fix(ui): remove plugin ui items manager from pagebar

charlie 2022-07-06 11:05:19 +08:00 committed by Tienson Qin
parent 385113f535
commit e008766d2b
1 changed files with 13 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -855,26 +855,31 @@
"type of :toolbar, :pagebar"
[_state type]
(when (state/sub [:plugin/installed-ui-items])
(let [pinned-items (state/sub [:plugin/preferences :pinnedToolbarItems])
(let [toolbar? (= :toolbar type)
pinned-items (state/sub [:plugin/preferences :pinnedToolbarItems])
pinned-items (and (sequential? pinned-items) (into #{} pinned-items))
items (state/get-plugins-ui-items-with-type type)
items (sort-by #(:key (second %)) items)]
(when-let [items (and (seq items)
(if toolbar?
(map #(assoc-in % [1 :pinned?]
(let [[_ {:keys [key]} pid] %
pkey (str (name pid) ":" key)]
(contains? pinned-items pkey)))
[:div {:class (str "ui-items-container")
:data-type (name type)}
(conj (for [[_ {:keys [key pinned?] :as opts} pid] items]
(when (or (not (set? pinned-items)) pinned?)
(when (or (not toolbar?)
(not (set? pinned-items)) pinned?)
(rum/with-key (ui-item-renderer pid type opts) key))))
;; manage plugin buttons
(toolbar-plugins-manager-list items)]))))
(when toolbar?
(toolbar-plugins-manager-list items))]))))
(rum/defcs hook-ui-fenced-code < rum/reactive
[_state content {:keys [render edit] :as _opts}]