Ben Yorke 2023-09-25 16:21:41 +02:00
parent 2ee777ae97
commit e3407138cd
3 changed files with 56 additions and 29 deletions

View File

@ -31,13 +31,13 @@
(for [key shortcut]
(case key
"cmd" (icon/root "command")
"shift" (icon/root "arrow-big-top")
"return" (icon/root "arrow-back")
"cmd" [:div "⌘"]
"shift" [:div "⇧"]
"return" [:div "↵"]
"esc" [:div.tracking-tightest {:style {:transform "scaleX(0.8) scaleY(1.2) "
:font-size "0.5rem"
:font-weight "500"}} "ESC"]
(.toUpperCase key))]))]))

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
.shui__button__tile-separator {
@apply w-px h-full bg-white/10;
@apply w-px h-full bg-gray-08-alpha;
.shui__button-theme-text {
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
.shui__button-theme-gray {
background: or(--lx-gray-05, --ls-quaternary-background);
background: or(--lx-gray-06-alpha, --ls-quaternary-background);
.shui__button-theme-gray:hover {
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
.shui__button-shortcut-key {
@apply text-xs font-normal bg-white/10 h-5 w-5 flex items-center justify-center rounded;
@apply text-xs font-normal h-5 w-5 flex items-center justify-center rounded bg-gray-06-alpha;
.shui__cmdk-quick-capture-glow::before {

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
[rum.core :as rum]))
;; When CMDK opens, we have some default search actions we make avaialbe for quick access
(def default-search-actions
@ -112,7 +112,9 @@
(map #(hash-map :icon (if (= :page (:type %)) "page" "history")
:icon-theme :gray
:text (:data %)
:source-recent %)))
:source-recent %
:source-page (when (= :page (:type %)) (:data %))
:source-search (when (= :search (:type %)) (:data %)))))
command-items (->> (cp-handler/top-commands 1000)
(map #(hash-map :icon "command"
:icon-theme :gray
@ -236,7 +238,9 @@
:icon-theme :gray
; :header (when-let [page-name])
:text (:data %)
:source-recent %)))]
:source-recent %
:source-page (when (= :page (:type %)) (:data %))
:source-search (when (= :search (:type %)) (:data %)))))]
(swap! !results assoc group {:status :success :items items}))))
; (swap! !results assoc group {:status :success :items recent-items})))
@ -310,6 +314,21 @@
(editor-handler/open-block-in-sidebar! block-uuid)
(close-unless-alt! state)))
(defmethod handle-action :open [_ state event]
(js/console.log "open" (some-> state state->highlighted-item clj->js))
(when-let [item (some-> state state->highlighted-item)]
(let [shift? @(::shift? state)
page? (boolean (:source-page item))
block? (boolean (:source-block item))
search? (boolean (:source-search item))]
(js/console.log "open" page? block? search? shift?)
(and shift? block?) (handle-action :open-block-right state event)
(and shift? page?) (handle-action :open-page-right state event)
search? (js/alert "TODO: implement search autofill")
block? (handle-action :open-block state event)
page? (handle-action :open-page state event)))))
(defmethod handle-action :trigger [_ state event]
(when-let [action (some-> state state->highlighted-item :source-command :action)]
@ -350,7 +369,7 @@
(.indexOf items highlighted-item))
(when (< (dec GROUP-LIMIT) (.indexOf items highlighted-item))
(reset! (::highlighted-item state) (nth items 4 nil))))]
[:div {:class ""}
[:div {:class "border-b border-gray-07"}
[:div {:class "text-xs py-1.5 px-6 flex justify-between items-center gap-2 text-gray-11 bg-gray-02"}
[:div {:class "font-bold text-gray-11"} title]
(when (not= group :create)
@ -390,6 +409,7 @@
:pages (reset! (::actions state) [:close :copy-page-ref :open-page-right :open-page])
:blocks (reset! (::actions state) [:close :copy-block-ref :open-block-right :open-block])
:create (reset! (::actions state) [:close :create])
:recents (reset! (::actions state) [:close :open])
(reset! (::actions state) [:close]))))
@ -431,9 +451,9 @@
"ArrowDown" (move-highlight state 1)
"ArrowUp" (move-highlight state -1)
"Enter" (if shift?
(when-let [action (some #{:open-block-right :open-page-right} @(::actions state))]
(when-let [action (some #{:open-block-right :open-page-right :open} @(::actions state))]
(handle-action action state e))
(when-let [action (some #{:open-block :open-page :filter :trigger :create} @(::actions state))]
(when-let [action (some #{:open-block :open-page :filter :trigger :create :open} @(::actions state))]
(handle-action action state e)))
"Escape" (when (seq @(::input state))
(.preventDefault e)
@ -496,25 +516,28 @@
(str "Search " (name group))))
(rum/defc filter-row [state filter]
[:div {:class "py-3 border-b flex flex-col gap-2"
:style {:background "var(--lx-gray-02)"
:border-color "var(--lx-gray-07)"}}
[:div {:class "pt-3 border-b flex flex-col gap-2 bg-gray-02 border-gray-07"
:style {:height (- FILTER-ROW-HEIGHT 4)}}
[:div {:class "text-xs font-bold px-6"} "Filters"]
[:div {:class "flex items-center gap-2"}
[:div {:class "w-4 h-1"}]
[:div {:class "flex items-center gap-2 overflow-x-auto pb-3"}
[:div {:class "w-4 h-1 shrink-0"}]
(for [group [:recents :commands :pages :whiteboards :blocks]]
(if (= (:group filter) group)
[:div {:class "text-xs py-0.5 px-1.5 rounded bg-accent-06 hover:bg-accent-07 hover:cursor-pointer"
:on-click #(swap! (::filter state) dissoc :group)}
(if (or (nil? (:group filter)) (= (:group filter) group))
[:div {:class "text-xs py-0.5 px-1.5 rounded bg-gray-07 hover:bg-gray-08 hover:cursor-pointer shrink-0"
:on-click (if (= (:group filter) group)
#(swap! (::filter state) dissoc :group)
#(swap! (::filter state) assoc :group group))}
(print-group-name group)]
[:div {:class "text-xs py-0.5 px-1.5 rounded bg-gray-06 hover:bg-gray-07 hover:cursor-pointer"
[:div {:class "text-xs py-0.5 px-1.5 rounded bg-gray-06 hover:bg-gray-07 opacity-50 hover:opacity-75 hover:cursor-pointer shrink-0"
:on-click #(swap! (::filter state) assoc :group group)}
(print-group-name group)]))]])
(print-group-name group)]))
[:div {:class "w-2 h-1 shrink-0"}]]])
(rum/defc input-row
[state all-items]
(let [highlighted-item @(::highlighted-item state)
input @(::input state)]
input @(::input state)
input-ref (::input-ref state)]
;; use-effect [results-ordered input] to check whether the highlighted item is still in the results,
;; if not then clear that puppy out!
;; This was moved to a fucntional component
@ -525,12 +548,15 @@
(rum/use-effect! (fn []
(load-results :default state))
(rum/use-effect! (fn []
(js/setTimeout #(when (some-> input-ref deref) (.focus @input-ref)) 0))
[:div {:class ""
:style {:background "var(--lx-gray-02)"
:border-bottom "1px solid var(--lx-gray-07)"}}
[:input {:class "text-xl bg-transparent border-none w-full outline-none px-4 py-3"
:placeholder "What are you looking for?"
:ref #(when % (.focus %))
:ref #(reset! input-ref %)
:on-change (partial handle-input-change state)
:value input}]]))
@ -548,6 +574,7 @@
(rum/local nil ::load-results-throttled)
(rum/local [:close :filter] ::actions)
(rum/local nil ::scroll-container-ref)
(rum/local nil ::input-ref)
{:did-mount (fn [state]
(let [next-keydown-handler (partial keydown-handler state)
next-keyup-handler (partial keyup-handler state)]
@ -597,7 +624,6 @@
(input-row state all-items)
[:div {:class (str "grid" (if preview? " grid-cols-2" " grid-cols-1"))}
[:div {:class "pt-1 overflow-y-auto h-96"
:id "bendy"
:ref #(when % (some-> state ::scroll-container-ref (reset! %)))
:style {:background "var(--lx-gray-02)"}}
(filter-row state filter)
@ -606,7 +632,7 @@
:when (if-not group-filter true (= group-filter group-key))]
(result-group state group-name group-key group-items first-item))]
(when preview?
[:div {:class "h-96 overflow-y-auto"}
[:div {:class "h-96 overflow-y-auto bg-gray-01 dark:bg-gray-02 border-l border-gray-07"}
(:source-page highlighted-item)
(page-preview state highlighted-item)
@ -631,8 +657,8 @@
:let [on-click (partial handle-action action state)
str-alt #(if alt? (str % " (keep open)") %)]
:when (if shift?
(#{:open-page-right :open-block-right :trigger :filter :close} action)
(#{:open-page :open-block :copy-page-ref :copy-block-ref :trigger :filter :close :create} action))]
(#{:open-page-right :open-block-right :trigger :filter :close :open} action)
(#{:open-page :open-block :copy-page-ref :copy-block-ref :trigger :filter :close :create :open} action))]
(case action
:copy-page-ref (shui/button {:text (str-alt "Copy") :theme :gray :on-click on-click :shortcut ["cmd" "c"]} (make-shui-context))
:copy-block-ref (shui/button {:text (str-alt "Copy") :theme :gray :on-click on-click :shortcut ["cmd" "c"]} (make-shui-context))
@ -640,6 +666,7 @@
:open-page (shui/button {:text (str-alt "Open") :theme :color :on-click on-click :shortcut ["return"]} (make-shui-context))
:open-block-right (shui/button {:text (str-alt "Open in sidebar") :theme :color :on-click on-click :shortcut ["return"]} (make-shui-context))
:open-block (shui/button {:text (str-alt "Open page") :theme :color :on-click on-click :shortcut ["return"]} (make-shui-context))
:open (shui/button {:text (str-alt "Open") :theme :color :on-click on-click :shortcut ["return"]} (make-shui-context))
:trigger (shui/button {:text (str-alt "Trigger") :theme :color :on-click on-click :shortcut ["return"]} (make-shui-context))
:create (shui/button {:text "Create" :theme :color :on-click on-click :shortcut ["return"]} (make-shui-context))
:close (shui/button {:text "Close" :theme :text :on-click on-click} (make-shui-context))