improve swipe condition

llcc 2022-05-24 13:49:46 +08:00
parent 9cc7517758
commit e05af8b914
1 changed files with 6 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -188,16 +188,15 @@
(> (. js/Math abs dx) 10))
(let [left (gdom/getElement (str "block-left-menu-" uuid))
right (gdom/getElement (str "block-right-menu-" uuid))]
(= direction :right)
(reset! *show-left-menu? true)
(when left
(when (>= 55 dx 0)
(when (>= dx 0)
(set! (.. left -style -width) (str dx "px")))
(when (> 0 dx -55)
(when (< dx 0)
(set! (.. left -style -width) (str (max (+ 50 dx) 0) "px")))
(let [indent (gdom/getFirstElementChild left)]
@ -210,15 +209,13 @@
(reset! *show-right-menu? true)
(when right
(when (<= -85 dx 0)
(when (<= dx 0)
(set! (.. right -style -width) (str (- dx) "px")))
(when (> 85 dx 0)
(set! (.. right -style -width) (str (max (- 80 dx) 0) "px")))
(when (> dx 0)
(set! (.. right -style -width) (str (max (- 80 dx) 0) "px")))
(let [outdent (gdom/getFirstElementChild right)
more (gdom/getLastElementChild right)]
(when (outdentable? block)
(if (and (>= (.-clientWidth right) 40)
(< (.-clientWidth right) 80))