enhance(mobile): set up Logseq sync when create a logseq sync graph

charlie 2022-11-06 16:12:24 +08:00
parent 0dc6145391
commit e213f2a7fd
4 changed files with 39 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -205,7 +205,7 @@
;; password strength checker
(when-not (string/blank? @*password)
(let [included-set (set (:contains pw-strength))]
(for [i ["lowercase" "uppercase" "number" "symbol"]
:let [included? (contains? included-set i)]]

View File

@ -461,8 +461,12 @@
@apply flex-nowrap md:flex-wrap;
background-color: var(--ls-primary-background-color);
&.strength-wrap {
@apply flex-wrap;
.strength-item {
@apply flex items-center leading-none opacity-60 mr-2;
@apply whitespace-nowrap flex items-center leading-none opacity-60;
.ti {
@apply scale-75;

View File

@ -59,9 +59,19 @@
(-> (validate-graph-dirname root graph-name)
(p/then (fn [graph-path]
(-> (fs/mkdir! graph-path)
(p/then (fn []
(web-nfs/ls-dir-files-with-path! graph-path opts)
(notification/show! (str "Create graph: " graph-name) :success))))))
(fn []
graph-path (merge
(fn []
(when logseq-sync-on?
(state/pub-event! [:sync/create-remote-graph (state/get-current-repo)])))}
(notification/show! (str "Create graph: " graph-name) :success))))))
(p/catch (fn [^js e]
(notification/show! (str e) :error)
(js/console.error e)))
@ -112,20 +122,22 @@
;; step 1
{:auto-focus true
:ref *input-ref
:placeholder "What's the graph name?"}]
(when logged?
(toggle-item {:title "Logseq sync"
:on? logseq-sync-on?}))
(when logged?
(toggle-item {:title "Logseq sync"
:on? logseq-sync-on?
:on-toggle #(set-sync-mode! (if % :logseq-sync (if native-icloud? :icloud-sync nil)))}))
(when (and native-icloud? (not logseq-sync-on?))
(toggle-item {:title "iCloud sync"
:on? icloud-sync-on?
:on-toggle #(set-sync-mode! (if % :icloud-sync nil))}))
(when (and native-icloud? (not logseq-sync-on?))
(toggle-item {:title "iCloud sync"
:on? icloud-sync-on?
:on-toggle #(set-sync-mode! (if % :icloud-sync nil))}))]
(ui/button [:span.flex.items-center

View File

@ -202,7 +202,14 @@ html.is-zoomed-native-ios {
.cp__graph-picker {
button.toggle-item {
@apply opacity-90 hover:text-inherit;
opacity: .5;
background: transparent !important;
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;
&:hover {
color: inherit;
opacity: .5;
.ui__icon {
@apply scale-150;
@ -223,7 +230,7 @@ html.is-zoomed-native-ios {
align-items: center;
.ui__modal-panel {
transform: translate3d(0, -70px, 0);
transform: translate3d(0, -78px, 0);
.panel-content {
@ -231,7 +238,7 @@ html.is-zoomed-native-ios {
.cp__graph-picker {
padding: 58px 20px 26px 20px;
padding: 58px 20px 20px 20px;
background: var(--ls-search-background-color);
> h1 {