fix: dragged video doesn't render by default

Tienson Qin 2022-11-25 22:25:25 +08:00
parent 410381c820
commit df2b9fc53c
5 changed files with 11 additions and 118 deletions

View File

@ -66,11 +66,6 @@
(util/format "" app-name)))
(def api
(if dev?
(str website "/api/v1/")))
(def asset-domain (util/format ""

View File

@ -17,13 +17,11 @@
[frontend.handler.block :as block-handler]
[frontend.handler.common :as common-handler]
[frontend.handler.export :as export]
[frontend.handler.image :as image-handler]
[frontend.handler.notification :as notification]
[frontend.handler.repeated :as repeated]
[frontend.handler.route :as route-handler]
[frontend.handler.assets :as assets-handler]
[frontend.idb :as idb]
[frontend.image :as image]
[ :as mobile-util]
[frontend.modules.outliner.core :as outliner-core]
[frontend.modules.outliner.transaction :as outliner-tx]
@ -1322,9 +1320,10 @@
(defn get-asset-file-link
[format url file-name image?]
(let [pdf? (and url (string/ends-with? (string/lower-case url) ".pdf"))]
(let [pdf? (and url (string/ends-with? (string/lower-case url) ".pdf"))
video? (and url (util/ext-of-video? url))]
(case (keyword format)
:markdown (util/format (str (when (or image? pdf?) "!") "[%s](%s)") file-name url)
:markdown (util/format (str (when (or image? video? pdf?) "!") "[%s](%s)") file-name url)
:org (if image?
(util/format "[[%s]]" url)
(util/format "[[%s][%s]]" url file-name))
@ -1464,7 +1463,7 @@
[id ^js files format uploading? drop-or-paste?]
(let [repo (state/get-current-repo)
block (state/get-edit-block)]
(if (config/local-db? repo)
(when (config/local-db? repo)
(-> (save-assets! block repo (js->clj files))
(fn [res]
@ -1487,28 +1486,7 @@
(fn []
(reset! uploading? false)
(reset! *asset-uploading? false)
(reset! *asset-uploading-process 0))))
(fn [file file-name file-type]
file file-name file-type
(fn [signed-url]
(insert-command! id
(get-asset-file-link format signed-url file-name true)
{:last-pattern (if drop-or-paste? "" (state/get-editor-command-trigger))
:restore? true})
(reset! *asset-uploading? false)
(reset! *asset-uploading-process 0))
(fn [e]
(let [process (* (/ (gobj/get e "loaded")
(gobj/get e "total"))
(reset! *asset-uploading? false)
(reset! *asset-uploading-process process)))))))))
(reset! *asset-uploading-process 0)))))))
;; Editor should track some useful information, like editor modes.
;; For example:

View File

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[frontend.config :as config]
[frontend.fs :as fs]
[frontend.handler.notification :as notification]
[frontend.image :as image]
[frontend.state :as state]
[frontend.util :as util]
@ -51,46 +50,3 @@
(js/console.dir error))))))
(catch :default _e
(defn request-presigned-url
[file filename mime-type uploading? url-handler on-processing]
(> (gobj/get file "size") (* 12 1024 1024))
(notification/show! [:p "Sorry, we don't support any file that's larger than 12MB."] :error)
(reset! uploading? true)
;; start uploading?
(util/post (str config/api "presigned_url")
{:filename filename
:mime-type mime-type}
(fn [{:keys [presigned-url s3-object-key] :as resp}]
(if presigned-url
(util/upload presigned-url
(fn [_result]
;; request cdn signed url
(util/post (str config/api "signed_url")
{:s3-object-key s3-object-key}
(fn [{:keys [signed-url]}]
(reset! uploading? false)
(if signed-url
(url-handler signed-url)
(prn "Something error, can't get a valid signed url.")))
(fn [_error]
(reset! uploading? false)
(prn "Something error, can't get a valid signed url."))))
(fn [error]
(reset! uploading? false)
(prn "upload failed.")
(js/console.dir error))
(fn [e]
(on-processing e)))
;; TODO: notification, or re-try
(reset! uploading? false)
(prn "failed to get any presigned url, resp: " resp))))
(fn [_error]
;; (prn "Get token failed, error: " error)
(reset! uploading? false))))))

View File

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
(ns frontend.image
"Image related utility fns"
(:require ["/frontend/exif" :as exif]
[clojure.string :as string]
[ :as date]
[goog.object :as gobj]))
(defn reverse?
@ -70,19 +68,3 @@
(.createObjectURL (or (.-URL js/window)
(.-webkitURL js/window))
;; (defn build-image
;; []
;; (let [img (js/Image.)]
;; ))
(defn upload
[files file-handler & {:keys [files-limit]
:or {files-limit 1}}]
(doseq [file (take files-limit (array-seq files))]
(let [file-type (gobj/get file "type")
ymd (->> (vals (date/year-month-day-padded))
(string/join "_"))
file-name (str ymd "_" (gobj/get file "name"))]
(when (= 0 (.indexOf file-type "image/"))
(file-handler file file-name file-type)))))

View File

@ -201,6 +201,11 @@
(string/ends-with? %))
[".png" ".jpg" ".jpeg" ".bmp" ".gif" ".webp" ".svg"]))
(defn ext-of-video? [s]
(some #(-> (string/lower-case s)
(string/ends-with? %))
[".mp4" ".mkv" ".mov" ".wmv" ".avi" ".webm" ".mpg" ".ts" ".ogg" ".flv"]))
;; ".lg:absolute.lg:inset-y-0.lg:right-0.lg:w-1/2"
(defn hiccup->class
@ -223,29 +228,6 @@
(.then #(on-ok %)))
(on-failed resp)))))))))
(defn upload
[url file on-ok on-failed on-progress]
(let [xhr (js/XMLHttpRequest.)]
(.open xhr "put" url)
(gobj/set xhr "onload" on-ok)
(gobj/set xhr "onerror" on-failed)
(when (and (gobj/get xhr "upload")
(gobj/set (gobj/get xhr "upload")
(.send xhr file))))
(defn post
[url body on-ok on-failed]
(fetch url {:method "post"
:headers {:Content-Type "application/json"}
:body (js/JSON.stringify (clj->js body))}
(defn zero-pad
(if (< n 10)