil?
"Sing Sing"
(find-block-by-content conn "Chicago")))
"Allow block with same name for different tag")))
(deftest validate-block-title-unique-for-pages
(let [conn (create-conn-with-blocks
[{:page {:block/title "page1"}}