fix: copy block ref for db graphs

Copy block embed has been disabled for now, it needs to be fixed first.
Tienson Qin 2024-07-22 22:01:21 +08:00
parent d84639a655
commit e3723141fa
2 changed files with 49 additions and 28 deletions

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
[goog.object :as gobj]
[logseq.common.util :as common-util]
[logseq.common.util.block-ref :as block-ref]
[ :as page-ref]
[promesa.core :as p]
[rum.core :as rum]
[logseq.db :as ldb]))
@ -36,7 +37,8 @@
(rum/defc custom-context-menu-content
(let [repo (state/get-current-repo)]
(let [repo (state/get-current-repo)
db-based? (config/db-based-graph? repo)]
(ui/menu-background-color #(property-handler/batch-set-block-property! repo
@ -86,10 +88,11 @@
:on-click editor-handler/copy-block-refs}
(t :content/copy-block-ref))
(when-not db-based?
{:key "copy block embeds"
:on-click editor-handler/copy-block-embeds}
(t :content/copy-block-emebed))
(t :content/copy-block-emebed)))
@ -226,14 +229,19 @@
{:key "Copy block ref"
:on-click (fn [_e]
(editor-handler/copy-block-ref! block-id block-ref/->block-ref))}
(editor-handler/copy-block-ref! block-id
(if db? page-ref/->page-ref block-ref/->block-ref)))}
(t :content/copy-block-ref))
(when-not db?
{:key "Copy block embed"
:on-click (fn [_e]
(editor-handler/copy-block-ref! block-id #(util/format "{{embed ((%s))}}" %)))}
(t :content/copy-block-emebed))
(editor-handler/copy-block-ref! block-id
(if db?
#(util/format "{{embed ((%s))}}" %))))}
(t :content/copy-block-emebed)))
;; TODO Logseq protocol mobile support
(when (util/electron?)

View File

@ -1034,11 +1034,13 @@
block (db/entity [:block/uuid (:id first-block)])
copy-str (some->> adjusted-blocks
(map (fn [{:keys [id level]}]
(if (config/db-based-graph? (state/get-current-repo))
(str (string/join (repeat (dec level) "\t")) "- " (page-ref/->page-ref id))
(condp = (:block/format block)
(str (string/join (repeat level "*")) " " (block-ref/->block-ref id))
(str (string/join (repeat (dec level) "\t")) "- " (block-ref/->block-ref id)))))
(str (string/join (repeat (dec level) "\t")) "- " (block-ref/->block-ref id))))))
(string/join "\n\n"))]
(set-blocks-id! (map :id blocks))
(util/copy-to-clipboard! copy-str))))
@ -1049,9 +1051,13 @@
(let [ids (->> (distinct (map #(when-let [id (dom/attr % "blockid")]
(uuid id)) blocks))
(remove nil?))
ids-str (some->> ids
ids-str (if (config/db-based-graph? (state/get-current-repo))
(some->> ids
(map (fn [id] (block-ref/->block-ref id)))
(string/join "\n\n"))
(some->> ids
(map (fn [id] (util/format "{{embed ((%s))}}" id)))
(string/join "\n\n"))]
(string/join "\n\n")))]
(set-blocks-id! ids)
(util/copy-to-clipboard! ids-str))))
@ -3145,9 +3151,16 @@
(when-let [current-block (state/get-edit-block)]
(when-let [block-id (:block/uuid current-block)]
(let [db? (config/db-based-graph? (state/get-current-repo))]
(if (= format "embed")
(copy-block-ref! block-id #(str "{{embed ((" % "))}}"))
(copy-block-ref! block-id block-ref/->block-ref)))))
(copy-block-ref! block-id
(if db?
#(str "{{embed ((" % "))}}")))
(copy-block-ref! block-id
(if db?
(defn copy-current-block-embed []
(copy-current-block-ref "embed"))