enhance(dev): extend fast kondo lint to run across all kondo dirs

Gabriel Horner 2024-08-21 21:43:12 -04:00
parent 9779c59874
commit e16c880280
1 changed files with 18 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -22,18 +22,25 @@
(shell cmd))) (shell cmd)))
(defn kondo-git-changes (defn kondo-git-changes
"Run clj-kondo only for files that git diff detects as changed and unstaged" "Run clj-kondo across dirs and only for files that git diff detects as unstaged changes"
[] []
(let [files (->> (shell {:out :string} "git diff --name-only") (let [kondo-dirs ["src" "deps/common" "deps/db" "deps/graph-parser" "deps/outliner" "deps/publishing"]
:out dir-regex (re-pattern (str "^(" (string/join "|" kondo-dirs) ")"))
string/split-lines dir-to-files (->> (shell {:out :string} "git diff --name-only")
(filter #(string/starts-with? % "src")))] :out
(if (seq files) string/split-lines
(let [cmd (str "clj-kondo --lint " (string/join " " files)) (group-by #(first (re-find dir-regex %)))
_ (println cmd) ;; remove files that aren't in a kondo dir
res (apply shell {:continue :true} "clj-kondo --lint" files)] ((fn [x] (dissoc x nil))))]
(System/exit (:exit res))) (if (seq dir-to-files)
(println "No files have changed to lint.")))) (doseq [[dir* files*] dir-to-files]
(let [dir (if (= dir* "src") "." dir*)
files (mapv #(string/replace-first % (str dir "/") "") files*)
cmd (str "cd " dir " && clj-kondo --lint " (string/join " " files))
_ (println cmd)
res (apply shell {:dir dir :continue :true} "clj-kondo --lint" files)]
(when (pos? (:exit res)) (System/exit (:exit res)))))
(println "No files have changed to lint."))))
(defn- validate-frontend-not-in-worker (defn- validate-frontend-not-in-worker
[] []