fix(sync): update rsapi, add graph-uuid to all fn

Andelf 2022-09-20 12:03:59 +08:00
parent c6ff4e8084
commit dfbb42a1b3
4 changed files with 25 additions and 31 deletions

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"https-proxy-agent": "5.0.0",
"@sentry/electron": "2.5.1",
"posthog-js": "1.10.2",
"@logseq/rsapi": "0.0.38",
"@logseq/rsapi": "0.0.44",
"electron-deeplink": "1.0.10",
"abort-controller": "3.0.0"

View File

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
(defn key-gen [] (rsapi/keygen))
(defn set-env [env private-key public-key]
(rsapi/setEnv env private-key public-key))
(defn set-env [graph-uuid env private-key public-key]
(rsapi/setEnv graph-uuid env private-key public-key))
(defn get-local-files-meta [graph-uuid base-path file-paths]
(rsapi/getLocalFilesMeta graph-uuid base-path (clj->js file-paths)))
@ -27,17 +27,14 @@
(defn delete-remote-files [graph-uuid base-path file-paths txid token]
(rsapi/deleteRemoteFiles graph-uuid base-path (clj->js file-paths) txid token))
(defn update-remote-file [graph-uuid base-path file-path txid token]
(rsapi/updateRemoteFile graph-uuid base-path file-path txid token))
(defn update-remote-files [graph-uuid base-path file-paths txid token]
(rsapi/updateRemoteFiles graph-uuid base-path (clj->js file-paths) txid token true))
(defn encrypt-fnames [fnames]
(mapv rsapi/encryptFname fnames))
(defn encrypt-fnames [graph-uuid fnames]
(rsapi/encryptFnames graph-uuid (clj->js fnames)))
(defn decrypt-fnames [fnames]
(mapv rsapi/decryptFname fnames))
(defn decrypt-fnames [graph-uuid fnames]
(rsapi/decryptFnames graph-uuid (clj->js fnames)))
(defn encrypt-with-passphrase [passphrase data]
(rsapi/ageEncryptWithPassphrase passphrase data))

View File

@ -564,9 +564,6 @@
(defmethod handle :delete-remote-files [_ args]
(apply rsapi/delete-remote-files (rest args)))
(defmethod handle :update-remote-file [_ args]
(apply rsapi/update-remote-file (rest args)))
(defmethod handle :update-remote-files [_ args]
(apply rsapi/update-remote-files (rest args)))

View File

@ -634,7 +634,7 @@
(defprotocol IRSAPI
(rsapi-ready? [this graph-uuid] "return true when rsapi ready")
(<key-gen [this] "generate public+private keys")
(<set-env [this prod? private-key public-key graph-uuid] "set environment")
(<set-env [this graph-uuid prod? private-key public-key] "set environment")
(<get-local-files-meta [this graph-uuid base-path filepaths] "get local files' metadata")
(<get-local-all-files-meta [this graph-uuid base-path] "get all local files' metadata")
(<rename-local-file [this graph-uuid base-path from to])
@ -643,8 +643,8 @@
(<delete-local-files [this graph-uuid base-path filepaths])
(<update-remote-files [this graph-uuid base-path filepaths local-txid] "local -> remote, return err or txid")
(<delete-remote-files [this graph-uuid base-path filepaths local-txid] "return err or txid")
(<encrypt-fnames [this fnames])
(<decrypt-fnames [this fnames]))
(<encrypt-fnames [this graph-uuid fnames])
(<decrypt-fnames [this graph-uuid fnames]))
(defprotocol IRemoteAPI
(<user-info [this] "user info")
@ -720,13 +720,13 @@
(rsapi-ready? [_ graph-uuid] (and (= graph-uuid graph-uuid') private-key' public-key'))
(<key-gen [_] (go (js->clj (<! (p->c (ipc/ipc "key-gen")))
:keywordize-keys true)))
(<set-env [_ prod? private-key public-key graph-uuid]
(<set-env [_ graph-uuid prod? private-key public-key]
(when (not-empty private-key)
(print (util/format "[%s] setting sync age-encryption passphrase..." graph-uuid)))
(set! graph-uuid' graph-uuid)
(set! private-key' private-key)
(set! public-key' public-key)
(p->c (ipc/ipc "set-env" (if prod? "prod" "dev") private-key public-key)))
(p->c (ipc/ipc "set-env" graph-uuid (if prod? "prod" "dev") private-key public-key)))
(<get-local-all-files-meta [_ graph-uuid base-path]
(let [r (<! (<retry-rsapi #(p->c (ipc/ipc "get-local-all-files-meta" graph-uuid base-path))))]
@ -781,9 +781,9 @@
#(p->c (ipc/ipc "delete-remote-files" graph-uuid base-path filepaths local-txid token)))))))
(<encrypt-fnames [_ fnames] (go (js->clj (<! (p->c (ipc/ipc "encrypt-fnames" fnames))))))
(<decrypt-fnames [_ fnames] (go
(let [r (<! (p->c (ipc/ipc "decrypt-fnames" fnames)))]
(<encrypt-fnames [_ graph-uuid fnames] (go (js->clj (<! (p->c (ipc/ipc "encrypt-fnames" graph-uuid fnames))))))
(<decrypt-fnames [_ graph-uuid fnames] (go
(let [r (<! (p->c (ipc/ipc "decrypt-fnames" graph-uuid fnames)))]
(if (instance? ExceptionInfo r)
(ex-info "decrypt-failed" {:fnames fnames} (ex-cause r))
(js->clj r))))))
@ -806,7 +806,7 @@
(go (let [r (<! (p->c (.keygen mobile-util/file-sync #js {})))]
(-> r
(js->clj :keywordize-keys true)))))
(<set-env [_ prod? secret-key public-key graph-uuid]
(<set-env [_ graph-uuid prod? secret-key public-key]
(set! graph-uuid' graph-uuid)
(set! private-key secret-key)
(set! public-key' public-key)
@ -899,14 +899,14 @@
(get (js->clj r) "txid")))))
(<encrypt-fnames [_ fnames]
(<encrypt-fnames [_ _graph-uuid fnames]
(let [r (<! (p->c (.encryptFnames mobile-util/file-sync
(clj->js {:filePaths fnames}))))]
(if (instance? ExceptionInfo r)
(.-cause r)
(get (js->clj r) "value")))))
(<decrypt-fnames [_ fnames]
(<decrypt-fnames [_ _graph-uuid fnames]
(go (let [r (<! (p->c (.decryptFnames mobile-util/file-sync
(clj->js {:filePaths fnames}))))]
(if (instance? ExceptionInfo r)
@ -1107,7 +1107,7 @@
(let [file-meta-list* (persistent! file-meta-list)
encrypted-path-list* (persistent! encrypted-path-list)
path-list-or-exp (<! (<decrypt-fnames rsapi encrypted-path-list*))]
path-list-or-exp (<! (<decrypt-fnames rsapi graph-uuid encrypted-path-list*))]
(if (instance? ExceptionInfo path-list-or-exp)
(let [encrypted-path->path-map (zipmap encrypted-path-list* path-list-or-exp)]
@ -1124,12 +1124,12 @@
(<get-remote-files-meta [this graph-uuid filepaths]
{:pre [(coll? filepaths)]}
(let [encrypted-paths* (<! (<encrypt-fnames rsapi filepaths))
(let [encrypted-paths* (<! (<encrypt-fnames rsapi graph-uuid filepaths))
r (<! (.<request this "get_files_meta" {:GraphUUID graph-uuid :Files encrypted-paths*}))]
(if (instance? ExceptionInfo r)
(let [encrypted-paths (mapv :FilePath r)
paths-or-exp (<! (<decrypt-fnames rsapi encrypted-paths))]
paths-or-exp (<! (<decrypt-fnames rsapi graph-uuid encrypted-paths))]
(if (instance? ExceptionInfo paths-or-exp)
(let [encrypted-path->path-map (zipmap encrypted-paths paths-or-exp)]
@ -1152,7 +1152,7 @@
(<get-remote-file-versions [this graph-uuid filepath]
(let [encrypted-path (first (<! (<encrypt-fnames rsapi [filepath])))]
(let [encrypted-path (first (<! (<encrypt-fnames rsapi graph-uuid [filepath])))]
(<! (.<request this "get_file_version_list" {:GraphUUID graph-uuid :File encrypted-path})))))
(<list-remote-graphs [this]
@ -1168,7 +1168,7 @@
(<! (<decrypt-fnames rsapi encrypted-paths)))
(<! (<decrypt-fnames rsapi graph-uuid encrypted-paths)))
(fn [txn] (update txn :path #(get encrypted-path->path-map %)))
@ -1205,7 +1205,7 @@
(<! (<decrypt-fnames rsapi encrypted-paths)))
(<! (<decrypt-fnames rsapi graph-uuid encrypted-paths)))
(fn [txn]
@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@
(let [{:keys [private-key public-key]} (get @pwd-map graph-uuid)]
(assert (and private-key public-key) (pr-str :private-key private-key :public-key public-key
:pwd-map @pwd-map))
(<set-env rsapi prod? private-key public-key graph-uuid)))
(<set-env rsapi graph-uuid prod? private-key public-key)))
(defn- <ensure-set-env&keys
[graph-uuid *stopped?]